Summary: Because they've all grown so much. Especially Nightwing.

"It's good to be back at The Cave," Artemis said. She wasn't exactly back on the team but when they needed her, she would help and they needed her a lot.

Everyone smiled back at her because it did feel good to be back at The Cave. It also felt good that Artemis was back.

Wally put his arm around her and put on a smug face. Something like a yeah-I'm-her-boyfriend kind of face. Artemis rolled her eyes at him and flicked his hand away from her shoulder. "I'm so glad you two are still together," M'gann said. Of course, it was weird that she was the one who said it, considering she wasn't with Conner anymore.

"I'm glad she isn't as annoying as she used to be," Wally replied. Artemis rolled her eyes once more because she knew that Wally was still as annoying as he used to be.

Robin, that is Nightwing, chuckled at Wally's joke. As you should know, Dick Grayson has grown. He's gotten older (obviously) and more mature, got more muscles, and grew taller.

Everyone else left and went to the kitchen to get some food. Artemis stayed behind for a while because she was talking to Green Arrow and Nightwing talked to Batman.

As the two mentors left, Nightwing nudged Artemis. "Yes?" Artemis looked up at him, her right eyebrow raised.

He smirked and said, "Nothing."

She turned away and looked up at him again. Then it hit her. He was taller than her. The boy that she used to treat like a younger brother was taller than her. Her eyes grew wide.

"Surprised?" Nightwing said, smug face on. Artemis glared at him. As if she cared. He was taller. So what? That doesn't mean he's better than her or anything.

"Surprised about what?" she asked, snob-y. Her nose was up in the air and she was facing the other way. She could smell something cooking in the kitchen and made her way there.

He looked at her chuckled again. "Oh you know what I mean, Arty." That was crossing the line. The only person who gets to call her that was Wally and that was only when she was in a good mood and right now, she wasn't at her best mood.

Silence took over the two of them. Artemis just glared at him and he just grinned back. She had to admit that he was taller but she wouldn't say it out loud.

After a few minutes of their staring contest, Artemis gave up. "Ugh." She walked towards the kitchen.

"I AM TALLER THAN ARTEMIS! I AM TALLER THAN ARTEMIS! Admit it! I'm taller than you. I win!" Nightwing proclaimed. Artemis was obviously defeated but she still didn't say anything.

You may be taller, but I'm still way more mature, Artemis thought. I win.