Note: I don't own any of the characters

I. Before the day

"three days from now and it's our birthday" I thought while walking along side with Natsuki

"Hey Natsuki what do you want to get on your birthday? Not like I want to know" I blushed asking that and his reply with a smile and pointed his finger at me "Nothing I just want you" I blushed even more and punch him. *This isn't good for my heart* I thought, my heart was pounding faster

"I know let's have a DA—"before he could finish his sentence I covered his mouth with my hand, I know what he was about to say but "Don't say that so casually!" I said glaring at him and still blushing. I know we've been dating for three weeks now but I don't want anyone to know because it's weird for two men to be dating, isn't it? So we've been doing it secretly. Seriously this idiot talks loud.

"Let's just have fun on our birthday" he smiled gently at me "un" I nod in agreement. Even though he said he doesn't want anything I still would like to give him something on that day.

"You're so cute Shou-chan" he said cheerfully, I blushed again. Seriously this guy is bad for my heart. "Idiot" I said silently not looking at him. He took my hand by surprise and smiled at me and my face became redder. I know this was supposed to be a romantic scene but *Punch!* I have to ruin it, I just have to punch him. Seriously what's wrong with me? It's always like this whenever he makes a move, he makes my hurt thump faster and I ended up punching him.

"Sorry I keep on punching you" I apologize "Nah it's ok" he said stroking my head with his hand then pinched my cheeks "Oh Shou-chan your cheeks all red like a tomato so cute" he laughed

"Yo..Vem..ferfon ret go!" I said but actually meant *You..Damn..person let go!* I just couldn't say it right because he won't let go of my cheeks so I snapped and punch him again and he let go and stumble to the ground then I make a run for it, I look back whether he is still wearing his glasses well thank goodness he still has them on it will be bothersome if Satsuki would come out

"Ah Shou-chan wait" Natsuki said while standing up but I didn't wait instead I stick my tongue out and said "Serves you right, you idiot hmpf" and continues to run away from him. Yah I ditched him. If I stay longer my heart won't bear it stupid Natsuki. After I have run fast away from him I started to walk. Soon I went in to a store just to sight seeing don't have an intention to buy something though. I went near to the phone straps display then I saw two phone straps that has piyo-chan on it and the letters L-O-V-E I blushed when I read it with my eyes. I stare at it for a while.

"I wonder if I should buy this? I'm sure Natsuki would love this, it has Piyo-chan on it" I said to myself still thinking whether to buy it or not

"Well he did say he doesn't want anything" I remembered. My mind was set on this two phone straps still deciding, it gave me a little headache. After all this thinking "OK!" I have decided. I went to the Cashier to pay for it "For your girlfriend sir?" the guy at the cashier ask smiling "uh sort of" I said thinking 'girlfriend' is not the correct term more like I'm giving it to my boyfriend I laugh at the thought. After buying the two straps I went outside and looked at the two phone straps that I just bought when suddenly "SHOU-CHAN!" Natsuki was heading this way "Na..NATSUKI!" I immediately hid the two straps in my bag. Then Natsuki hugged me all of the sudden "I was worried Shou-chan I thought you'll get lost" he said hugging me around his big arms "idiot" I said silently blushing

"I wouldn't get lost easily I go here always" I punch him slightly "let's just go home" . After that both of us are walking together heading our way to the dormitory side by side. While walking I feel like I wanted to hold his hand like before so I slowly took his hand and hold it together with mine

"Ah Shou-chan" he noticed and blushed and I blushed even more "Don't look this way!" I said avoiding contact, my heart was thumping fast I didn't know what to do "Hey Shou-chan look this way I find something cute"

"huh? what?" when I look his way he suddenly kissed me on the lips, "Wah..!" I was surprise and blushed and again *punch* yah I punch him again "Ow" he said "Sorry" I apologized again "You can kiss me again" I said getting all red again. "pfft" he laughed then smiled at me and stroke my right cheek with his left hand and went to my chin lifting it slightly up giving me an eye to eye contact with him then I close my eyes and felt his sweet tender lips on my own and kissed me passionately taking my breathe away and putting his big hands around me holding me tight "" I panted feeling all hot, the kiss went longer "mmm...Sto..stop" I said trying to push him but my hand have no strength to push him away. Then he stop pulling away his lips from mine

"Sorry I went overboard" he noticed " damn right" I huffed trying to catch my breath. I fell to my knees unable to stand right. By that kiss I gone weak "Now look what have you done? you made me weak" I complained. He got tensed and pulled me up then carry me like a bride

"Uwa! what the heck are you doing?" I asked bit surprise "Let's go back to our room" he said smiling while carrying me but somehow his smile has a deeper meaning. I gulped. So he went to our room while carrying me on his arms and closed the door and lock it.

And that's how our day end now I wonder what will happen to our date on our birthday.

Hi there!

I am the author of this story and thank you for reading this whoever is reading this I hope you enjoy.

comments/reviews are welcome :)