Disclaimer: I do not own Danny Phantom

Oneshot Twenty-Nine

His Eyes

They say that the eyes are windows to the souls.

They hate his green eyes. They show his true nature, disguised behind a human appearance and heroic pretense. But no human could have such eyes, the color of the Ghost Zone and all its evil.

They love his blue eyes. Looking into them, they're reminded every time of what he means to them. He was their son on the day he was born, and as have his eyes not changed from their initial blue, so too has that not changed.

A/N: Honestly, I have no excuse for the first thing I've uploaded for TFS in months being this stupid drabble. I found it while going through old files and decided to upload it. I really am trying to get back into writing for the Phandom. You people need to nag me to upload more. *Is incorrigible*