Russian Intoxication



Disclaimer: I do not own anything except the story-line! R&R

I'm gonna be honest, I couldn't wait till June. . . how sad it that? I was just so excited when I got home today since I started a story on FictionPress and I was like I wanna go ahead and create the sequel to Worth The Fight! So here is the prologue! Enjoy!


Sometimes people are given second chances. Sometimes they aren't. Well, I was one of the few who got a second chance. But it was mostly because of the love of my life, Dimitri Belikov and my father. I'd been kidnapped just a little over three weeks ago and Dimitri had come to save me like death in a cowboy duster. He'd swept into the small basement like room and protected me from the two derange-minded men.

I was grateful that such an amazing and kindhearted man had chosen to be with me. He'd been there for me in my weakest moments and had shown me that there are ways to come back and live life after you've lost people that meant a lot to you.

Twice he did that. First my mother was killed and then my ex-boyfriend, who in the beginning had been sent to kidnap me, but in the end he'd fallen in love with me and died trying to save me. Adrian. He'd only been dead since my kidnapping but it seemed like such a long time ago.

Despite it, I didn't get as sad when I thought of him. He'd made his choices and they'd taken them to where he was now. I missed him, he was an amazing man but he had tried to kidnap me. I sighed contentedly as Dimitri tightened his arms around me. I turned and looked at his peaceful face, overtaken by sleep. I loved watching him sleep. He looked so peaceful like most guys do when unconscious.

He moved slightly, pulling me closer causing me to smile softly and I pressed my lips to him. He moaned lightly and I giggled as he rolled over and buried his face into my shoulder, his smooth torso rubbing against my stomach exposed now that my tank-top had risen up to my ribs.

"Good morning," I murmured. It was a rare occasion that I woke before Dimitri since he was such a fucking morning person. But something had awoken me. Maybe just being so happy-happier than I'd been in a long time.

"Mmm. Yes, it is a good morning," he mumbled, his lips teasing my collarbone. I moaned softly and let my head fall back, giving him more access. He looked up at me and grinned happily. His brown eyes shown with love and I smiled as I trailed my hand along his jaw. He leaned into my palm and turned his head to kiss it.

"I love you," he murmured into my skin. I slipped it around his neck and pulled him down to me, his lips meeting my own in a soft kiss. He made me a better person. Since I'd known him even I noticed things had changed about me. For the better of course, I had more patience and wasn't as impulsive. But he didn't have much success with my self-control. But I'd noticed he'd changed too, more outgoing and confident. He talked up more often when he thought something was or wasn't right. And of course his respectful manner only added to that.

"I love you more," I murmured, smiling as he grinned against my lips. We did this all the time, always arguing about who loved who more. I think it was my newest favorite hobby.

"Nu-uh. I love you more. Way more. I love your selflessness and how you put others before yourself. And your independence and confidence. It's sexy," he grinned, raking his teeth along my throat before nipping at my pulse-point. I gasped with a jump and in retaliation raked my hands roughly down his back.

He arched into my body, allowing me to feel just how much he was enjoying our moment. He looked back down at me with narrowed eyes gleaming with mischief. I giggled as he rolled over and pulled me on top of him. I settled in a straddling position as Dimitri sat up and kissed me softly.

"Ready to get up?" he murmured. I pouted and slipped down between his legs and laid down.

"Do we have to?" I moaned. He grasped my hips and massaged my stomach lightly.

"A few more minutes then," I looked up at him to see him grinning at me. I sighed before sitting back up and re-straddling his hips and rising so he had to tilt his head back to look up at me. I buried my hands in his soft, wavy hair that was tousled from sleep and leaned against him as I pressed my lips to his.

His hands moved to my hips as his teeth tugged at my bottom lip and I smiled when he twisted so I was laying down. He moved on top of me and trailed his lips down my neck, his hands pushing my tank-top up to reveal my stomach. His fingers graced along the bottom curve of my right breast and I arched, moaning lightly. He looked up at me with a darkened gaze, his eyes almost black from desire and lust.

"Roza," he murmured, trailing his lips lightly over my stomach, rising and nipping at the bottom of my breast. I grasped his sides, massaging the individual ribs and muscles that aligned his body. Damn it, he was so sexy! I'd never met a man that made me self-conscious; always double checking things that I wore. I was almost happy all the years I'd been so cocky, knowing guys thought I was sexy.

I feel bad for the girls who'd been battling the feeling since they were in middle school. It sucked.

Dimitri was nibbling on my earlobe when a loud knock sounded from the doorway and he groaned lightly into my ear before sighing as he rolled over and I scooted up against the backboard.

"Come in," he called, looking at me with a smile. I returned it before looking up to see a timid Paul, Dimitri's nephew, who was about ten years old looking at us, noting our awareness, he grinned before running into the room and plopping down beside Dimitri and waving at me.

"Hey Dimka, Roza! Mama, said that you should come down for breakfast-there's black bread, Roza," he grinned and I grinned right back before responding.

"Great! We'll be down in a little bit!" he nodded, racing out of the room. I chuckled before getting up and walking to the dresser where I'd unpacked all of my clothes. Black bread was definitely one of my favorite Russian meals so far, even though it wasn't really a meal, okay food, then. It was absolutely delicious.

I quickly went to the bathroom and got dressed, coming out in time to see Dimitri shrugging on a black v-neck t-shirt and I shuddered at the mass of muscles that ran along his lean torso. He glanced up at me and smiled at my dazed expression. He leaned down and pecked me on the lips before grasping my hand and pulling me to the door.

"Come on, Rose," he said, opening the door and leading me to breakfast.

Hey everyone! Are most of my faithful readers back for more? I hope so! Cannot wait to get into the story, I'm so excited! Y'know a few weeks ago I was looking at the stats and noticed that nearly four thousand people have looked at WTF-haha oh the irony-and I was shocked. I mean I didn't think that nearly that many people would actually view it! But I'm so grateful to all of you who stuck by me and gave me the encouragement to finish my second fanfic, that I know was a great improvement from my first one! Anyway tell me what you guys think about this prologue!
