Chapter Eighteen

"It's done~!" Urahara sang, bounding like a blonde puppy back into the storefront. Ichigo and Renji looked ready to pummel Rukia into the ground, so he slid up behind them. "Enjoy your last hour sex-flipped! It's going to take exactly sixty minutes to let it cool so we can all drink it."

"And then we'll be done?" Renji spun around, eager light entering his eyes.

"Yup!" Urahara grinned, flipping out a fan. "One more hour..."

Thirteenth (and Eighth) Company

"Woo~ Jushiro thish is not sho bad." Shunsui cheered happily, downing the next drink offered to him by the fourth man that hour.

Ukitake rolled his eyes. "I would advise you to take it easy, Kyouraku, but I know you won't." he shook his head with a smile, all the while sipping at a martini he'd been offered. He was not going to get drunk.

A spirit pressure raised his awareness and he grimaced, sensing what was about to happen as Shunsui fluttered his eyelashes for another drink.

"I've never seen a girl drink like that!" some random bystander cheered, drunk off his butt.

"Go beautiful! Chug it!" another shouted.

"Kyouraku..." Ukitake tried to warn him, but it was too late. The door swung open. A short man walked in, raven hair glittering in the low light.

Shunsui spun around, giggling and peered at the newcomer. "Naaanaaaao-chaaaan?" he slurred, still smiling.

Nanao wasn't armed with her signature clipboard, and it probably wouldn't have been good if she hit her captain here in public anyways. That didn't stop her from looking furious as he reached out and pulled her to him. Especially since it was like her hugs from Matsumoto: lots of chest and the strong smell of alcohol. "Taicho..." she hissed warningly.

Jushiro was blinking in surprise as a man slid into the chair beside him. He'd been so distracted by the events leading to his friend's sure demise that he hadn't noticed him approach. Polite and friendly as ever, he smiled. "Did you need something?"

The man leaned forward for a kiss and Ukitake blushed slightly. "Ah... terribly sorry, but I'll have to refuse." he held up a hand and scooted away.

"Why?" the man whispered, leaning forward again.

Ukitake's eyebrows pulled together and he winced as the man picked up some of the long white hair. It was really long now, long enough that when he put it in a ponytail to get it out of the way it reached his elbows. He gave his honest answer, though it was a bit odd to hear coming from a woman's lips: "I have no interest in men." He stood. "Ise-chan, if you would be so kind as to help my best friend..." he tilted his head.

Nanao nodded curtly and slung her captain's arm over her narrow shoulders. Jushiro held open the door and the trio stumbled out.


"You ugly monkey! I'll find the captain first!" a short brown-haired boy was shrieking, bouncing up and down in anger.

"You stupid! I'll find him faster!" the tall, not very attractive, woman with him shouted back.

They'd been arguing about who would find him, without really moving, since the gategaurd back in Soul Society told them their beloved captain had gone to the Human world.

"You're just mad because you're a lady!" Kiyone bellowed, drawing a few curious glances from the few people walking by. It was getting late – nearly 11:30 if the clock on the tower was correct.

"You're just mad 'cause you didn't change much! Not like ya had any boobs anyways!" Sentaro snarled back.

They fumed silently at each other.

As they had... all day. They were really failures at getting anything acomplished.

Twelfth Company

Nemu was vaguely aware that she hadn't changed a bit. She was still a woman. Why? Because she wasn't a real shinigami, to be honest. And she didn't care one bit. She merely stood to the side of the labaratory, watching as her father and Urahara worked.

Her father did not look attractive – by what she'd diagnosed was favorable, at least, she had no opinion – as a woman. He had insisted on wearing the same paint and such that he wore as a man, and therefore he was black and white. His gold eyes were now framed by thick blue lashes, and the blue mane of hair he had had before was now wild and long, falling past his shoulders.

His body was more like Nemu's now, though, she thought absently as she watched him snatch something from Urahara's outstretched hand. He was thinner, with long legs and a chest around the same size as his ''daughter''s.

"Mayuri-sama?" Nemu spoke up suddenly, surprising herself.

"Shut up, Nemu. I don't have time for you right now." he waved her off with his snappish reply. She only too gladly sunk back into the shadows. He would have beaten her again...

She had, for some reason, been about to tell him he made a very pretty girl.

Was she programmed to lie?

Eleventh Company

Kenpachi had decided to take a nap since there was no one worth fighting here. He was half-asleep when a familiar weight landedon his stomach.

"Ken-chan! Ken-chan!" his name was punctuated with little bounces on his stomach and he cracked open his eyes.

"Ya dumb brat, Yachiru, get off." he growled, sitting up so she slid off his stomach into his lap. She looked different, not by much but it was noticeable. Her hair had shortened. Her face had narrowed slightly. "Where's Ikkaku and Yumichika?"

"I ran off. Shiny-shiny was mad at Feathers. 'Cause Feathers was going to lotsa stores. I got bored. But I brought ya candy, Ken-chan!" she smiled and reached in the front pocket of her little jean shorts, pulling out a sucker.

Kenpachi snorted and laid back down, rolling so the little pink-haired ''boy'' fell off him. "I don't want that ~beep~ 'Chiru."

Yachiru smiled and pulled off the wrapped, shoving it into his mouth anyways. He sat back up and sat there. "Ken-chan is the best." Yachiru said easily, standing up. "Lets go find someone to beat up!"

Kenpachi stood up, pushing the lollipop to one side of his mouth with his tongue. Yachiru bounced onto his shoulders. "Ken-chan, should I call you Boobies now too?" she asked after they'd started moving.

Kenpachi stopped and reached up, grabbing Yachiru by the back of her collar. He swung her around and held her in front of him so he could look at her. "Call me that and I'll feed ya to one of them Arrancar."

Yachiru flashed a smile and wiggled, swinging herself back onto his shoulder. Because his wide shoulders had narrowed she was forced to sit like a normal toddler with a leg on each shoulder. "Just teasin, Ken-chan. No c'mon, I think Ichi is over... there!" she pointed right and pulled on his ear.

"Stop it, Yachiru, that hurts." he grunted as he took off in that direction.

"You're hair is soft." Yachiru announced. Kenpachi rolled his eyes skywards.

A few blocks away

"Yumichika, I'm gonna kill you if you give me one more hat."

"Ikkaku~!" said for-now woman whined, glaring at him. "Being bald may have been hot and worked for you as a guy, but you can't do that as a woman! It's totally not beautiful." he hissed.

Ikkaku was on the verge of slamming his head into the wall repeatedly. Yumichika was taking this way too far. Then he paused and arched an eyebrow, turning back to the raven-haired ''girl'' who was flouncing around the store. "YUMI!" he shouted, catching his arm as she passed. "Did you just freakin call me bald?"

Yumichika frowned and thought back, blinking and causing the feathers to brush his rosy cheek. "I think so."

Ikkaku rolled his eyes. "And then, you said I was hot."

"Yeah, sure. But not as incredibly beautiful as me." he flashed a smile.

"I'm going to kill you now and then jump off a cliff myself." he said, shaking his head.

Yumichika rolled his violet eyes and turned away. "What an ugly death. You could do better."

Ikkaku looked to the sky. "Really?" he growled.

Tenth Division

"I can sense her! She's in there! And... so are her friends." Matsumoto said, looking disappointed.

"It is their house." Toshiro said, frustrated. "Lets just go back to Kurosa-"

"In we go!" She cried, interrupting him as always and shoving open the door. The goofy grin on her face and the strawberry blonde hair on her head kind of reminded him of Ichigo. If Ichigo was an idiot.

"Orihime~" Matsumoto sang as she stepped in, poking her head around.

"Who's here now?" that wasn't Orihime, the girl was never that rude.

"Ah! It's Toshiro-kun and Rangiku-chan!" previously mentioned girl, who actually looked more like Ichigo than Matsumoto, looked happy, waving them in. Toshiro sent an apologetic look at the black-haired boy – who was probably a girl, if she/he was friends with Orihime.

"You know them, too, Hime? Did Ichigo try to kill them too?" the boy ignored them, instead snapping at Orihime, obviously frustrated with not knowing what was going on.

"No! Well, yes, at one point. But not really on purpose..." Orihime rubbed the back of her scruffy red-brown hair, giggling.

Toshiro sighed, "We aren't your enemies."

"Hime-chan, do you have any shirts Taicho can borrow?" Matsumoto asked, fighting back a smile.

"Ah~? Toshiro-kun? What's wrong with your shirt?"

Toshiro glared at his lieutenant, seeing the other people in the room. "Nothing."

"It's raining..." Mizuiro said quietly. "Were you wearing white, Toshiro-san?"

"Why does everyone seem to know about this white thing but me?" Toshiro frowned, trying not to appear childish. It didn't help that he was being drowned in the black fabric of his lieutenants coat.

"So what color is it? Can you really tell?" Orihime looked sympathetic. A vein throbbed in Toshiro's temple.

"Black!" Matsumoto said cheerfully.


"Aw~ Taicho..."


Ninth Division

Hisagi had lost Kira a while back when the blonde had left him at the coffee shop. He was bored and uncomfortable at still being a girl, even though it was very nearly the next day. What was it, 11:30 now?

He'd barely stepped out into the rain before a man bumped into him. He looked up, ready to apologize, through his shaggy black bangs.

"I'm sorry." the man beat him to it and flashed a sincere grin. "Hey, whats a girl like you doing up so late?"

"Just heading to visit a friend." Hisagi said politely, stepping to the side and immediately being pelted with rain. "Sorry for bumping you."

"Wait a minute, in the rain like this? Without an umbrella?" The man looked surprised.

Hisagi shrugged his narrow, pretty shoulders and tried to ignore the way his long black hair was sticking to his bare skin. "A little water won't hurt me." he said calmly, moving past. "I'll be going now."

"It'll hurt you if you catch a cold. Would you like me to walk you? I have an umbrella, after all." the man flashed a charming smile and Hisagi was shocked and disgusted to feel his cheeks grow warm.

"Oh no, I'll be fine." he said quickly, stepping past.

"I insist." Random man said, not in a rude way, and swung around. The umbrella easily covered them both. Hisagi shrugged. "My name is Reigi, by the way." he said, obviously trying to start a conversation.

Hisagi glanced at him. "Hisagi." he said.

"Funny name for such a pretty girl." Reigi teased gently.

Hisagi felt himself grow even more red in the face. This wasn't right! "Uh... y-yeah..."

Poor Hisagi didn't know that girl's had hormones like a roller-coaster. Maybe that's why he felt so giggly.

Hueco Mundo

Tousen, far away in the throne room of Aizen, sipped at his tea as he sat at the table. The sentient arrancar and Espada were all gathered in that room, shouting with outrage or quietly sulking.

Tousen, for once, was thanking whoever had given birth to him for making him blind. The shrill curses coming from one who could only be Nnoitorra painted a good enough picture of that. Something rammed into his leg and he turned his senses down, recognizing the spirit pressure of the tiny boy scrambling under the table.

Neliel Tu Odershank, huh? He'd thought the girl was dead.

"Wah~ Nelllll! I don't wanna chase you anymore... these things are heavy, and they bounce a lot." that voice and spirit belonged to Nel's now-female fraccion, Pesche. Tousen's eyes narrowed behind his visor as he pieced together what the arrancar as speaking of.

He caught Pesche by the arm as he passed. "Do not speak of your body that way, arrancar. It does not do justice to the female gender, and is entirely inappropriate for a child's ears."

Pesche nearly bit his tongue off trying to answer, by the sound of it. Tousen wasn't surprised, the man had struck him as a coward in the beginning. "Yes ma'am! I mean sir!"

Tousen released him and went back to his tea.

Yes, he had better mean sir.

Tousen paused mid-sip of his drink and stared at the tealeaves in shock at the thought that had just occurred to him:

I wonder if I am a pretty girl.

Eighth Division

*currently out with the 13th*

Seventh Division

Iba was hiding out in the woods, peeking around trees. "Taicho! Taicho, we're clear!" he hissed over his shoulder, shoving the glasses that no longer fit properly on his thin nose. This was some sort of torture – it must be. Urahara was trying to torture him by tearing away his masculinity.

"Iba-fukutaicho, you do not need to act as if we are undercover. I have decided to remain in the woods only because I fear I might disturb some of the humans." Komamura came around the thick trunk of the tree.

In terms of appearance, he had changed much more than the others. He was about two or three feet shorter, and he had been forced to borrow robes from the SWA. He was slender and tiny, with a chest closer to Soi Fon's than Matsumoto. Thick red-brown fur covered every inch of him, but it was longer and softer-looking. His muzzle was shorter and rounder, his eyes wider.

"Taicho!" Iba ducked into a bow.

"Iba-fukutaicho... there is no need for that. It is getting late, I suggest you set up a shelter for the night or find somewhere to sleep."

"Where will you sleep then, Taicho!" Iba asked, still in a bow.

"This grass doesn't look to bad." Komamura said simply, and turned away. Iba gawked and let out a little squeak of surprise.

"T-tail..." he managed. Komamura turned back.

"Ah yes. I do not understand why this transformation has made it so much... fluffier... but yes. I apologize, Iba-fukutaicho, I should have told you."

Iba smiled and tried not to flip out. "E-eh heh..."

"Well, goodnight then." The captain flopped down gracefully and curled into a ball. Iba tried not to notice the fox-like tail flicking over his captain's thinner, fuzzy legs.

Sixth Division

Renji rubbed the area just beneath his belly button and whimpered. Why was it that he could take a sword – his sword – torn across his shoulder, and yet this hurt him? Rukia seemed ready to dance in laughter at his pain, her eyes bright with glee. Ichigo had taken up the same position across the aisle from him. Renji shot the pretty orange-haired girl a glare which was quickly returned.

"This suuuuuucks." He growled to the little black-haired boy resting her feet in his hair. Rukia lost her smile.

"I know, you idiot. Wait for thirty more minutes, then you'll probably be a guy again." she pushed her toes into his ponytail harshly and he ducked away from her.

"You -" Renji cut off his reply and bent over, gritting his teeth. Rukia's eyes glittered with sudden sympathy and she pushed herself off the top of the shelf to pat his shoulder.

Of course, Byakuya took the time to come in at that moment. And his eyes narrowed ever-so-slightly. "Abarai...?"

"Nii-sama!" Rukia jolted to her feet and lowered her face respectfully. Byakuya nodded to her and brushed past. "Nii-sama! You're fashion sense as a woman astounds me!"

Byakuya's eyebrows curved downward. He looked over his shoulder as he stood by Renji's head. "I am the head of the Kuchiki family, Rukia. You must be able to dress in any form, for any occasion, at any time."

Rukia's eyes widened with awe and reverence. "Nii-sama!" she breathed.

"Oh shut up, Byakuya. You know you're only dressed like that because I gave you the clothes." Yoruichi rolled her yellow eyes as she walked in, grinning.

"Yoruichi-san?" Urahara poked his head around the door, looking like a child offered candy.

"Yeah, Kisuke, I'm back." she flashed another smile and walked over, patting his cheek. "How's the cure comin?"

"It's nearly finished! Twenty minutes and it will be ready!" he said.

"Good job!" she flashed another grin.

Renji rolled over on the floor so he was lying on his back. "Thank. God." he breathed. Ichigo nodded, saying nothing as he groaned and hugged himself around the waist.

"Whats wrong with you two?" Urahara tilted his head to the side and fanned his face.

"They've realized why girls have tougher lives than guys." Rukia said quietly. Yoruichi looked over her shoulder and her smile widened as her eyes brightened. She was obviously amused.

"Poor souls." she tossed back her head and laughed.

Byakuya and Urahara looked at each other. "I don't get it." Urahara said blankly.

Fifth Division

Momo Hinamori was still unconscious. She had no idea what was going on.

Aizen leaned his chin on his fist and stared out over the arrancar and espada gathered in his throne room. He did not care for all their loud and annoying noises. Could they not hide their emotions better? This was pathetic, really. His Espada... were pathetic:

Stark was asleep on the stairs, not seeming to care that he was flashing everyone because of his position and his low-cut top and his two new assets to his chest, and Lillinette was sitting beside him, arms crossed and looking incredibly awkward wearing a pair of his pants that were much to baggy and long. At least they aren't running around in a panic like some of these fools, Aizen thought.

Barragan was no where to be seen, no doubt having gone back his chambers as soon as the meeting had ended. Aizen did not blame him. While some of them could pull off the woman look, Barragan was much too old.

Hallibel was calm and collected as always, though she did look slightly uncomfortable. She was wearing her usual pants but had discarded her jacket, and her toned dark-skinned chest was clearly visible.

Nnoitorra must have been the loudest voice, shouting about how demeaning and insulting this was, to be trapped in such a useless weak body. He hadn't even bothered covering up, wearing his usual wardrobe and gaining furious looks from most of the female population. His long black hair fell nearly to his butt, and it really didn't help that his huge chest would have been hard to cover even if he'd borrowed Hallibel's jacket.

Szayel, too, had vanished, but not before declaring to all that he was going to see just what had happened. He had been pretty, actually, with the long blonde hair and glittery purple and girly form. It was slightly disturbing, actually.

Yammy was hideous, that was what it should be left at. Butch even as a woman, really. And he was eating like a man, tearing apart whatever food came into his grasp. He snarled for more and burped and Aizen averted his gaze.

The other Espada seemed to be acting relatively the same as the Arrancar– demanding to know why they were female/male instead of male/female.

Aizen closed his eyes. What an annoyance.

Fourth Division

After the quick rescue of the woman in the street Unohana had gone back to relaxing. But her tea was soon gone and she was soon wishing for company. She headed into the street and walked down the nearly-empty sidewalk. It was very late, and she was passed by only one person as she reached the corner and turned, casting out her senses for someone she knew. Perhaps she could find Isane, or the quiet and shy little Hanataro. She had yet to see or hear either of them.

She'd walked a couple blocks and stopped, seeing a cozy-looking tea shop lit up with a bright "24 Hour Service" sign. She could do with another cup and perhaps a cookie or snack of some sort.

She'd opened the door and the little bell hanging on it rang loudly. The shop was empty with the exception of a teenaged girl working on her laptop in the very back, and the workers, of course.

Unohana made it halfway in before an elderly man wearing the shop's uniform stopped her. "Excuse me, but..." he pointed, looking annoyed.

Unohana politely followed his pointing and found a sign. "No shirt, no shoes, no service." she read silently. Oh... oh she wasn't wearing one, was she...

She looked down, saw toned masculine abs, and nodded. "I'm terribly sorr-"

"Oh my god, let that man stay!" It was the teenager who yelped it. The elderly store worker looked up in surprise.

"Excuse me?"

"Yes, I see no problem with him." another woman, carrying a cup of coffee to the guest, grinned shyly at Unohana.

Unohana gave a little bow. "No no, this is entirely inappropriate. I had forgotten how I was dressed, please excuse me. I was forced to remove my shirt to bind the broken leg of a woman hit a couple blocks away."

The two women swooned slightly, flushing. Unohana headed for the door.


Miles away, Isane blushed and stood behind her sister as the younger argued. It was so late... they should be finding somewhere to sleep. Was there a curfew in Karakura? Would they get in trouble with the police?

"Kiyone, I can show you where Ukitake-taicho is..." she spoke up tentivly. Kiyone whipped around.

"You can?" she beamed.

Isane nodded. She was very flustered and uncomfortable. The transformation had given her another six inches of height. She loomed over everyone, tall and thin. Her short silver hair was fluffy, barely brushing her ears.

"No! Show me!" Senataro bellowed. Someone yelled out the window for them to shut up.

"I'll show both of you, just please be quiet..." Isane whimpered.

"I can be quieter than him!"

"No, I'm quieter!"

Isane covered her face with her hands, paling further at the feel of stubble on her jaw line.


Hanataro backed up again, and the two teenaged boys stepped forward. "Aw, she's so shy." one said. They both had flowers. "So cute!"

"Uh...uh... I..." Hanataro was scarlet with a blush, and he trembled.

"Come on, baby. We aren't going to hurt you. See? We saw you and brought you flowers!" The one doing the most of the talking stepped forward, holding out his offering.

Hanataro blushed and shook his head. "N-no thanks." he stuttered, reaching up to tug on his pigtails.

"Alright, we'll leave you alone. Here you go." The man set the flowers down and backed away, then walked off. "Sorry we scared you, ya cutie."

The other man dropped his bouquet as well and scrambled after his friend.

Hanataro pried himself off the wall and bent over to pick up the flowers. There were marigolds in there, and if he remembered right Unohana liked a sprig of marigold in her tea sometimes...

He stood up and a hand grabbed his cheek, pulling him forward.

"Wha- mmmph!" Hanataro's eyes flew wide open.

His lips were caught by one of the men, who quickly dropped him and rushed away. "Sorry! You were too cute I couldn't resist!"

Hanataro flopped to the ground and sat there, shocked. The flowers lay on his lap and he just stared.

"UWAAAAAAAH!" he suddenly shrieked, rubbing his lips with the back of his tiny hand. Kissed! Kissed! By a man! "EWWWWYYYY!

Third Division

Ichimaru Gin prowled around the throne room, bored and trying to keep his mind off the fact that with each step his chest bounced. He weaved his way through a squabbling group of weaker arrancar and then felt something latch onto his left leg. "Huh?" he looked down, eyes still shut, and found a familiar-looking boy huddling behind him. "Neliel?"

The green-haired boy jerked his head up, and the scar and red mark across his pudgy little nose was easily recognizable. "Shh! I'm playin hide-n-seek!"

"An' ya chose me as yer hidin spot?"

"Uh-huh! You is the pwettiest lady in hewe!" Nel giggled, ducking behind Gin's white-clothed leg as a particularly fat woman-Arrancar wobbled by calling for her.

Gin's signature smile widened. "Thank ya, lil one." he said, not really sure if he should take offense of not. Nel crouched behind him.

"Awe dey gone?" she whispered.

"I think they was headin outside." Gin told her, his tone all seriousness.

"Yesh! That means I winned!" Nel gave a little bounce, nearly pulling Gin's pants down since she still had her little fingers tangled in the white fabric.

Gin tightened the light blue belt around his waist. Nel jumped up into his face. "Thank you, Mister Gin!" she said.

Gin showed no surprise, while inside he gave a slight start. So she knew he was and was still not afraid to grab onto him to play a game? "Ah..." he had been about to say something, but the little ex-Espada ran off, giggling.

Well, that was certainly odd.

He took another step and bounced again and sighed, rubbing his back. "I don' know how Ran-chan copes..." he sighed.

Urahara Shop

Kira had made it back to the Urahara shop easily, without another round of his picnic appearing on the ground. He was actually feeling just fine now.

He slipped inside and found Renji laying on his back on the floor, Byakuya leaning on the candy shelf by his lieutenant's head. If that wasn't odd enough, Yoruichi was laughing her head off as Renji rubbed his stomach, and Urahara was scratching his head as though puzzled.

"What's going on?" Kira asked, his voice softer and quieter than ever with its now feminine edge.

No one even looked his way until he spoke up again and stepped in from the doorway.

"Oh, whats up Kira?" Renji asked, not moving from the floor.

"I actually asked the same question. Whats going on?" Kira respectfully bowed in Byakuya's direction and went to stand beside Rukia.

"Renji's having girly cramps." Yoruichi purred, nudging said red-head with her bare foot.

Kira's cheeks flushed. "Wh-what?"

"You know, monthly-"

Kira flinched and slid towards the door. "I think I'll go... find... Hisagi..."

"Oh~ be back in nineteen minutes! The cure'll be finished by then!" Urahara called out. Kira nodded and hurried out the door, trying to rid the blush from his cheeks.

Yes, that was definitely what he wanted to hear. All he could do was pray HE didn't wind up with... 'that'.

Second Division

Soi Fon sat in the back room of the shop, meditating to keep her calm and not outright kill the hat-wearing shopkeeper as soon as she stood up.

Yoruichi-sama... she looked like perfection even as a male... so... amazing...

Soi Fon rubbed her eyes and tried to shake such unnecessary thoughts away... one being that she wouldn't mind Yoruichi staying as a man.

That was a hot body. And Yoruichi-sama deserved perfection.

Omeada was back in the Sereitei, enjoying the miracle of having a day off. Who cares if he was a woman? That didn't stop him from shoveling more chips into his mouth and devouring every bit of food everywhere.

First Division

Yamamoto Genryuusai Sigekuni had seen many unbelievable things in his long, long life. However, him as a woman was a new one. And it was fairly disturbing, sitting in his usual spot, doing his usual share of the paperwork, and seeing a wrinkled old woman staring back at him from a mirror.

He was silent. Were his eyes getting old? Perhaps he was too tired?

He had quickly looked down at his body, found that he wasn't hallucinating, and given a grunt of a sigh. Urahara, no doubt.

Now, hours later and fairly late at night, he had finished his paperwork, downed a countless number of cups of tea, and was left with nothing to do. He knew that his squads had all fled to the word of the living to demand answers. His own squad was oddly quiet.

In fact, Sereitei was oddly quiet.

Perhaps this gender problem wasn't so bad after all.

World of the Living.

Grimmjow grunted as yet another man purposefully bumped into him, and raised a hand to punch the pervert in the face. Honestly, was every man in Karakura the same? Grimmjow was annoyed, he'd hardly gotten back into his gigai three minutes ago and he'd already been felt up by two men.

He glanced down and saw that it was, in fact, Ulquiorra. And that Ulquiorra's neck was resting in what a certain stuffed animal called ''the valley of the gods''. Grimmjow quickly backed up the same time his shorter companion stepped forward. "What the ~beep~ are you stopping for?" Grimmjow snarled, readjusting the sports bra that was all that covered his torso.

"I sense something-" he turned his face to the right and Grimmjow's temper flared up.

"Oh hell no. Not again. Don't tell me there's another girl you want to go stare at for half a second before leaving. This is bull~beep~. No ~beep~ing way am I going." he interrupted.

Ulquiorra turned to face him. "I am your superior, you will not address me that way. I was not under the impression that I knew more than one female human, and therefore do not have the need to see any others. Lastly, the object of which I sensed seems to be coming from the shop we left not an hour ago."

Grimmjow snorted. "Well then why the ~beep~ did you stop? We were headin that way, ya ~beep~."

Ulquiorra didn't even blink. "I meant to alert you to the fact that we may not be females very longer."

Grimmjow's eyes widened. "Well then GO! If I get one more hand touchin my boob I might rip a human's arm off!"

"There does seem to be a large amount of trash in this city." Ulquiorra tossed over his shoulder as they walked.

"Yeah... sure. Trash." Grimmjow rolled his eyes and brushed past his tiny companion.

Urahara Shop

"It's done!" Urahara cheered. He was surprised when the door stayed in tact, when no one came bursting in like last time.

"Well, prove it. Go on, fix yourself." Renji was sitting up now, complaining in words that were an echo of a certain other lieutenant's about how lying on his back hurt.

Urahara went to down a small cup of the stuff when it was snatched from his finger's by the femified Mayuri, who grinned. "I'll do the testing myself."

He gulped the small bit of the cure and immediately began to shift. Finally, he was back to normal.

"Seee?" Urahara glared at Renji.

Renji ignored him, snapping to his feet and downing the cure. It took a while longer for him to grown another foot and flatten out in certain areas, but he was finally back as well. And he grunted. "These pants are entirely too tight."

"Where's Ichigo?"

"He went home to get clothes so he wouldn't be a guy wearing a miniskirt."

"Smart man."

"For once."

So there it was. The end of the awkwardly disturbing tale of Ichigo's bounce, Unohana's tempting smile, and Grimmjow's ability to be molested.

Let us hope it never happens again.

A/N: And that's that! Fin! I agree with myself, I hope dearly that I don't EVER GET THIS IDEA AGAIN. This was fun, but oh my gosh if I have to write ''chest'' or ''boobs'' one more time I might flip.

Anyways, thank you for making this story my most popular on this sight. 114 reviews last time I checked. That's awesome. I love you all for reviewing and favoriting and everything. Thank you so much(:

If you could hit that review button one more time, all of you who stuck with me until the end, then I would be the happiest person on earth. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

The end.