A/N: No angst in this chapter, I promise! Just for me to wrap it up. I always want Jane and Lisbon to be happy at the end of each story so this was just necessary. They were already happy, but with children happy, I mean xD.

Thanks a LOT to Donnamour1969 for beta-ing this entire story. I owe your reviews to her, I think. Don't shy from checking out her awesome stories!

Disclaimer: Nothing is mine. *insert sad face here*

"Charlotte, take that out of your mouth, please," Teresa pleaded. The girl just stared at her mother and kept on sucking on something she'd found in the kitchen. Teresa groaned and picked up her daughter.

"Summer! What did I tell you about leaving these things where the children can reach it? If you don't look where they're going, they might be choking on them one day," Teresa exclaimed. The girl ran into the kitchen.

"I'm sorry, Teresa," she said, and quickly put all the tiny little children could easily choke in these things on the counter.

Teresa smiled at Summer then at Charlotte, and left the kitchen.

"Where's Angela?" Teresa asked Charlotte. The girl just stared at Teresa again, and Teresa stroked her little cheeks.

"I sometimes forget you're still only one," she whispered, and Charlotte laughed.

In an instant, Teresa heard a similar laugh and recognized where it had come from. She walked into the Throne Hall and saw Angela was climbing the middle Throne.

"Oh, no, Angela, don't do that!" Teresa exclaimed, and approached her. She pulled Angela from the Throne, and the girl looked at both Charlotte and Teresa, then began to laugh.

Teresa smiled.

"I should really tie you two to a chair someday. I can't even peacefully walk around the garden without having to look for you two afterwards," she said, touching both girls' noses and the two began to giggle.

"And I should really tie you to a chair. That way you can relax a bit," a familiar voice said, and Teresa turned around.

The girls' eyes lit up, and Charlotte moved to get away from Teresa's embrace. Teresa smiled at Patrick.

"You really wouldn't dare. Not after what happened last time you did that," she stated, and Patrick laughed at the memory.

"Oh yes, forgot about that one. But, how are my favorite princesses doing?"

At that point, Charlotte had reached Patrick, and he picked her up. Charlotte began playing with Patrick's curls.

"You have the same curls, Lottie, you don't have to play with mine," Patrick whispered, and Charlotte smiled.

Teresa had picked up Angela in the meantime, and was standing next to Patrick. She kissed him.

"I'm sorry I haven't been here a lot the past days. My father wants everything to be ready for the coronation."

"I thought it was finished. What else does there need to be? A bigger throne for you because you're getting fatter every day?"

Patrick gasped.

"How could you! No, I thought more of a bigger throne for you," he said teasingly, and she hit his arm with her free hand.

"Just because I'm with child doesn't mean I need a bigger throne. You should mind your words, Prince Arrogance," she said, and was ready to leave the Throne Hall, when Patrick grabbed her arm and made her turn around. The look on his face was serious, so they both put down the kids and they continued their journey through the castle. They didn't know everything yet, and they would be years older when they finally did. Teresa quickly walked into the hall, called Summer's name, and returned to Patrick again.

Teresa's eyes focused back on Patrick. He took her in his arms.

"What's wrong?" Teresa asked immediately. He shook his head.

"Nothing. I just wanted to hold you," he whispered in her ear. She smiled.

"Well, I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere because I need you. For the children, of course."

Patrick pulled away.

"Of course. Sarcasm doesn't suit you well, Teresa."

"What suits me better then?"

Patrick knelt down and kissed her stomach. It wasn't that big yet, but you could easily spot it if you focused enough.

"This little human."

"Oh, so I'm not special on my own? Only if I'm carrying your child and-"

Patrick silenced her with a kiss. When he pulled back, he was smiling.

"You know I don't think that, Teresa."

"Oh? Well, show me then, Prince," Teresa said, and Patrick crushed his lips down on hers again. Her hands were at his neck in an instant. With one hand he cupped her face, and with the other he pulled her against him.

The two were melted into each other, so they hadn't noticed someone enter the Throne Hall until they felt arms around them. They pulled away, and saw Thomas, James, Michael and Grace standing there. Teresa immediately blushed when she realized they had been watching them kiss, but Patrick grabbed her hand.

"Hello, brothers and sister-in-law! How are you on this fine day?" Patrick asked, and the four rolled their eyes.

Grace hugged Teresa, while the boys came to stand in front of Patrick.

"How are you doing?" Grace asked, and Teresa smiled. She looked down at her stomach, and Grace gasped.

"Really? That's wonderful!" she said, and hugged her friend again.

"What's wrong?" James asked, approaching Teresa. She just smiled from ear to ear, and James knew enough.

"Congratulations, Little Sister," he said, and hugged her.

The whole family joined them, and Patrick stood outside the group. He turned around and left the Throne Hall. The family hadn't seen each other for a few months, and they had a lot to catch up on.

When Patrick walked around the corner, he could quickly recognize two small legs crawling around the corner, followed by two loud chuckles.

Patrick smiled.

"Are there any naughty princesses present here?" Patrick asked, and the little ones chuckled. He walked around the corner, for some reason relieved they were still there, and picked them both up. The twins began to play with each other's hair.

Patrick smiled. He started to walk, and when he reached the stairs to the dungeons-carefully blocked for curious two-year-olds who loved to explore the castle-he got a strange shiver running all over his body, and the princesses were quiet immediately.

Charlotte pointed at the door.
"Do you want to go inside, Lottie?" Patrick asked, and Charlotte nodded.

Patrick shook his head. "I can't take you there, Charlotte."

The girl pouted. Patrick placed a small kiss on the girl's lips, and also on Angela's who was already feeling left out, and then exclaimed Summer's name in the same way Teresa had done. The girl came hurrying to the place where her name was yelled, smiled at Patrick and then took the girls with her.

Patrick turned towards the door, and took in a deep breath. He knew who was still in their dungeons.

His father had asked him many times if they needed to execute Red John. Patrick and Teresa had discussed it many times, but always ended on the same thing: Red John should be brought to justice, but they wouldn't do it. Justice would find him. Red John would be punished and they wanted him to suffer longer than he suffered if they sentenced him to death.

Patrick had never visited the man, though. Patrick had made peace with his own past, but he could never forgive what Red John had done to his family, Teresa and himself.

But for a reason he couldn't exactly put into words, he wanted Red John to see him now. He would show Red John how happy he was, despite everything he'd done to him.

"Look who came to visit me! His Royal Highness himself!" the despicable man said. "What took you so long?"

Patrick sighed silently, before he lifted his hand, where Teresa's wedding ring was prideful around his ring finger. The man smiled faintly, impressed.

"That's nice. How are you sure she will stay with you-"

"She loves me. And because we have two beautiful children."

Red John was silent for a while. "You do?"
"We do. Angela and Charlotte," Patrick said, proudly, and Red John smiled in sheer wonder.

"Well that's nice, Patrick. Do you think the first Angela and Charlotte can appreciate that you named your new children after them?"
Patrick nodded, much to Red John's displeasure.

"It wasn't my idea. It was Teresa's. She told me that without them, without you, I wouldn't be the man I am right now. And she wouldn't have fallen in love with me," Patrick said.

Red John laughed. "You really think she loves you?" he asked. Patrick approached Red John, their faces almost touching.

"That kind of talk doesn't work for me. It might have worked with Lorelei, or maybe even with Teresa, but you won't get to me. If Teresa didn't love me, she would've left me when I returned from that forest. But she didn't. She decided she wanted to spend her life with me, with the children we were expecting and with everything that accompanied that life. She's a princess herself; she is used to a courtly life. As for our children: they are the perfect mixture of me and Teresa. Blonde hair, like me, and the green eyes from Teresa. I have green eyes too, but hers are just more beautiful. Just magnificent. Did you know that Teresa and I are expecting another child soon? Oh, what a pity you won't be seeing that child."

"And why is that?"

"Because Teresa and I are soon to be crowned King and Queen, for which we get our own castle. You'll stay here. My father will retire to a peaceful life in a little house in the forest. I haven't the slightest idea who will take over this castle, but I don't believe that person will be so generous with you as we are. I wish you the best of luck, Red John, you'll be needing it," Patrick said. He turned around and left the dungeon. Red John was silenced, and Patrick was happy.

Walking through the halls of the castle was emotional. It was the one he grew up in and was soon going to leave, but the pieces had come together bit by bit.

He saw that Summer and Sir Kimball were kissing in one room, Sir Wayne and Grace in the other. All four of them had forgotten about closing the doors; they thought nobody would see them, he was sure of that.

King Minelli had arrived too, if only to see his only daughter again. James was talking with his father, and Patrick could faintly hear the words coronation and king. Patrick was sure that wasn't about him and Teresa's coronation.

Thomas and Michael were awkwardly sitting in the kitchen, but there were smiles on their faces. Their time would come eventually. They were still young, and women were lined up at royal balls to dance with them.

Angela and Charlotte came crawling behind Patrick, left alone by Summer who was occupied with other things. Patrick lifted the girls, who both wrapped their arms around Patrick's neck.

At the end of the hall stood Teresa, her hands on her belly. All four of them smiled. When Patrick stood toe-to-toe with her, he gave her Charlotte, his precious Charlotte. He didn't dare to admit it, but Charlotte was his favorite of the two. He would get to see her grow up, unlike his first Charlotte. This time was special because he knew that this Charlotte, and this Angela, would get everything they needed to stay alive until they were old. They would become beautiful teenagers, young adults, queens. They would have to fight over who became the next queen in line of their kingdom. Patrick hoped with all his might that their unborn baby would be a boy. He would gladly make him the heir to the Throne, even if Teresa didn't want that.

He breathed against her full and delicious lips.

"I love you, Teresa," he whispered, and she straightened her back and kissed him.

The twin was squirming in their arms, laughing loudly, but for once, Teresa and Patrick didn't pay attention to the two, only to each other.

"And I love you, Patrick," she replied when they broke their kiss.

Charlotte pulled Teresa's hair, pulling her face away from Patrick's, and Teresa laughed.

"Let our next one be a bit more like me. I don't want another little Patrick running around here," Teresa exclaimed, and Patrick gasped.

Teresa walked away, and Patrick followed her, like a good dog obeying his master. She chuckled when he tickled her side.

"You take that back, you little minx!"

A/N: SO! That was this story! Did you like it?

Thanks to:

YuukiCross5, Little-Firestar84, Lothlorien Aeterna, Mione Ootori, Loes-chan, Rothelena (OMIGOD SHE REVIEWED ON A STORY OF ME *SHRIEK*), AngryLittlePrincess, Shane-jisbon and all the guest reviewers of course! You all made the work so much worth it, they were like Jane smiles, they pulled me through everything. I love you all so much! And don't stop reviewing after this story, there are still a bunch of stories out there from me that you can read! ;)

Thanks to all of you! 'So long and thanks for all the red snapper'!