This chapter is dedicated to XxNeonShadowsxX whose words meant a lot.

Chapter 8: Talk


Wally stared at his breakfast, most of his injuries had healed, thanks to accelerated healing, but there were more, oh so many more that still showed. Thin white lines of scar tissue decorated his body like ornaments on a Christmas Tree.

"You need to eat," his uncle told him softly, begging his young nephew to eat.

"I know," Wally mumbled, before forcing himself to shove a fork full of food into his mouth.

He didn't remember a whole lot about the night before, just a lot of fear and pain, he remembered waking up screaming, and sobbing to Uncle Barry, everything else just blurred together.

People dying, things that were all hid fault, a blur of pain and sickness, fear, only to wake up and find out it was all fake, but the pain and sickness was still there. The fear was still there.

"Walls, are you…are you okay?" Barry asked hesitantly.

Wally looked down playing with his food, "I guess," he muttered, they both knew it was a lie.

"You know you can talk to me right?"

"Ya I know."

"Alright, I have to go to work," Barry said softly rustling his hair. "Iris will be back from the store in a few minutes, okay?"

Wally nodded, but said nothing. He'd been kept out of school today and even though Barry and Iris had tried to get off, but the most they could get was a half day for Iris.

Barry silently cursed his boss, he had called the day before asking for the today off, but no it couldn't be done! Big case, the city is more important than your nephew, blah blah blah.

Barry looked at his nephew one more time, blue eyes sad and regretful, before he walked out the door.

Wally listened as the car drove away, waiting for the engine to fade away, before he pushed his plate away and pulled his knees up to his chest and sobbed.

Everything still haunted him, everything was still there.

Dying bodies, dead bodies, the pain, the fear, the torment, the images raced across his mind, attacking him, mocking him.

Shakily he lifted his head looking at the clock above the sink, debating silently.

Before finally changing into his torn and bloody Kid Flash costume and racing out the door.

He needed to talk to somebody; however Iris and Barry weren't that person. They didn't understand.


Dick sat alone in the kitchen, Alfred was out doing chores, and Bruce had to leave early for a meeting, he was alone.

Until suddenly he heard a bunch of quick knocks on the door, one right after another.

Standing up slowly he grabbed the nearest thing to a weapon, in this case a broom, you never knew in Gotham, and walked towards the door.

He was surprised to find a freckle faced teen with sloppy red hair standing on the door step. As Dick stared at him he tried to avoid looking at the pale scars that lined his face.

"Hey uh… do you have any idea how I could find Robin," the boy stuttered eyes wide as he stared into the house. "Do you really live here?"

Dick arched an eyebrow, "Why?" Knowing that Wally didn't know his secret identity and therefore had just gotten lucky with the door he decided to knock on. "And yes I really do live here."

Obviously the teen hadn't thought that far ahead, because instantly he was stumbling over words, "I'm uh…a…a…a…uh….a huge fan! Ya that's it, a huge fan!"

Robin smiled a little, tiredly, "Well you came to the right place, just so happen to know him."

Wally's eyes narrowed, "Uh huh and I have Flash on speed dial."

This almost made Dick laugh, almost.

Motioning for Wally to come in, he said, "Come on in Wally, I'll see what I can do."

Wally nodded and started to walk in, "So what's up with the broo—" He stopped mid-sentence eyes wide as he turned to look at Dick, who was closing the door. "How'd you know my name, I never said it."

Crap, Dick thought. Stupid, stupid, rookie mistake.

Wally's eyes narrowed slightly, "Rob?"

Double crap, Dick thought wildly.

"Nah, name's Richard," he said nonchalantly. "But you can call me Dick."

Wally snorted slightly, "Dick?"

Robin glared at him, "Yes Dick."

"Alrighty then Dick, how'd you know my name?" Wally asked sarcastically.

Batman's going to kill me, Dick thought, before shaking his head.

"Can you keep a secret?" He asked.


"Can you keep a secret?"

Wally looked at him dead serious, "no."

Dick glared, "I'm serious dude."

Finally Wally sighed folding his arms, "Depends on the secret. If it's the I'm-going-to-go-rob-a-bank kinda secret or the I just won the lottery secret."

Richard stood for a moment thinking before saying, "the latter."

"Alright then shoot."

Dick smiled wildly, "I'm Robin."

Wally's eyes went wide, before he laughed, "I knew it! Second I saw you in the newspaper!" He smiled proudly, darting around Robin in circles, before noticing his stare. "What? I'm smarter than I look and it's really not that hard to color mask over Dick Grayson's eyes."

"Oh crap," Dick groaned loudly and Wally laughed. "Bruce is gonna kill me."

"Not my fault he underestimated me," Wally smiled, proudly and warmly. "Got any food?"

Dick smiled; maybe Bruce was right maybe speedsters did always jump back right away. "Sure follow me."

Dick watched in amazement, grossed out amazement, but amazement none the less, as Wally ate nonstop. Finally after four sandwiches, packed with everything you could imagine, five candy bars, and a bowl of ice cream.

"Had enough Kid Mouth?" Dick snorted as he continued to watch Wally shove food into his mouth.

Wally mumbled something and Dick rolled his eyes, "in English please."

Wally swallowed, "First of all you of all people cannot make fun of my English and secondly I'm never done eating, but ya I'm good for now.

"So why are you here?" Robin asked, worried about what the answer might be.

"Oh right," Wally's eyes meant the floor as he twiddled with his shirt. "I came to talk to you."

Robin felt a lump begin to grow in his throat, "About what?" He knew the answer, but he asked anyways.

Wally looked at the ground, "About yesterday."

The short moment of happiness ceased to exist as both boys refused to make eye contact.

An awkward silence filled the room as both boys tried to figure out what to say. After all what did you say to a person who had lost minutes of his life to death?

With a sigh Dick looked up at his best friend and then mumbled, "We can go up to my room. There're no cameras in there."

Wally said nothing; he just nodded numbly and followed the raven haired kid up the seemingly never ending stairs. Silently wondering what he was going to say once they reached the top.


Guest: Alright write I shall :D

Wondering Snow: Sorry I'd already written this chapter and as you can see Robin is the person he has gone to, but you are right it is usually Barry who comforts Wally not Iris…oh crap plot bunnies are attacking XD

I Want To Remain Anonymous (2): Lol okay XD

I Want To Remain Anonymous (1): Can I use the Disney movie idea? XD Anyways it's okay I can't do cartwheels either

Megs123: Thanks! I'm glad I can make you enjoy something that you didn't think you'd enjoy as much :D

XxNeonShadowsxX: That means so much to me thank you

Gabsters: Psh, you're not a bad person. Who doesn't love a little Wally torture now and then? XD

Minichurros123: Spoiler Request! No comment! XD

Thaliag 2: Thanks!

READINGhearts17: I know…I almost feel bad…almost XD

Brightpath2: Yes, let us be happy! Sadness is depressing… XD

Zinfer: Thanks!

Bobby Corwen: …look at it from Wally's point of view for moment. You just went through the worst fears of your life and for minutes you were dead. Would you be alright? So ya I feel like Robin has a decent reason to believe Wally won't be okay. XD

Bayllarina: (I like your icon. GO BART!) Anyways thanks!

Please Review! :D