"Stupid fags." That was what Italy heard. That was what had actually woke him up and pay attention for once in the world meeting. He looked up and tried to find the person who said that, and it wasn't too hard; several countries were giving him the death glare.

"S'cuze me?" muttered Sweeden, an angry face forming to cover up his usual scary one. America looked back up.

"I said 'stupid fags'. I don't think we should legalize anything for them, it's unnatural, it's against God's word, and it's just wrong. I'm tired of them always going on for Gay Rights, it's annoying, just like them, and it pisses the hell outta' me." Scoffed America back. Russia nodded his head in agreement.

"Now this is something I can agree with America on, Da?" Russia said, cheerfully. "We allow it to be legal for them to even exist and yet they beg for more rights? It's just sic," but Russia was cut off from the sound of a scooting chair. Sweeden had stood up and left the table, walking away.

"What's up with him, aru?" Mumbled China.

"Oi, Sweeden, come back here! Where are you going?" shouted England, irritated.

" 'm leavn'." He said quietly. Everyone looked at him schocked. No one ever left a world meeting, except for something major….like the end of the world, or leaving his scones in the oven (the later could be considered the first).

"You can't just leave, dude! What? Do you defend those stupid homo's and queers?" Sweeden said nothing. He just stood there. "That's what I thought, now sit down." He ordered.

"Sn'ce 2009…" Sweeden muttered. Everyone looked at him, confused at what he said.

"What dude? Speak louder."

"My cn'try has had leg'lized gay m'rage since 2009. N' I myself has s'ported it my whole life." He said, loudly for everyone to hear, and gave America the death glare. USA was shocked, paralyzed. He never expected this, this outbreak. Sweeden gave one more look at the people at the meeting, and then left the room. The meeting remained silent for a while, until another chair could be heard scooting out. This time it was Finland.

"And where do you think you're going, Finny?" Asked Russia, with a cheerful, childlike smile plastered on his face.

"I'm following my husband." He growled, tears gleaming in his eyes slightly. With that, Finland had left the room too. This had caused a sort of 'rebellion' for the rest of the group. The Netherlands was the first to stand up.

"Netherlands….2001." he said, quietly, breathing in his pipe deeply. Other's followed his example.

"Spain! 2005!" He shouted happily, and then death glared America, as most people had started doing.

"France. To be legal in 2013!" he blew a kiss to America and left the room.

"Norway. 2009." He said quietly, leaving the room.

"C..Canada….2005." he mumbled, not that anyone would hear him. This was the first time people had seen him, they looked at him in shock, his brother America just glared him down.

"Belgium. 2003." She stuck out her tongue and left the room.

There was another moment of dead silence, lasting for what seemed hours. Finally, America piped up.

"Is there anyone else who wants to leave, do so now." He said, slowly and under his breath, but loud enough for the remaining people to hear him. For a moment no one budged, then the most unexpected person got up.

"Dude! Romano! Where are you going!" everyone looked at him in shock, especially Italy.

"I'm leaving with Spain." He said quietly.

"Dude, you're Catholic! I doubt you're a homo…"but America was cut off again.

"Romano…no...Lovino fucking Vargas. Since the 16th century, god dammnit!" He left the room. Just like that. "Wait up you tomato bastard!" shouted Romano to Spain. They could be heard in the distance, Spain shouting something happily in Spanish, and Romano angrily shouting back in Italian.

Again with the dead silence. Then China began speaking.

"Aiyah! Now that their gone, lets start the meeting again, America," suggested China. America nodded in agreement and began speaking.

"Alright, dudes. Now we can actually get down to business. We need to find a way to keep our countries safe from the gay-ness of these gays. The more rights we give them, the more they'll ask for, like that book about giving a mouse a cookie…what's it called…?"

"When you give a mouse a cookie?" sighed England.

"Yeah! That one..So now that all the freaks are gone, lets find out how to stop them, and maybe even (if we're lucky) find a way to make them sane again." People agreed with him all around the table, Russia making himself the most obvious, shouting his famous "da!" in agreement.

The only thing that stopped the cheering was a loud snap sound. Everyone looked again, to where the noise came from. A chair was now broken. Someone had just broken off their arm rest.

"Vee…" sighed Italy quietly.

"Italien…are you okay?" asked Germany quietly to his friend sitting next to him. Italy turned to him, tears in his eyes. But this wasn't the usual sobbing his friend did, this was worse. This actually felt emotional, and sad, opposed to his usual crying from fear. Still sitting, the northern half of Italy began speaking.

"Hey America?" he said.


"You say 'unnatural.' But did you know that there are over 1,000 animals that show homosexual or bisexual behaviors? You say wrong, but did you know that being gay or bi or lesbian is something that happens before you're even born? It's not a choice." He began making chocking noises on his sobs.

"Italien, sit down!" Germany said harshly, tugging at Italy's sleeve to pull him back into the broken seat. Italy just ignored him, which surprised everyone.

"And I love Jesus as much as the next Catholic, but that doesn't mean anything about my view on homosexuality. God loves everyone, and that includes gay people, any good Christian knows that America." Everyone looked at Italy in disbelief.

"Italien…don't do it." Italy looked over at his German friend, still sitting in his chair, and giving Italy an expression never seen on Germany before. Sad, confused, hurt. Germany looked close to tears himself.

"Don't say it…please." He whispered, his eyes glued to his friend's. Italy stood up.

"My name is Feliciano Vargas, and I've been gay since the 900's." Italy picked up his brief case which held all his files and information for the meetings, and left the room.

"But…he's always hitting on girls though, hasn't he?" asked Japan, very confused.

"Yeah…but he always has been kinda…off. I guess we should have seen that coming. And France was an obvious one there…I guess you could say the same about Spain too…" said America. "And Canada, I guess I should have seen that one coming too…that pansy…" he said disgustedly.

Germany looked at America with burning anger.

"America! That is your own brother you're talking about! You can't just say that!" Germany thought of his own brother. Even if Prussia became a murderer, rapist, and most horrible person in the world, he still wouldn't be able to say such bad things about him. He is his brother! And America and Canada were brothers, were they not?

"I am not related to any fags, got it Germany?" spat America, pointing his index finger right at Germany.

"You do know that it isn't a choice America? That it's because of genes, hormones and birth order that people are gay?" America laughed. "And that studies show that boys with older brothers tend to be gay?"

"What studies, dude? Probably from some crack homo's making shit up. As usual." Said America, chuckling slightly at the absurdness of what Germany was suggesting.

"Okay how about: the American Medical Association, the American Psychiatric Association, the American Physiological Association, the American Psychoanalytic Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the National Association of Social Workers. All of which are American organizations." At this, America said nothing. Until he came up with a 'good' come back.

"Well I'm the older brother…but you're the younger brother of Prussia, so does that make you gay?" taunted America at Germany. Prussia stood up fast, knocking his chair over in the process.

"Hey! Knock it off, man! My awesome little brother isn't gay! If he was I would know about it, because he tells the awesome me everything! So back off you homophobe!" America was again speechless. The only noise in the room was the sound of Germany laughing.

"Haha! Ah…Ich liebe dich bruder…aber ich muss etwas tun. ( I love you brother, but there is something I must do.) Prussia stared at his younger brother in disbelief.

"Nein! West! Du willst mich doch veraschen! (you've got to be fucking kidding me!) Germany shook his head at Prussia.

"Sorry, bruder." Germany grabbed Prussia's shoulder and squeezed it. It was the closest thing to a hug Germany could manage. Germany grabbed his brief case and left the room.

"GERMANY!" shouted America at the top of his lungs, in his most authoritative voice he could manage. Germany stopped and looked back into the room.

"Ja? Oh yea, I forgot." Began Germany with a chuckle. Becoming serious again, Germany gave a salute, "My name is Ludwig Beilshmidt. And I guess somewhere in the 1940's I realized I was gay." He lowered his hand back to his side. "Have a nice day." He left the room and this time, didn't come back when America called for him. For the fourth time that day, there was dead silence.

"Meeting over." America said between his teeth. He grabbed his papers, packed it up and left, along with everyone else.