HELLO, Readers!

I am back for this story. Sorry it has taken so long. I've been writing my new stories and kind of forgot about these others ones especially with my new story SARAH MARIE CULLEN. I hope you read it. Please read and review!

Chapter four

Severus held baby Harry close to him as he quieted the one year old and soon Baby Harry was asleep with his head on Severus's shoulder. Severus entered his quarters and went down the hall to see if there was a room for Baby Harry. Sure enough, three doors down and across from his rooms was a nursery with Harry's name on it. The room had a little zoo theme with bright blue walls. The crib and changing table had moving baby animals on it. In blue crib there was a stuffed baby dog, wolf, and snake. Severus laid Baby Harry in the crib and let him sleep a little bit more. He continued to check out the room looking to see if there was anything he would need for Baby Harry while he looked for a solution to changing him back to the thirteen year old that he was.

Severus sighed with relief when he realized that everything was there. After charming the room so he was alerted when Baby Harry awoke he went across the hall to his room to take a shower and change into his teaching robes for the day. He then went to mini kitchen in his quarters to see what he had for Baby Harry when he woke in the middle of the night. He found several cans of Baby Formula and about twenty baby bottles. About an hour later Baby Harry awoke once more and demanded to be held.


"Please." Severus said

"UP!" Baby Harry demanded again.

Severus sighed and picked him up. After getting Baby Harry dressed for the day, Severus made his way towards Minerva's quarters once more only this time he concealed Baby Harry inside his robes but charmed them so Baby Harry could see where he was going.


While Severus was getting Baby Harry settled into his new room, Albus and Minerva had gathered Remus, Hermione and the entire Weasley family in Minerva's quarters.

"It there as reason we are here, Albus?" Arthur asked.

"Yes. There is an important matter that Minerva and I wish to discuss with you all." Albus said.

"Does this concern Harry, Professor? If it does shouldn't he be here as well?" Hermione asked.

"It does and Severus will be bringing him in a little while but first there is something you children should now, Bill, Charlie I don't think you know this either." Albus said looking at the two oldest Weasley children.

"First off you all should know that Albus and I are married and that we have three children."

"HA! Bill you owe me twenty Gallons." Charlie said with triumph.

"You boys made a bet?" Albus asked.

"After my second year I started to notice just how close the two of you were. I told Bill and he said it wasn't true. So we made a bet. I bet him ten Gallons that if he could prove that you too weren't together then the bet would double and I would have to give him double." Charlie said.

"And I did the same with Charlie, except that I told him that he had to prove it. So you don't win. I will however, dear brother, give you ten gallons for being correct." Bill said.

"Fair enough." Charlie said and the two boys shook hands.

"And I wondered where the twins got there betting games from." Molly said.

"We learned from the best, Mother dearest." Fred/George said.

"Well, now that that is out of the way, let's continue on with our discussion." Albus said.

"If I may, Professor, I'd like to take a guess as to who one of your children is?" Hermione asked.

"Of course, Miss Granger." Minerva said.

"It's you isn't it, Professor Lupin." Hermione said turning to look at the D.A.D.A. Professor.

"Indeed, Miss Granger." Remus said, "When my parents found out that I was different, they decided to move and leave me behind. Albus found out and came out to find me. He and Minerva took me back to my parents. My parents told them that they didn't want anything to do with me. So after a heated discussion on what I was and what special gift I had, my parents agreed to giving me up for adoption. Albus and Minerva agreed to take me in and eventually adopted me. I had been five. They adopted me when I was six. I have been with Albus and Minerva ever since then. They are my mother and father in all but blood. Not many people know. Only a select few know of my birth name and my adopted name." Remus said as there was a knock on the door.

Minerva got up and answered the door. She came back with Severus and Baby Harry.

"Sir, if you don't mind. What is your full name?" Ginny asked.

"I don't mind at all. My full name is Remus Jonathan Brian Lupin McGonagall Dumbledore." Remus said.

"Wow, that's a mouth full." Ron said.

By now Severus had followed Minerva in and was sitting off to the side with Baby Harry sitting quietly on his lap playing with Severus's fingers.

"I'm thinking that Professor Snape is your other child." Ron said.

"Very good, Ronald." Severus said in a soft tune that his students had to do a double take and make sure it really Severus Snape they were in presents to. Severus just smiled. Baby Harry clapped his hands.

"Albus and Minerva adopted me when I was thirteen. My life was a like Harry's. My father starting abusing me when I first started show signs of magic. The first time was when I was three and he was drunk. My mother begged him to stop drinking. He told her off and hit her. That was the first time I saw him hit her. Somehow I made the beers and alcohol disappear. Father was livid. And he came after me. Mother tried her best to keep me out of harms way. And away from father as much as he could. In the end he always won though. I meet Lily on day at the park when we were six. I told she was a witch. She thought that I had insulted her. Once I explained it to her she began to understand. We never told my father. We wanted him to think that she was as normal as he was. He never hurt me when mother or I had friends over. He always waited till everyone was gone.

"Lily was the only one who knew of my home life. You see, my mother had fallen ill that same year, six months later she died. In Mother's will she stated that my father was unfit to be a single parent. The papers she had kept proved that he was. It was then that I told Albus and Minerva about my home life. They went to my father and made him pay for the way he treated me. To this day I still don't know what they did to him, but I never saw him again. They adopted me."

"What's your full name, Professor?" Ron asked.

"Severus Tobias Ryan Snape McGonagall Dumbledore." Severus said.

"Whose your third child, Professor?" Ginny asked looking at Albus.

"Sirius Black." Remus said quietly but was still heard by all.

"SIRIUS BLACK?!" Molly shouted.

"The same Sirius that escaped Azkaban and is now after Harry?" Ron asked in shock.

Baby Harry had been playing with Severus's finger and had been quiet till he heard Molly shout and began to cry. Severus tried to calm Baby Harry. Baby Harry wasn't having it. He clung to Severus as he cried. Severus stood and began to walk around the room with Harry in his arms. Harry calmed and settled in Severus's arms. He cooed and gaed. Albus reached for Harry and Severus pasted Baby Harry to him.

"GA!" Baby Harry shouted as Albus held him.

"Good Morning little one." Albus said.

"Albus, who is that?" Arthur asked.

"This is Harry Potter." Albus said turning Harry to face them.

"AH!" Baby Harry shouted before reaching for Ginny.

"What happened to Harry?" Ron asked.

"Hello, everyone." Came a soft voice from behind them.

They all turned to see Lily's ghost standing there. Severus just stared in shock.

"Lily?" Minerva asked.

"Hello, Minerva. I have come on behalf of the Fates. It has been decided that my son will get a secon chance at a childhood. Albus, leaving my little boy with my sister and her poor excuse of a husband was not a very good way to please the fates or me. James is rather angry that you let this happen, Remus. Minerva, Severus, you both should have tried harder. My time here is short. Harry will be a baby till the new year. That gives you all three months to make up for what you all let happen. Ron, Hermione, Harry is very lucky to have friends like you, please continue to look out for him and make sure he does more then get into trouble, Hermione. I have a felling he's going to want to be like his father and become an Auror. Bill, Charlie, Harry needs Big brothers he can turn to and talk to. Percy, please keep my son from following the twins too much. I think he gets into enough trouble with Hermione, Ron and Ginny. Ginny, sweet Ginny, The fates have a path for you. When Harry is old enough to make decision on his own he will nee his girlfriend by his side. For now, you will be his friend. Molly and Arthur, Thank you for all you've done for harry. He need a motherly role model in his life and I'm glad he has you to turn to. Please watch over him when Severus can't. He's gonna need a lot of help taking care of my little one.

"Albus and Minerva, you've been like parents to James and I. He loves you both so much. Please be the grandparents that Harry needs, even after he is back to his normal age. You're his family now. Remus, the reason that Sirius is coming to Hogwarts is because of Peter. There is more to Ronald's rat then just a common house rat. Severus, please let Harry know how much his mother and father love him. I will be watching. I love you all. Please hand me my baby." Lily said.

Ginny went over to Lily.

"Mama." Baby Harry said as he reached for her.

They all watched as Lily held Harry to her. Harry grabbed hold of her shirt and hair. Lily held Harry to her and softly sang him to sleep. When he was asleep once more Lily kissed his forhead saying, 'Mama loves you.' She place Harry on the sofa and started to fade away. Looking at Severus as she faded she said

"I forgave you long ago, Sevvy. I love you."

Severus stood there in shock for what seemed like for ever but was really only five minutes.