Author's Note: Right, so this is a collection of oneshots. Most of them are the first chapters to some of my many plot-bunnies, most of which I will never even write. If any of you readers are interested in the full-fledged stories that the first chapter ones are written for, feel free to ask about adopting one or even more.

Disclaimer: I own neither Danny Phantom nor any other series that may show up in this collection.

Oneshot One

From the Thermos

"Mr. Lancer! Sorry that I was late!" Jazz exclaimed between pants as she bolted into her first-period class, which was IB Classic Literature. She skidded to a stop before the teacher's desk, clutching to it as she attempted to catch her breath, her chest heaving from the physical exertion she had just been through.

Now if it had been Jasmine's younger sibling, Daniel Fenton, Edward would have had absolutely no qualm with handing the tardy student a detention. However, this was his brightest and most eager student, with a perfect grade point average and sure future in an Ivy League school. Because of that Mr. Lancer waved her off to her seat with a simple 'don't be late again'. Of course, it also helped that the future psychologist was respectful to his face and one of the few students that showed him respect behind his back also.

Smiling her gratitude to her teacher, the senior relinquished her hold on the furniture and walked over to her own desk, sliding into the seat and pulling out the required materials. Being studious by nature, she became immersed in the lecture and neglected to notice that she had left an important item behind after first entering the room.


The break bell rang, signaling to students and teachers alike that third period was over and that they may now take their lunch breaks. Edward Lancer dropped into his seat with a relieved sigh, his feet sore from standing up and pacing in front of the classroom for three hours straight. Now he could relax with a nice book and the lunch he had packed for himself, his stomach rumbling at the last thought for he had not had the chance to eat more than a piece of toast for breakfast that morning.

First though, a small bit of business. He started plugging the attendance list of his last period's students into his computer for the office, scowling as he input the younger Fenton as 'absent' once more. What was wrong with that boy? Sure, Danny had never shown any of the same brilliance as his sister, but when the freshman school year had first started and progressed through the first semester he had definitely shown potential. Now? He was hardly in class, and when he was he left for so long that it counted as an absence against him anyway. Nothing Edward could think of explained his unruly student's bizarre behavior or why it lasted so long. He had even considered drug abuse and even had the school nurse test him for it, but the results revealed him to be clean of such activity. Other possible explanations were ruled out one by one as they could not find any real evidence to substantiate them with. Actually, finding out anything about the boy seemed impossible these days; he seemed to disappear for long hours after school was out and his parents reported him to be so distant from him that they had no idea what he was up to save that he spent an exceeding amount of time in the company of his friends.

Edward shook these thoughts of his head, knowing that to ponder further would only leave him and vex him with more answerless questions. He finished inputting the roll list and put the computer on stand-by. The teacher pulled his briefcase up onto his desk and withdrew from it his book, but no sandwich, which he had made last night for lunch today. He swore by the name of a book when he realized that he must have forgotten it.

Grumbling, he resigned himself to going hungry for the rest of the day and pried his book open, settling into his chair to read. Edward had just gotten to the end of the first sentence from where he had last left off when an unfamiliar glint of fluorescent lights on metal at the edge of his desk caught his eye. He looked up and noticed a thermos with a strange design that he figured must be "hip" with the kids these days, making it look like an advanced piece of technology instead of a simple beverage and/or soup container. He chuckled to himself at the thought of some sort of super advanced thermos as he reached over, picking it up for a closer inspection.

A thought occurred to Lancer. Perhaps a student had left it for him! It was Teacher Appreciation Week after all, and even if he'd only come away so far with a scant haul this year (as he did every year, if he was lucky) in comparison to the more popular teachers, there was always the exception. The vice-principal beamed, thanking the universe that on the one day that he would forget his lunch a student would leave him some.

He eagerly removed the cap with a twist, one of his thumbs accidentally pressing the green button on the side of the thermos with the action. Much to his surprise, he was met not with the aroma of soup but rather a thin blue vortex that soon died down, but not without leaving something behind.

"Finally Jazz, do you have any idea how long I was in there for? It must have been forever!" the once-absent Danny Fenton shouted and waved his arms above his head with his ire, wincing as he felt his joints snap after he had been cramped in such a small space for so long.

His sky-blue eyes widened as they alighted not upon the sheepish older sister he had been expecting, but rather a gaping teacher.

"Alice's Adventures in Wonderland!" a startled and perplexed beyond belief Mr. Lancer cried out, looking back and forth between the thermos he still held and his student. He warily peered down into the thermos to see that not only was it acting good and not sucking him inside as he was half-fearing it might, but also appeared as small inside as it should be. Just in case he tried fitting one of his hands in, and could not even get his fingers down past the middle joints.

Danny slapped his forehead and dragged his hand down his face, knowing that a lot of damage had already been done. Undoubtedly, Mr. Lancer would want answers soon.


Enjoying her lunch off-campus, Jazz came to the startling realization that she had forgotten to let her brother out of the Fenton Thermos after she had accidentally sucked him in (while he was in human form, which surprised her) when she had been attempting to capture a ghost that he had just defeated.

Now the question was: where exactly was that thermos?


Author's Note (again): Right, so I've been utterly buried with schoolwork for the past couple of months, and when I've not been busy with that I've been exhausted. Sorry for not updating anything for a while; this is actually the first time in some time that I've been able to write something of a decent length and I'm trying to get back into the writing groove.