It was a warm June night, and Kurt and Blaine lay side by side on their backs on a blanket in the Hummel's backyard. Their fingers were intertwined as they gazed up at the stars.

"When I was little, my mom used to show me the constellations. She knew them all," Kurt said, feeling like it was necessary to tell the story for some reason. "I've forgotten most of them by now, but I remember my mom and I sitting out on the patio until midnight trying to find them."

"Even after she died...I kept sitting out here, pretending like she was still beside me. My dad would have to pick me up to get me to come back inside."

Blaine smiled at the bittersweet story, still looking up at the sky. It was exactly two weeks until they left for New York with Rachel. The New Directions had come in fifth place at Nationals, which was good enough for them. Rachel had gotten accepted into NYADA. Kurt had not. It upset him for a while, and Rachel and him ignored each other for days. However, a week later, Kurt received a letter in the mail saying he was accepted to NYU. Blaine, who was attending the same college, had pulled some strings and filled out a late application for him. Kurt was going into fashion and Blaine was leaning towards theater.

Over spring break, Blaine and the Berry and Hummel-Hudson families had packed into a rented mini-van and took a road trip to New York, where they found an apartment to live in. It was crappy and needed a lot of work, but it was livable, and that was their only request.

The remaining two months flew by, and here they were. They still couldn't believe that they would be in New York City approximately three-hundred-and-twenty-four hours from now. (Rachel was counting down the hours and sent them hourly texts as a reminder. As if they'd forget.)

"I'm going to miss Ohio," Blaine said.

"Me, too," Kurt replied. "As much as I want to get out of this tiny town, it's where I grew up." He would miss his mom and dad and Finn and the rest of the glee club. They would be hundreds of miles away from each other, and while they may text or Skype or call, it won't be the same as when they would sit in the same room together every day.

"We could visit in the summer."

"Yeah,'ll be different."

While moving to New York City had its problems, there was a lot more to be happy about. Like the fact that gay marriage is legalized in New York. Kurt and Blaine could get married and start a family and do all the other things Blaine dreamed about.

They were both silent for a long time, just staring at the stars. Kurt was the one to speak, turning his face to look at Blaine.

"I'm so happy we're doing this. Together."

"I wouldn't do it without you."

That was when it hit Blaine that they were actually doing this. He was moving to New York City with Rachel and Kurt, his boyfriend, something he had only dreamed of a year ago. And he couldn't have chosen better people to do it with. Maybe a year or two from now, Rachel would be on Broadway (and maybe he will be, too) and Kurt's fashion line would have taken the city by storm. He would be Blaine's date to all the red carpet events where every celebrity wore his designs.

Their careers will flourish and their names will be known around the world. They will prove everyone wrong. They'll get far and be successful. And they'll do it together.

The End

A/N: Thank you so much to everyone who read, favorited, and reviewed this story! I really do appreciate you taking the time to read (and actually enjoy) what I write. I've noticed that I gained a few followers from this story, so I'd like to welcome all of you! I'm still working on reuploading my fics from my old account, so I still have one more story to upload. I'll probably post the first chapter tonight or tomorrow, if I remember to do it!

Again, thank you so much for reading this story. I really enjoyed writing it and I'm glad that you like it!