Sorry but no Tanya in this story. They all still have their ninja powers and are not going to get new ones from me lol. Also this story is only going to have a little bit of fighting in it and is mostly going to be a story about the group.

Chapter one

Kimberly unlocked her door and walked into her apartment on the outside of Angel Grove. After sitting her keys on the side table she continued down the small hallway that lead to the living room. Upon entering that area she laid down on the couch and propped her feet up on the arm of the chair. Thinking about her life in the last few months it was still hard for her to believe how she ended up where she was at. She knew she was supposed to be in Florida training and what's more she knew she should have told everyone that she had come back and why. It's just that these last three months seem to have snuck up and surprised her and went by with such a quick haste that time just seemed like a crazy number. It was then that her cell phone had started ringing. Deciding to get it over with she picked it up and answered it. "Hello?" she said

"Hey Kim" Aisha greeted "What are you up to?"

"Not a whole lot here. I'm just resting. What have you been up to?"

"Well" Aisha started "I have something to tell you and I do not believe you are going to like it much. But with the bad news I am hoping to have some news that might make you feel a bit better too."

Curious Kimberly moved her feet from the arm of the chair to the floor so that she could sit up for the news that she was getting ready to get. Nothing could be that bad could it? "Go ahead Aisha, I'm ready."

"Well Kim here's thing" she said sounding worried "I know we agreed for right now not to talk about it but that letter you sent was kind of bad. Tommy being Tommy took it really hard and was not himself at first. Lately he seems to be trying and it almost seems like old times again… well as old times can get without you."

Kim sat there listening but her patience was running low and since she didn't see where this conversation was going she quickly interrupted by saying "What is going on Aisha?"

"Tommy has started dating Kat" she said in a rush.

"Oh" said Kim "I know I shouldn't be surprised but I guess I kind of am. That letter was horrible and if read directly was clear on what I wanted but in truth it was a combination of ten different conversations that I had wanted to have with him. Almost like every line was in a direction of something else. So of course I wrote it to Tommy as I needed him but I guess I never dreamed my venting letter would have got mixed up with my real letter when I grabbed it, put it in the envelope, and then mailed it out."

At this point Kimberly was distracted and Aisha knew it. She never talked about the letter anymore. She did once and seemed horrified when she heard about what had happened which always confused Aisha. But in listening to Kimberly now she knew why she had sounded horrified… she had never meant to send it and that meant she didn't want to break up with Tommy. What did this mean she wondered? Was there still hope for them under the right circumstances? Before Aisha could ask these questions Kimberly had started talking again. "So what was your good news?"

"Well I know that you have been busy with training and all but I thought that I would come down and see you. I know the news about Tommy would have not been good news and I want to be there for you. I am scheduling my flight tonight and hoping to fly out tomorrow or the day after." This was the news that she was sure Kimberly would be happy of so to say she was shocked at what she was about to hear would be an understatement.

"NO!" Kimberly shouted. " You can't come here" realizing she was implying she had something to hide she added "not right now. The coach has us training like crazy we have a practice meet coming up soon and the coach wants us ready."

It was bad luck for her that Aisha already caught on to the fact that something was off and decided to call her on it. "Oh yea" started Aisha "Then how come you are not training right now?"

"Because I sprained my ankle earlier and the coach wanted me to rest and ice it tonight and to make up my hours tomorrow" Kimberly lied.

Almost satisfied with her answer Aisha went on to say "Okay well I will just teleport now and visit you since you have time now and no one else is around."

"Aisha not tonight okay?" Kimberly all but begged

"Kim what's going on? I know something is up now and I am not getting off this phone until you tell me. Oh and if you hang up on me I swear I will teleport down there as soon as you do so fess up." she threatened

Kimberly sighed as she could not think of a single excuse for her behavior so she decided for a bit of the truth. "You can't come to Florida right now because I am not there. I live in a apartment outside of Angel Grove now."

"WHAT!" Aisha screamed into the phone. "YOU MOVED BACK AND NEVER TOLD US?"

"Aisha wait" Kim tried "Hold on I promise I have good reasons."

"Well now I will just give you a bit more time to think of them" she said as she hung up her phone.

Kimberly sat on the couch shocked that her friend had just hung up on her. She guesses she should have thought about how moving back without telling anyone would be once they found out but she honestly didn't think of that. She had just assumed everyone would be happy to see her. Well almost everyone. She had no idea how Tommy would react but she knew that a conversation with him had to happen and it had to happen soon. She just didn't know what to say or how to face him… especially if he was going to be sporting Katherine on his arm. There is no way that she could have any type of heart to heart conversation and say all the things she needed to with the other woman listening to her every word. She didn't want anyone to be able to hear what she had to say as she said it. She knew he would tell them later but to her this conversation was a kind of walk of shame for her and didn't want anyone to witness it. She just needed more time. She needed to get her head and thoughts together before she could just starting telling them to someone else. Heck she didn't even know where her mind was at some days and she wanted to be prepared for every question that he had for her. But overall even though she thought she needed time she also knew that it was running out and she needed to do something before her choices were taken out of her hands. Her story was going to come out on way or another and she was determined it was going to come out because she told it and not because someone else confronted her about it. Knowing the right thing to do she dialed Aisha's cell phone number. As soon as she answered Kimberly said "You were right and you are right to be mad. Even though I did a rotten thing by not telling anyone I moved back I need you and I need your help with something. Will you please help me?"

Even though Aisha was still very much mad she said "Tell me where you live and I will meet you there as fast as my car can get me there."

Kimberly told her and they agreed to meet within the next ten minutes. After they got off the phone Kimberly kept staring at her phone thinking "This is the right thing to do."


Thank you all for reading this and I hope you enjoyed it. There is more to come I promise.