This ain't your "wham-bam thank you ma'am...err...young man"...kinda SMUT. If you want something quick and to the point, you know the ones that's like...stick it in wiggle it around and jizz... then go read something else! ***ghetto Teensie time***Cuz Ah shuuree as hell ain't writin' none o' that fo Sebastian. Ah finnah draw his smexiness as long and as much as Ah can. If yo ass don't like dat den Ah DON'T give uh shit! It's MAH story. Ah finnah wrahh it as Ah pleez. Whether FF-net is going to delete it later on or not Ah finnah SMUT it to the fullest damn-it! **pats mah weave**

Yaoi makes the world happy place and keeps the Teensie giddy! fo-sho!



Kuroshitsuji : Black Butler


Disclaimer: Kuroshitsuji aka Black Butler and recognizable characters belong to Yana Toboso and affiliates etc etc. I do not own them, only the plot (if you can call it that) of the story. (Which I make not one single penny from)

Inspiration: Song: I wanna be with you, by Mandy Moore.

Character Pairing: Sebastian Michaelis and Ciel Phantomhive.

Warning: Just like my many stories, this one is no different, which means, there will be lots of LEMONS, and since the characters in here are males, there will be YAOI (Boyxboy). This story will contain explicit (yaoi) sex scenes. If you find it distasteful in any way, this is your time to TURN BACK. Do not read if you are NOT a fan of Yaoi.


A/N 1: Setting -The conversation that Ciel and Sebastian have later on will be in the carriage, right after the fight with the angel on the Eiffel Tower.

A/N 2: Characters are of age of consent according to the law of the Victorian era time period.

Last but not least: My first 'real' yaoi fanfic. I semi-followed the events in the anime to create this story. I altered events as I saw fit to make the story flow. If the characters seem slightly OOC well then, I can't help it. If they were in such true character than this fic wouldn't survive because in their true character there wouldn't be any yaoi going on. So, I hope you will enjoy this story. It has not been beta'd so I apologize in advance for any mistakes you might come across.

DON'T FORGET: Thanks for reading, and please leave me a review to tell me what you think - good or bad.

I wanna be with you.
By: Mandy Moore

I try but I can't seem to get myself to think of
Anything but you
Your breath on my face your warm gentle kiss I taste
The truth, I taste the truth
We know what I came here for
So I won't ask for more

I want to be with you
If only for a night
To be the one who's in your arms to hold you tight
I want to be with you
There's nothing more to say
There's nothing else I want more than to feel this way
I want to be with you

So I'll hold you tonight like I would if you were mine
To hold forevermore
And I'll savor each touch that I've wanted so much
To feel before, to feel before
How beautiful it is
Just to be like this

Oh, baby
I can't fight this feeling anymore
Drives me crazy when I try to
So call my name and take my hand
Can you make my wish, baby, your command?



Sebastian Michaelis, a powerful demon, had a master. A very young master; linked by a simple contract. He had vowed to be by his master's side until the very end.


Sebastian didn't obey his young master's command because of the bond of the contract so much as it was because his young master inspired too many questions in his demonic mind. This was one human unlike any other, and there was such a need...such ardent admiration, that he'd stuck around and obeyed the young Earl's every command. Days turned into weeks, then months, and years. Over the course of their relationship, he had purposely picked at the young Earl from time to time to extract a unique response from his annoyed master. Even so, Sebastian did everything he could to help Ciel whenever he needed it, admiring the young Earl for his tenacity and courage all the way.

And then it happened - like a sudden flash of lightning - it seemed there was nothing he'd rather think of than his young master. At first he didn't think much of it, after all, his life was dedicated to catering to his master.

Watching over Ciel.

Serving Ciel.

So it was only natural for him to constantly think of his young Master. But when thoughts of Ciel stirred sudden waves of arousal through him, Sebastian knew that it wasn't normal. And when there was nothing he could do to shake the erotic thoughts of the handsome young Earl from his mind, Sebastian realized he was standing on quick sand.

So then, he tried to keep himself busy, tending to the garden, keeping himself engrossed in the kitchen, dealing with the three idiot servants, making sure the mansion was always meticulous. Forcing his focus to perform each and every task given to him by Ciel perfectly. Yet, every few seconds, Ciel's face floated to the forefront of Sebastian's mind and sent him spiraling down a ravine of lust and guilt.

One morning after the realization of his feeling, per usual, Sebastian went into his young master's room to wake him up. When Sebastian saw his young master lying there, hair askew, night shirt draping carelessly across his lieu of his task, Sebastian went quietly to the downstairs bathroom and - it was quite embarrassing to say the least - he...masturbated. It had been ages since he'd such an act, that it didn't take much at all really. But it was with absolute certainty that he saw his master's young face when he reached his climax. In Sebastian's mind, Ciel was surprised, shocked, angry, his eyes narrowing in contempt, his lips in an angry pout, as Sebastian spent himself forcefully against the back of the closed door. As soon as the deed was done, Sebastian - for the very first time - felt ashamed of himself. His head began to spin, Sebastian let off an overwhelming sigh.

Not only was he ashamed that he'd masturbated towards thoughts and images of his master, but also, for the fact that his master was so very young compared to his centuries in age. So innocent when it came to sexual relations. Yet that very shame fucked his impertinent lust over and over, until it begged for mercy and satisfaction, all in the same breath.

He needed a taste...a delicious taste of his young master.


Things only got worse for him from then on, and the will power to control himself drove him to near insanity...and the events that kept coming up really didn't help him in the least.

There was the time when his master was strapped and tied up by the Italian mobster Mr. Azzurro Vanel - the sight of his master so abused, was both fascinating and alarming - startling inside him, even more forbidden yet very desirable fantasies.

When the Jack the Ripper case came up, and Ciel had to attend the ball at Viscount Druitt's house...his young master dressed in the pink gown, so feminine and gentile, he thought for a second he would loose his mind. And he would have, if he was anything but a Phantomhive butler.

Sebastian tried and did anything, and everything he could to obliterate the whirling lust inside him. Hell, he even went as far as using the excuse of fucking a nun 'for information' so that he could get some relief. Unfortunately, it was such an unpleasant and unsatisfying coupling, it only heighten his craving for Ciel all the more.

To the misfortune of no one but himself, Ciel still allowed Sebastian to bathe him nightly. Ciel's satiny smooth skin drove him wild. The sight of Ciel's pale skin, the swell of his pert nipples elicited a silent groan of pleasure from deep within. Once again, he was forced to fight control of his hunger.

Really, he was a demon, but did God really hate him 'that' much? As the sponge caressed gently across the young master's porcelain skin, Sebastian thought he'd go completely mad. He felt the blood pound through his thighs. He felt his heart pumping blood throughout the rest of his body, across his arms, shoulders and then thundering in his head. He had to do something. But what could he do? Proof of his arousal was evident and he daren't stand up. Everything seemed to give off a misty heat until he thought he'd suffocate had he been anything but a demon.

He wasn't sure if it was relief or disappointment he felt that his master did not notice the still growing bulge in his slacks. With the will of an immortal, Sebastian managed to tuck his master in without an incident - thanking...God? that Ciel hadn't asked him to stay until he was asleep, because he desperately needed to put distance between them...and to relieve his aching balls.

Frustration beat at his mind even as his hand beat at his cock pressing harder at the golden biscuit skin under the flickering candle light. Invisible fingertips caressing him, as his hand teased his flesh, pulling and stroking until he was groaning, begging for the desired - and oh so forbidden - release always just beyond his reach...Sebastian climaxed with Ciel's name on his lips.

And so it continued, this deprived, passionate hunger that kept building inside of him; even he felt his soul tormented.

So tormented that for a few precious seconds, Sebastian feared he'd lost himself when he thought to cross the threshold of his master's chamber in the middle of the night, and took what he wanted, how he wanted, for as long as he wanted. His body was in desperate need of a good fuck...he needed to fuck him! Yet at the same time, it was only him that could satisfy this burning desire.

Sebastian turned the knob and swept the door back, striding across the path toward the bed where his master rested. When he stared down at the young Earl, his expression was open and trusting in his sleep; Sebastian growled angrily - but softly - before turning his heels to leave. Once again, frustrated beyond comprehension.

Within that frustrated lust that Sebastian learned that he had loved the Earl. He didn't expect that, nor did he believe he could ever love, yet as each day passed, he realized that the way he cared for his young master was deeper than master and butler, more than a business, he realized with hopeless despair that he - a demon - had slowly fallen in love with the young human boy.

Sebastian decided that he would allow life to take its course, and he would have been content for what it was until he swallowed Ciel's soul to become one with his body. Then he realized that even for a powerful demon such as himself, sometimes, things don't always go as they should...or as he had foolishly hoped.

He thought after all the years of serving and being together he had garnered Ciel's devotion and loyalty. Sebastian had assumed it was an unwritten, unspoken commitment they had made to each other...


The vow his young master made had so quickly turned into ash and drifted off into the wind. The vow Ciel swore that day had meant nothing! The past two years, everything felt as though it all had been a lie, and Sebastian wondered just how deep the deception went.


Ciel's deceit.

It was a sting of betrayal he did not think he could ever feel.

It seemed that Ciel still swore his loyalty towards the Queen even after learning the truth - she was the one who dragged him into hell by having his parents killed! The anger that welled in his heart when Ciel vehemently told him to withdraw, anger that was suppressed for duty's sake, returned with a vengeance. Years of lust and desires turned into frustration, disappointment and pain that came bubbling toward the surface. A surface so thin and frail it cracked under the intensity of his emotions.

He had been going mad refraining himself all these years from taking what he really wanted; serving his master and this was the thanks he got? A lie is a lie - even it is a lie of omission. But you hadn't really omitted it, had you, young Master? The way you feel for your Queen...and...and...?

"You've decided you value your soul,"Sebastian stated, his bitterness unmistakeable.

"Don't be ridiculous, what would I want with such a useless thing?" Ciel didn't even spare him a glance.

Rage flared, threatening to consume him. Sebastian placed a finger under Ciel's chin and slowly elevated the Earl's gaze to his. "I do not lie to you, young master; even though it is in your human nature to do so - I ask that you do the same, and not lie to me."

Ciel twisted his chin from the demon's grasp. "What are you going on about, Sebastian?"

"I know your heart has changed. I can tell you now desire your soul, young master...for her, perhaps?" Sebastian's face tilted as he studied the young Earl.

"Rubbish," he made a small, dismissive flourish with his hand.

'That can never be changed, and nothing sacrificed can be regained.' Those were your words Sebastian, have you forgotten them yourself? My feelings, the way I feel right now. No, not just now, but for so long...

"I know detective Aberline's voice has anchored a change of heart in you, if that is so, I can grant you your new desire." He touched a gentle finger to Ciel's cheek.

What would you know of my desires, Sebastian...?

"And what would it cost me in return? I've got but one soul, and you've naught the desire for earthly possession." He said, with a little cluck of disgust.

Sebastian hazard a glance, but Ciel had quickly drifted off again, somewhere deep in the recesses of that complicated mind of his. Somewhere with her. His devotion - the gentle and perfect queen. A shiver of pure, raw jealousy danced down Sebastian's spine. Ciel was his master. Ciel was his, and only his'. Frantic to shove off the sudden barrage of unwanted images of Ciel's complete faithfulness in the Queen, Sebastian reached for Ciel's hand on impulse. The young Earl jerked in surprise, but for some reason, he didn't recoil. Rather, he stopped shortly, his gaze uncertain clashing with the demon's own.

The startled look in Ciel's beautiful eyes...suddenly made sense to Sebastian. His master, hiding this secret...Very well, there was very little I can do now...So without hesitation, Sebastian made a proposal to his young master. His very own soul depended on this...

"There is something from you that I want, something you can give me in exchange for your soul - even after I have helped you exact your revenge."

"And what would that be?" Ciel asked half-heartedly.

"You." His voice surprisingly mild for such a declaration.

Confusion marred Ciel's beautiful young face.

His cerulean eyes blank with surprise.

Sebastian knew his young master had already developed a healthy dose of sexual curiosity; his body was in a testosterone-driven phase of risky behavior and Sebastian intend to use that to his utmost advantage.

"If you would allow me to be with you -"

"How dare you?"

Those beautiful cerulean blue eyes...

Ciel's eyes were so full of indignation they twinkled like stars on a moonless night, it almost made the demon smile.

Sweet revenge. A taste of some of the feelings you've inflicted upon my very soul, young Master.

"One night with you, young master, and your soul is yours to keep." Sebastian finished with a devilish smirk.

" the world would you...?" Ciel shifted in his seat and Sebastian could see it in the telltale look of his young master that Ciel couldn't understand why his young body was - slowly, and surely - becoming aroused. Ciel's eyes...they spoke volumes...and what they told Sebastian was the confusion as to why the thought of being with him - a demon; another man - was causing him to become so excited.

He didn't want to, and Ciel tried not to, but he knew that he was definitely excited. More so than dessert before dinner. It was a completely new feeling of excitement; and it was very upsetting and frightening at the same time.

Sebastian narrowed his eyes a fraction, watching the young Earl with a fascination even he couldn't fathom. But the physical response from the young Earl diminished any wavering confusion from his mind.

The smile that claimed Sebastian's face let him know that the demon knew that he was excited. Ciel was appalled that his face betrayed so much. At least we are alone, Ciel thought with a small glimmer of relief.

"There are reasons I suppose," Sebastian murmured in a raspy voice. "Perhaps I have grown to care for you. Or maybe if I was to mark your soul in pain and swallow it whole, I will forever loose you. A meal that will come to pass, so to speak. However, if I am to have one night with you, young master, I will have the memories to last me all eternity." His voice fulsome with mockery.

Poor Ciel's muzzy brain was unable to comprehend his butler's words. The amused demon smirked as his master sat with an incredulous look on his face. "It is a costly trade - perhaps disadvantageous for me, but it is worth it to me - to be with you, if only for a night." And perhaps if I can't have your true allegiance, young master, then I shall have your body and all that comes with it.

Even at this point the young Earl could not believe what Sebastian was saying was real. It couldn't possibly be what he assumed the demon meant. He had to hear the actual words to really believe it.

"What do you mean 'be with me', Sebastian?...You don't mean..." Ciel swallowed. In spite of his outrage, something inside him hummed like a barely plucked string at Sebastian's tone, deep and rough and tinged with a promise so simply pleasurable, Ciel couldn't even imagine it in his young mind. He didn't want to imagine it! It was absurd! He turned and stared at his butler for a moment, and saw that Sebastian's eyes glinted at him.

"Yes, it is exactly what I mean, young master. I want you lying naked in my arms - your body mine, to do as I please." He said it with a trace of amusement that irked the young Earl so. When the slap connected with Sebastian's cheek, tears pricked the backs of Ciel's eyelids - not from the contact but from the slur. Sebastian had assumed that he - Ciel Phatomhive - was selling his body so easily, so... carelessly! Anger warmed his insides at the mockery.

Unlike the other slaps Ciel had given him, this bore no weight - he had been anticipating the physical discipline. Sebastian only lowered his eyelashes and gave Ciel a wicked smile. "I want to be with you, that is all there is to it. I've hunger for you for years, young master. I will deny myself no longer." Sebastian said with a low voice that resonated through Ciel's being and soul.

What is happening to me? He felt so dizzy...confused, as if he was going mad. Ciel felt as though all the bones in his body had left him completely as he fell back onto the seat and slid slowly down without support. Ciel looked at the demon across from him. Of course he would say anything now, and once I've given in and agree to this new contract...couldn't he take my soul in the end anyway?

"You've gone completely mad, Sebastian!" He said, frowning, for it still made no sense to him. His words were firm but his deep rasp betrayed the level of arousal. Ciel shifted uncomfortably to hide his growing erection. Unaccountable anger rose within himself at his body's reaction toward Sebastian's proposal and his damn deep sexy voice.

Sexy? Sebastian's voice Ciel groaned audibly.

Oh Heavens help him, the poor young Earl. Sebastian inclined his head, clearly enjoying himself greatly.

"Perhaps I am, young master. But I've waited too long for what is mine." Sebastian whispered seductively against Ciel's ear. The young Earl inhaled sharply, willing away the very sensation Sebastian tried to invoke. But it was too late for him, his curiosity has been piqued. His desires...wants...had been teased and taunt, like dangling meat in front of a staved dog. He was after all, a growing young man. Earl or not, Phatomhive or a commoner, his body still had...certain needs.

Ciel eyes narrowed and his breath quickened. "I..." He couldn't make himself say the words that would refute the demon's absurd proposal. Even so, they both now understood that any of his 'protest' would be perfunctory and without significance.

Sebastian leaned back into his seat, the corners of his lips turned up in a half smile. "I will allow you some time to think about it. It is not something you can make a decision on so quickly." He was watching Ciel with darkly amused eyes and a slight smile curving his mouth. "I am asking for your innocence, and perhaps in that, it will mark the pain into your soul as you have requested."

'Ciel, you have a chance to get a future for yourself again. Give up the pain...' The memory of detective Aberline's words were so vivid it was as if he was saying right into Ciel's ears.

My soul, my pain...Sebastian...a future...If I can keep my soul...I wouldn't have to die...

But at what cost? His virtue? His morals? Did he really believe he still placed a value on such things anymore? Does anyone?

Perhaps...just perhaps...I would have to work the kinks out later. This might be my only have a future, whatever that means.

Ciel's shoulders hurt from the effort of keeping still. He finally found his voice, which was growing tight, but he lifted his shoulders, his head held high and his tone eased. "A Phantomhive does not hesitate; especially one who is head of the family."

Sebastian arched a brow.

Ciel took an unsteady breath. "You may come to my room tonight." He said, fair spitting the words at the demon.

"I do that every night, young Master." Sebastian's eyes glittered with sly amusement.

"Yo-you will stay the night!!" Ciel replied tartly.

"As you wish, my Lord." Sebastian bowed gracefully.

Ciel glared at him, mouth open in fury, but he didn't say anything. Nothing at all as his thoughts began to drift towards evening...The sound of the horse whinnying startled him as carriage came to a halt. And as if the conversation never happened, Sebastian rose from his seat, opened the door and as always, ushered his young master from the carriage.

Young master...

The demon smirked. Before this night was over, Ciel would be screaming his name. He would never want for anything, never want another, Sebastian was going to make sure of it.