
Aboard the Sirens Call II, temporarily anchored about two days ride west of Kirkwall along the Wounded Coast in a well hidden cove.

"Ungh," Isabela grunted as another contraction took hold.

"That's good Bel, give me another push," Bethany said from her position between the rogue's legs. The once again apostate mage quickly wiped her sweaty brow on the shoulder of her dress as she prepared herself to receive the precious bundle.

Isabela squeezed the large, meaty hand gripped in her right hand as she pushed.

A cool, damp cloth wiped her forehead and Isabela looked up at the green eyed, ginger haired woman whose hand she held and nodded her thanks.

"I have the head, a few more pushes and it'll all be over."

"Good," the pirate groaned as she pushed. "Then I'll be free to break your brother's nose again. He did this to me you know and then is too chicken-shit to see what his cock wrought."

No one commented that it was Isabela who had told Hawke that she didn't want him in here. Instead he waited just outside the cabin door where they could hear his boots echo as he paced.

Mercifully, after a few more screams and some more pushes it was over.

Bethany became a whirlwind of action, almost too quick to follow.

The rogue heard a shrill cry and the rustle of linen and then there it was before her: a pink faced babe swaddled in white.

"Your son, milady," Bethany said softly as she passed over the babe into waiting hands.

Isabela felt the gentle touch of Bethany's magic, healing and refreshing her as she gazed upon her son.

He was exactly as she imagined him so many times over these past months - a perfect little Hawke just like his father - but thankfully unlike her dreams this babe was not birthed sporting a full, tiny beard.

So intent was the rogue on her newborn son that she did not see Aveline leave the room to bring the happy news to those waiting outside. Neither did she notice when the father entered or when he hugged, kissed, and thanked his sister.

It was only when a rough calloused hand that she also knew to be incredibly gentle reached out to tenderly touch her son's head that she looked up through teary eyes and saw him.

"Hawke, he's so beautiful."

"Just like his mother." He leaned in to kiss his pirate, trying to express through his lips everything that he was feeling, but knowing he couldn't.

"Bethany," Isabela called out for the mage who was more than a sister, bringing her into their small circle. She carefully passed their son to Hawke in order to embrace Bethany and whisper her thanks.

The door opened and Aveline returned with those friends who could be here: Aveline's husband Donnic, and Varric, of course. The others were either lost to them or off living their lives far from Kirkwall: Anders, martyred by Hawke for his crime; Sebastian, off somewhere in the Chantry's service; Merrill, back among the Dalish in their new homeland south of Ferelden along with Orana; Bohdan and Sandal, off to Orlais; and finally Fenris, killed by Hawke after siding with the templars and wounding Bethany in the final battle with Meredith.

"Have you picked a name yet? Varric is good, strong name for a little Hawkling."

"Hawke, you choose," Isabela said.

He looked back for confirmation and she nodded.

"Very well then," Hawke answered before continuing in a stately voice. "My Lords and Ladies, it is my distinct pleasure to introduce to you the newest crew-member and captain of the Siren's Call-"

"The Sea Sprite," Isabela interrupted, "in honour of our new captain."

"The Sea Sprite," Hawke agreed, pleased with the choice, "Malcolm Carver Hawke."

"Malcolm." A subdued cheer went up in deference to the newborn babe. However, it was still enough for him to stir. The babe certainly had the lungs of a Hawke.

As if he was a diseased darkspawn or a crazed templar wielding a red lyrium sword, Hawke quickly passed Malcolm back to Isabela as if she'd know better what to do.

Fortunately for them both Malcolm did, reaching his tiny hands out for her breast as soon as Isabela brought him close.

"Just like his father," Varric joked, slapping the elder Hawke on the back.

"Times like this call for a celebration. We'll be back in a minute," the dwarf said happily, pulling Donnic along behind him and granting some privacy for the babe to feed.

Bethany helped Isabela adjust her shift and quickly Malcolm took up her breast. It was an odd sensation for the pirate, and yet deeply fulfilling.

Aveline moved to Isabela's free side, opposite the Hawke siblings, and looked at each in turn. She took a moment to reflect upon all the memories, both good and bad, since meeting the Hawke family on that darkspawn infested road outside Lothering. They had all come so far, lost and gained so much.

As if sensing the tone of her thoughts Hawke reached across the bed and offered his hand which she took and he squeezed in support and understanding.

Aveline looked down at Isabela, surprisingly content with a babe in her arms. She and Donnic had been talking about a child of their own, but with Kirkwall still recovering from Anders and Meredith there was so much to be done.

Time waits for no one.

Aveline distinctly heard her late husband Wesley's voice in her mind as if giving his blessing and encouragement.

Isabela taking up her free hand brought Aveline back to the present.

"You look like you're about to cry Big Girl. Didn't think I had it in me?"

"You did good slattern, you did good," Aveline bent down and kissed Isabela's cheek.

"Aveline," Hawke said with feigned anger, "you are speaking about the mother of my son and my future wife."

"You still haven't wed?"

"We've been a bit busy ferrying apostates and trying to stay out of the templars path. Besides we couldn't find someone we trusted to perform the ceremony."

"Can't captains on a ship do it?" Aveline asked.

"You can't do it," Isabela interjected. "You're just a guard captain not a real captain."

"Do you want to marry Hawke or not?" the guard captain answered.

"Fine, but remember that I outrank you."

"I thought he was the captain now," Aveline pointed to Malcolm, still blissfully unaware and suckling at Isabela's breast.

"Oh, touché prig!"

Varric and Donnic returned and after a few preparations a hastily prepared ceremony has performed right there in the room where not even an hour before Isabela had given birth. It might not be recognized by the Chantry or ever written down in some official record, but for Isabela and Hawke the simple ceremony was more than enough. The words simply codified a commitment the pair had already made to each other.

After the ceremony was over and muted celebrations begun Isabela looked around the room at each person in turn, feeling their joy over Malcolm's birth and her union with Hawke.

Isabela reached out and Hawke carefully sat down beside her on the bed. He wrapped his left arm around her and gently placed his right hand over hers on their son. "I love you Bela." She leaned up to receive his kiss and came to a few conclusions.

She was done running.

She had found a home surrounded by all those she loved.

And finally, once she was physically able, she and Hawke would see about giving baby Malcolm a sister. She already had the name picked out, Marian.

- Fini -

A/N: As I said in the beginning I wanted to push Isabela's boundaries (my own as well) and for her to grow as a character, and in that I think I was reasonably successful. A committed relationship with Hawke and motherhood are definitely a far cry from the Isabela we meet in the first act, but I think a natural progression for her and in keeping with the game's epilogue.

Having said that I cheated a little by setting the story late in the third act. To me the three years apart and then Isabela and Hawke choosing to rekindle their romance are an integral part of their shared love story. Without it I don't think their feelings are developed enough for their choices here to be plausible.

You might disagree, but I think that if Isabela found out she was with child in the second act, before the Qunari uprising for example, her response would be quite different. In that scenario I think Isabela drinks the abortive without ever telling Hawke - she's attracted to him, but it's not love yet, it's just sex. When Hawke fights the Arishok for her Isabela realizes the depth of his feelings. Her secret hangs over Isabela, breaking her, and she leaves Kirkwall except this time she doesn't return. If you see it playing it out differently then by all means write a story about it, I'd love to read it. Likewise if someone wants to take that scenario and run with it - be my guest, I'd love to read that too. I did consider writing this version, even it is awfully morose, but decided that I didn't have the chops to pull it off.

In any event that's the end of my story and I suspect the last I'll write of this particular Hawke and Isabela, but then again I never expected to revisit 'Recriminations' and write this so who knows. I hope that you have enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

To everyone who read my story, everyone who put it on alert and especially to those who added it to their favourites or who took the time to leave a review, I cannot adequately express how much it means to me so I will simply say Thank you.

Now that this story is finished I promise to get back to work on my long stagnant stories Betrayal of Love and Trust and Give Antiva My Regards. It was never my intention to let them sit idle for so long, but you know what they say about the best-laid schemes of mice and men - they often go awry.