Another one-shot :) This isn't my best work, but still, I quite like it :D Please Review!

(Set after Last Sacrifice)

Rest in Peace.

Dimitri POV

Trees rustled around me, whispering to each other as they mocked me. They swung from side to side happily while I stood there, my heart aching with sorrow and pain. The wind slapped my face as it drove past me, a sad and strange way to describe the wind, but it somehow fit the description perfectly. Cries of torture could be heard in the distance sending chills down my spine, as if they were playing follow the leader. An indescribable feeling of pain exploded in my chest as I stared at the gravestone I was standing in front of.

I remember, not too long ago, when Rose and I came for a visit, she commented on the caption written on this very headstone. She found it quite outrageous that someone would write rip, though she was joking.

"R.I.P. Who the hell writes that on a grave?"

She was only trying to cheer me up, to remove the depressed emotions she knew I was feeling, and I was somewhat grateful. She was just that amazing, because even though she was feeling the same pain I was, I was still her main priority.

Despite her best attempts I didn't laugh, not then, nor now. Standing here, alone, many years later, I couldn't shake the feeling of grief as I looked down at the headstone only a few feet away.

Many had told me that I should build a bridge and get over it- not in those words of course- it has been five years after all. But how could I get over it? How could I get over a pain so utterly unbearable? How could I get over losing such an important person in my life? How does anyone do that?

I slowly, quite elegantly, kneeled down in front of the grimy grave and placed the family of lilies onto the gravestone. They wilted slightly, like they could sense the sadness radiating off the grave.

Yeva Belikova

Known by so many, loved by so many, and forever ingrained in their memory.

You will never be forgotten, and you will always be loved.

And then, on the very top of the headstone, in swirling, annoying italic writing was R.I.P.

As I said, not my best work but I thought it illistrated the sadness Dimitri was feeling. Does it? Please review!