The CEO, The Priest and The Helpless Puppy
Summary: after creating a machine that could help view the process of how life was back in ancient Egypt, Seto's brother, Mokuba invites Joey and the gang to check it out. But something goes wrong, and the gang is suddenly sucked back into ancient Egypt!
There it was. The machine that could change our thoughts on history as we know it.
"What da hell is this?" a tall, slander blond asked, placing his hand on his hips and eyeing the machine suspiciously. Tea, a tall brunette, frowned and pulled on his ear, "Joey. Behave and be polite, remember that we're guests in Kaiba's mansion" she scolded, letting go of the blond's ear and giving him a look of disapproval. Joey rubbed his ear and turned to his friend, sticking his tongue at her, "yes, 'Mom'" he said sarcastically, turning back to eye the machine. "What is this… weird… thinga-ma-jig anyways?" he asked, getting closer to it. A small, raven haired boy smiled, "don't you recognize it Joey?" he asked, laughing when said blond just raised a brow. "It's the machine that was used to send the Pharaoh back to his own time" he explained, getting near some of the machines to turn it on. Suddenly, it lit up, and soon an image of what supposedly is supposed to be ancient Egypt was shown on the screen. "Wow" Yugi, a small teen with crazy hair mumbled, looking amused and interested, "that's amazing Mokuba!" Mokuba smiled proudly and moved a small joystick that was on one of the control panels. "It is isn't it? Seto thought it'd be a good idea to reuse the machine to see into the past!" he shouted in excitement. The others all stared at the machine in interest, while Joey, on the other hand, frowned and kicked the machine. "Its not dat special, it's just a hunk of metal" he said, kicking the side if it. Suddenly, a booming, demanding and slightly attractive voice barked out, "Get away from that mutt! It's worth more then you!"
They all turned to see the man himself. Seto Kaiba, the young, CEO of Kaiba corp. himself. He was wearing his white trench coat with his logo on it, striding his way into the room. Walking right past the other, he and Joey had a complete glaring contest. The first to avert his eyes was the loser in their minds. "Hey, big brother! Come; let's show them how your machine works!" Mokuba called, smiling brightly as he turned towards the desk with a computer on it and pressing some keys. Holy crap this kid's hands moved fast!
"Alright" he mumbled, looking away and ignoring the little, 'happy dance' that the blond was doing, "the sooner we get this over with the sooner you dweebs can get out of my mansion" he mumbled. He walked to the operating machines and began to work his magic, ignoring the dirty looks he received from Joey. Within a few seconds, the machine was up and working, showing them images that a large, flat screen TV could not manage. "Whoa" Tristan, a tall, tan brunet with pencil shaped hair gasped; he placed his cup onto one of the desks and leaned in closer.
"This is amazing Kaiba!" Tea breathed out, giggling with Yugi as they watched some of the children play in the sand. Joey just crossed his arms and looked away, pouting a little, "It's not DAT great" he mumbled, giving the machine a little kick. Little did the blond know, was that that one kick vibrated the machine, causing Tristan's drink to fall over, spilling its Soda-y goodness all over the operating panels, Go !
The panels and the machines all malfunctions. Suddenly, a huge lightning like spark appeared, causing the machine to suck in everyone close to it. Everyone panicked and backed away quickly, only Yugi wasn't strong enough, and he was quickly sucked in. "Yug!" Joey cried, instinct kicking in, as he jumped and reached out to his friend. Grabbing hold of his wrist. "Damn!" he cried, soon getting sucked in with him. Seto jumped and ran for them, in attempts to save the two idiots. He was able to hold on to Joey's arm, only to have the blonde's immense strength pull him forward.
Within a matter of seconds, the portal closed, leaving the three that were behind shocked and confused. "Oh no" Mokuba muttered, checking his screen and trying his hardest to type something into the computers data base. "What's wrong? What's going on?" Tristan asked in panic, Mokuba sighed in frustration, smashing the keyboard with his fist before banging his head down on it. After a few minutes, he looked up at them with a sadden expression, "my brother and the others were just sent back to the Pharaoh's past…"
A/N: so? What does everyone think? Ok? Not ok? Bad? I hope it came out alright…
This was written for Nagareboshi-Lover! I tried my best! There will be more chapters soon ok? I promise!
Remember to review please! And I also take requests! :3