Black and Blue Kisses

Chapter 6

You can't remember anything.

All you know is that you were sleeping.


That's all you know.


Your mind is disfunctional.

You've lost too much blood.

Your arm hurts like hell.

What the fuck happened?

The paramedics patched your arm and eye up. You were lucky enough that you didn't lose too much blood. You'd have to thank Terezi over one hundred times for saving your life.

She was in the ambulance with you, holding your right hand. Of course, you don't remember this; you passed out. At about 1:30 am, you woke up. You had vision in only one eye, which was strange. Your left eye didn't hurt, did it? Apparently, it was severely scratched. Your left arm took a bad blow at the shoulder, almost slipping off of your body at the time. It was now stiched up and put in a sling.

Terezi and your older cousin Aranea were sitting in the room with you. How did she get her number? You tried to sit up but it was useless. The two noticed you were away when they heard you hit the bed.

"Vriska? Are you okay?" Aranea asked. You turned your head towards her as she hovered over you.

"Yeah, I guess...I feel like total shit though." And you did. Everything felt tense. Terezi felt her way over to the bed and sat on the side.

"Do you even know what happened? Or maybe, remember what happened?" Terezi knew well you didn't remember.

"No...Not really...I just remember hearing thumps..then I blacked out I guess." Aranea helped you sit up some as you sighed.

"The doctors said you crushed bone in your arm, and scratched your eye. You should be out within a few days, though. I called your mother, she didn't answer."

"Should've known she would be asleep. She probably ignored your call." You looked down and shook your head.

"Eridan said he'll be here in the morning. I haven't told anyone else what happened." Terezi said. You smirked at the though of Eridan. He was basically the only guy friend you had that actually trusted you, at least, to some extent.

"Yeah, well. I don't want a shitload of people coming in here just to see me fucked up, okay?" You tried to get comfortable, but it wasn't working. Terezi nodded. Aranea gathered her belongings and gave you the most awkward hug ever.

"I'm heading home. I hope you feel better, Vriska. Do you want me to drive you home, Terezi?" Terezi shook her head.

"No, I'll stay here. Thanks though." The older Scorpio nodded and walked off. You were relieved that she had finally left. You couldn't bear being in the same room as her for too long.

Terezi gave you a quick kiss as she slid off of the bed. "I guess I'm going to sleep now. Night."

"Night, Terezi." This was going to be a long recovery.

Your name is ERIDAN AMPORA and your friend is currently in the HOSPITAL. Terezi never told you what happened, but you know that Vriska is FUCKED UP.

You rushed up to the room where Vriska was. Normally, you wouldn't care if anyone was hurt, but Vriska and Feferi were exceptions. You're trying not to be awkward by running in out of breath, so you lean on the wall to recover. When you're finally ready, you walk in slowly.

"Vris? You okay?" You walked closer and sat in the chair next to the bed. Terezi was still asleep, maybe even knocked out.

"Yes, I'm fine dumbass. I'm alive aren't I?" She snapped. She wasn't a morning person. Especially if she didn't feel good.

"Well sorry. I can't ask?" You were trying so hard not to mess anything up between you too. You've had lingering feelings for her, but never wanted to tell her. You always knew that she had a thing for Terezi, and if you messed that up, all hell would break loose.

"You didn't tell anyone I was here, right?" She looked terrible.

"No. TZ told me not to." You leaned back and crossed your right leg over the left.

The doctor soon came in and gave a fake smile.

"Good morning, Ms. Serket. Are they family?" You groaned. You didn't want to leave now.

"No. Do they have to leave?" She raised a brow, the only brow she could raise, anyway.

"Unfortunately, yes." She looked over at Terezi.

"Would you mind waking her up?" Eridan got up and shook her away.

"WHAT?" She belted.

"Shut the hell up, TZ. Doc says we have to leave the room." He sighed and walked out, Terezi following behind. As soon as they were gone, the doctor looked at her clipboard with a dull expression.

"Ms. Serket, we have some very bad news."

"Well, what is it?" She held her breath, preparing for the worse.

"You may not be able to properly function your left arm again. Your eye will heal in due time, but your shoulder joints were severely damaged."

She couldn't breathe.

Everything stopped.

Nothing could be worse than this.