A/N- Hey guys! Here is the sequel to Mind Games! I have this and two more chapter typed up, so it won't be as long a wait as Mind Games! :D I hope you enjoy this! I had a really fun time writing this, but it's like, clear out of my league. I'm trying something I've never done, so please forgive me for anything that does not seem right! Plus with the end of school here... It's a mess, my brain is. So, I hope this lives up to the legacy (don't ask, I just thought that up on the spot) that was Mind Games!

All mistakes are my own!

Benugan! (As a reminder, that's Welsh for enjoy!)

He handed her a pendant on a brown cord. It was a simple crescent moon, but made out of topaz and enchanted with magic. It glowed softly as she slipped it over her head. As soon as the gem touched her chest it dimmed, leaving the two in almost total darkness.

"I trust you will do as I say?" he asked.

The young woman put a hand over the pendant. "To the letter," she replied.

"Then go. Go and do exactly as I have instructed you."

"I will not disappoint." With that, she donned her cloak and bag and turned to flee from the cave.

"You will be sorry if you do." The girl looked back once more and into those cold, soulless blue eyes. She nodded.

He nodded back, leaving her to do her task.

She left for Camelot, pendant icy against her skin…


"Merlin!" Gaius yelled. It's time to get up!" The warlock groaned and flung an arm over his eyes.

"Coming!" he yelled. Merlin got up and changed, back popping it the process. He just barely remembered to grab his trademark neckerchief as he headed out and down for breakfast.

"Don't forget your breakfast. You know Arthur will find out eventually, and you'll be on his bad side again." The raven haired youth rolled his eyes. Gaius held out a breakfast roll, which his ward grabbed on the move.

"Heaven knows I don't want that." Merlin paused at the door. "It'd probably end up with a meal fit for two kings that I have to force down like last time." He flashed the chuckling physician his classic grin before heading outside to meet Halyn.

"Morning, Merlin!" the blonde servant exclaimed. His blue-gray eyes sparkled, thin lips pulled up in a smile. He was younger than Merlin by about three years, but had a considerable amount of muscle on him. Halyn's gold hair curled on his head, giving a rather young disposition. This was helped by the dimples that appeared when he smiled.

The boy had grown on the warlock. Many times had he tried to convince Arthur to send him away, but the longer the king refused, the more used to seeing and talking to him Merlin became.

"Good morning, Halyn. How are you today? Is your mother doing well?"

"Oh, yes!" he said as they started to the kitchen. "She's doing much better. Thanks to Gaius, the swelling of her ankle has gone down and she no longer has a fever! Father said we might have to tie her down as she keeps trying to get up! Though I don't blame her; Father can't cook near as well as her!"

Merlin laughed. They made their way all the way to the kitchen, the breakfast roll still uneaten in his hand.

When they got there, Mary Lou was already waiting with Arthur's breakfast. "Good morning, Merlin!" she greeted cheerily. "Got the king's meat, cheese, and a piece of bread today. The honey bun if for Queen Guinevere, so make sure she gets it! I know how sneaky that master of yours is!"

The warlock laughed. "A royal prat, Arthur is! Thank you, Mary Lou. You're a great help. I couldn't have made it on time every day this week if it wasn't for you."

Mary Lou smiled and playfully wagged a finger at him. "Well, you will still be late unless you go right now!" The two boys laughed. "You have a good day, Merlin. You too, Halyn."

Both thanked her and headed on their way. The whole trip was spent laughing and joking, just like any other day. Merlin's breakfast somehow snuck from his hand and onto Gwen's tray. It didn't seem like either of them knew what happened, but the warlock knew what he was doing.

When they got there, the two said their goodbyes and Halyn went on his way. The cerulean eyed boy knocked on Arthur's door, remember the last time he had walked in on him and Gwen unannounced. It had not been pretty.

"Come in!" Merlin heard the king call. He pushed the door open with his shoulder, a smile on his face.

"I have breakfast," he said, almost singing.

"Why are you so happy?" asked Arthur in his usual sarcastic tone. Merlin set down the trays.

"I don't know… I'm just… Happy?"

Arthur started sampling the various foods. "Well… the bread is only slightly stale, and the meat is almost as tough as I am." He set the tray down. "Go fixit.

Gwen tried the cheese. "Oh, Arthur! Don't be so picky."

"It's alright," said Merlin, his cheeriness not even the slightest bit dampened. "But I do have a treat for you, Gwen." The warlock held the second tray out to the queen, having had it hid behind his back.

The former maid smiled sweetly. "Why thank you, Merlin! I can see you added your own little roll along with the kitchen's honey buns. You're so kind, it's a wonder you don't have a girl for your own."

Merlin looked down as Gwen took the sweets, blushing furiously. He felt flustered, so he didn't dare say anything to prevent further embarrassment, especially since Arthur was there.

It didn't seem to work too well, though, as the king quickly jumped in. "How's he supposed to get a girl when he is one himself?"

Merlin looked up and pointed at him, trying not to give the blonde an answering grin of his own. He was about to call the older boy a clotpole, face still red, when Gwen intervened.

"Arthur Willie Pendragon! You know better than to call Merlin a girl! He's just more sweet and sensitive than you!" The king's eyes widened and his face turned a curious shade of crimson. Merlin, however, started laughing.

"Your-your middle name i-is Willie?" Merlin said between breaths. His cheeks stayed rosy, but more for the laughing than the previous comment. The warlock looked up and saw how mad and stiff Arthur had become. He realized he had better get out of there quick before a goblet was tossed at his head or he was put in the stocks.

The raven haired youth scooped up the king's tray. I'll go get something to your liking." And because he couldn't keep it in, he added, "Sir Willie."


The warlock ducked under Arthur's grasp and ran through the door. It shut behind him and he only slowed a little, not noticing the young woman in the way. Merlin had kept his eyes back, so he was completely surprised when he crashed into her. They both were sent tumbling to the ground, Arthur's breakfast sent flying. He landed on top of her, and she let out a small, "Oomph," in shock. They looked at each other for a moment, she stared into his cerulean eyes and he into her emerald green flecked with gold.

Neither moved for what felt like an eternity. Then suddenly, the girl pushed against his shoulder as Merlin stumbled desperately to get off. "I'm so sorry!" the warlock exclaimed. He stayed on his knees to help her pick up the items that spilled out of her bag.

He kept muttering apologies as they grabbed the various foods, water skin, and a few books. The young woman, however, kept silent, letting her long black hair hide her face like a curtain. Merlin wasn't sure if that was a good sign or not.

When they finally stood, it turned out the warlock had actually grabbed the bag. "Oh, uh, here," he stuttered slightly. "Sorry about that, I wasn't exactly watching where I was going."

For the first time, Merlin heard the young woman's voice, though her eyes stayed downcast.

"No, it's fine. It's my fault actually. But thank you for helping me. Most people I know would just keep walking." She took her bag and slung it over her shoulder. "Sorry for the trouble."

"Oh, no trouble at all. Really, it was an accident. Neither of us are at fault." He smiled and stuck his hand out. "I'm Merlin."

The young woman stumbled over her words while taking his offered hand. "I-I'm Anastazia. You can call me Stazia, though."

"Well, Stazia, I'm terribly sorry to have run into you literally. But maybe we could 'run into' each other again sometime soon?" Merlin gave his disarming grin.

Stazia looked down filling her already gaunt cheeks with shadows. "I wish I could," she replied, "but I need to find the king's manservant."

"You're in luck! It just so happens that I personally know who you're looking for! How about this? Meet me in the courtyard in an hour, and I'll bring him."

Anastazia looked doubtful. "Are you sure he'd be able to get off? He is servant to the king after all."

The warlock waved it off. "He'll come, I know it." He winked. "Once I tell him how lovely you are." The young woman was embarrassed to find herself blushing. "So I'll see you later?"

She nodded. "Yeah. See you, Merlin."

"Goodbye, Stazia! See you in an hour!"

Anastazia smiled and nodded. The raven haired young man bounded off, a smile on is face.

A/N- ...So? How did I do? I'm not completely into this chapter, it seems like a filler to me. I'm sorry if it's too short or too boring! Next chapter things start heating up! I promise!

Any ideas or predictions you guys have would be greatly appreciated! This one is just going to mainly be by ear as I don't have a definite plot. There is one, don't worry! I just have some problems getting where I need to be...

Anyways, soon, in like three days I'm going on a trip. There's going to be a pool there, so don't blame me if I don't get much written! I love swimming!

Please review!
