Disclaimer: Alas, my possessions do not include the TV Show Merlin's rights nor the character rights of the brilliant characters on the show. I do own a new Geisha statue I enjoy looking at while I write. Very inspiring.

Rated: M, we will eventually get there.

Summary: Arthur's temper lands him with a spell that is both embarrassing and enlightening about those around him. By the end of his trial he is both sleep deprived and a much wiser man with a clear view of who should be at his side.

A/N: Hello all! This is my first writing foray into this fandom. It feels quite cozy, I must say! All warm, snuggly slashy-goodness! I only recently watched the show on Hulu (lovely, dear Hulu suggested that I might like this show) and found myself enraptured. I have been forced to read quite a bit of literature based around and about the Arthurian legends and I must say the show gives the story a great new twist. I couldn't help but want to write about Merlin and Arthur coming together, it's practically begging to be written. So on with my attempt at bringing the lovely epic duo together in more than a friendly manner! Enjoy!

Chapter 1: Arthur

As far as curses went, it wasn't the worse that Camelot or Arthur had suffered. Arthur was pretty sure the Goblin or the Troll that had entered the castle were ten times
worse than what now plagued Arthur. He wasn't even going to mention the Curse of the Unicorn. At least with this curse the only one to suffer Arthur's ignorance was

Oh, he knew this was his fault. If he learned anything from the Unicorn Trial it was that he should take responsibility for his actions. Though it wasn't the worst curse ever suffered in Camelot, it certainly was the most uncomfortable for Arthur. He was going on his third night without sleep and he was to the point of being so frustrated that he had snapped at his own father at dinner. If he had known this was the result of his hunting trip, he would have never even gotten out of bed that morning.

Thinking of that morning led Arthur to think on the witch that had cast this stupid spell. The entire thing had resulted from his snapping at the woman and child. God, he isn't even sure if that small baby was even real. Maybe the entire thing was a set-up to curse Arthur with the particular spell- it was certainly embarrassing enough, trying to find the right person to break the damn thing and let him get some sleep.

It had all started a week after Merlin had left to see his mother. After defeating the dragon, Arthur believed that his manservant would snap out of the depressed reverie he seemed to suffer, since Camelot and their friends were no longer in danger.

This, however, was not the case. After a month of odd behavior from his servant, Arthur finally demanded the reason for Merlin's strange attitude. It was distracting Arthur and the kingdom needed his entire focus right now, as it was being repaired from the dragon's induced damages.

Of course Merlin never made it easy, the boy really could be quite secretive, but finally Arthur had gotten out of him that he wanted to see his mother. He explained that all that had happened in Camelot had put into perspective just how fragile life was and that his mother, being the only immediate family he had, was an important part of Merlin reaffirming that life was getting back to normal.

Arthur understood the need to reaffirm your only parent was still with you after traumatic events. The King and he may have had a somewhat tense relationship but he was still Arthur's father, after truly harrowing events all Arthur wanted was to know that his father, his family, was still alive and well.

It was with this knowledge that Arthur granted Merlin an entire two weeks to journey to see his mother and spend time with her. After all, Arthur was spending long days helping direct the citizens on the repairs to Camelot, they had just recently finished the outer wall protecting the border of the kingdom. Arthur would hardly need his servant for anything important -anyone could bring him a meal or tidy his room.

So off Merlin went, riding on a horse leant to him by Arthur, with the promise that he would return in two weeks time. After only a day into not having Merlin around though, Arthur noticed just how utterly dull everything was without his manservant there.

Whereas all the decision and utter responsibility of the kingdom was a tough and distracting task, Arthur realized just how boring and mediocre everything was without Merlin there distracting him with his silly grin, his pompous comments (what kind of servant calls their master a prat?) and completely clumsy shenanigans. Without Merlin around, Arthur's life was literally boring him to tears.

Therefore when his father, obviously noticing Arthur's increasingly bad attitude, had offered him the excuse of going hunting with some of the knights a week later Arthur had jumped at the chance. It would not be nearly as fun without his manservant to ridicule and badger (the servant supplied to replace Merlin for his two weeks gone was entirely too capable to find fault with) but the time away from the kingdom would give Arthur a break and he would be able to get some perspective.

At first this was the case. The ride out had been smooth, the talk between him and the men he had known since he was a child flowing just as smoothly, and the familiar rhythm of riding a horse calming Arthur immensely. But as the day continued and their luck with the game became increasingly bad (most, to Arthur's chagrin, his own fault and mistakes), Arthur's patience and attitude became increasingly shorter and shorter.

Finally his luck seemed to be changing when they came upon a buck standing in the middle of a field. As Arthur took aim, the unmistakable sound of a human voice floated from behind him, scaring the buck away and causing Arthur's furry to ignite.

Not paying attention to the fact that the voice was that of a woman or to the fact that just moments ago the only ones in the general vicinity were Arthur and his men, the young prince let out a wale of furry and frustration: "Argh!".

The noise following his exclamation was not of his men but of a young infant crying loudly, probably scaring off any other animals in the vicinity. Standing no more than 10 feet away, a middle aged woman looking startled at the Prince's yell stood with a young infant in her arms obviously collecting plant life for their supper, if the basket full of herbs was anything to go by.

The woman's face suddenly changed from that of surprise to that of anger. The baby had immediately began to cry at the Prince's yell, but the woman gave it no more attention than rocking it steadily in her arms.

Upon realizing that he had yelled at a passing traveler, the Prince would normally had been contrite, embarrassed even, but not at the moment. After the week of having to deal constantly with both his father and heralding the questions from the citizens of Camelot (after all he was the one they came face to face with every day not his father, the king) about the kingdom and its safety to then having his one relaxation ruined for him? Arthur's "Royal pratness" attitude came to the forefront.

Matching the woman's sneer with one of his own, Arthur bellowed out, "Well? What do you have to say for yourself, woman?"

His men stared at him in shock. Sir Leon stepped forward hesitantly to calm the Prince, but the woman speaking halted his movements immediately. "Do you have something against lullabies?" Though the tone seemed calm enough, all attention was immediately on the woman who had spoken.

"What?" the prince demanded angrily.

"I was merely singing my child a lullaby as I walked on my way home, were you never sung one my lord?", the woman asked pityingly.

This question brought on a whole new wave of anger in Arthur, most everyone knew the fate of the Queen of Camelot and therefore knew that Arthur had been raised without a mother. The fact that this peasant was bringing up the fact that Arthur's childhood was stunted in any way angered him far more than words could say.

Drawing his sword, Arthur glared at the woman and said spitefully, "Child or no you should watch your mouth woman. Suggesting anything like what you are toward the heir of Camelot is grounds enough for being thrown in the dungeon."

The woman, not looking the least bit intimidated, regarded Arthur with a strange look. "I see, well, let me help you understand the power and the meaning behind sharing a lullaby."

With these words a great wind began to rustle through the trees, stripping many of their branches and causing many of the knights to rush toward the Prince's side in protection. The woman's eyes began to glow and keeping eye contact with Arthur, who could not look away no matter how hard he tried, began to chant low and in the strange language that Arthur knew, from far too much experience, all witches and warlocks spoke in to cast spells.

Though the knights tried valiantly to get to Arthur and protect him, the wind seemed to keep them held back and diverted all their arrows they would shoot at the woman. Arthur's eyes began to burn as he could not blink and the wind whipped dust into his orbs, but that was the least of his worries just at that moment.

While the woman chanted a light seemed to surround his ears and a low hum seemed to be heard directly inside his head. Though the Prince tried to cover his ears, it did little to help as the humming grew steadily louder until it felt like his head might explode.

Suddenly the humming stopped and Arthur collapsed to his knees, weak with the ringing in his ears.

The wind still rushed around him though, as if urging him to look at the witch who was now standing directly in front of him, the baby in her arms now fast asleep. "This spell will leave you sleepless until the lullaby of the one who will be closest to your heart and soul, the one who will touch you the deepest, sings their lullaby to you. You need only ask others to sing and the lullaby of their heart will be sung to you, but only the lullaby of your destined other will lull you into peace. This is a gift and my lesson to you little Prince, may you learn well from it."

With these last words, the witch disappeared right in front of Arthur, child and strange wind going with her.

TBC in Chapter 2: Gaius

A/N: Le gasp! Two Author's Notes? I know, I am just killing you, right? Just wanted to explain that the name after each chapter signifies from now on who will have to sing their lullaby to Arthur in that particular chapter. Also, I am gonna end each chapter with a quote from the next coming chapter that I think you guys will enjoy! Just a little teaser to keep you guys anticipating.

Next chapter Preview: "Oh alright! *sigh* Gaius, would you uhh, *cough* would you please sing to me?"