Annabeth's POV

I was in my cabin crying my eyes out.

My siblings were out for the evening activities.

My Seaweed Brain, How could he?

I thought he loved me? I can't believe he would do that to me.

The door squeaked open.

"Annie?" I saw Thalia peek in. She was wearing her usual hunter attire.

She rushed to me giving me a bone crushing hug.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with the other hunters?" I said in a coarse voice.

"My best friend needed me. Artemis allowed me to have a break. I'll be here for a week or so.
Now tell me what did that idiotic Kelp head do this time?"

"He cheated on me Thalia. I saw pictures of him kissing Amanda from the Apollo cabin. It was more than one picture Thalia more than just one kiss."

"Why would he do that?"

"I don't know but I confronted him and he denied it. He denied it even when the evidence was right to his face."


Ashley came up to me after Archery practice. She was a new camper who came just a week ago and was kinda nice. She was a daughter of Aphrodite. She was fair skinned with blonde hair a little longer than mine. She had blue eyes and a dimpled smile.

She was the same age as Percy and I only she was a few days younger than Percy.

She looked troubled and came to me Hands behind her back.

"Annie you have to see something."

"What is it?" I asked curiously ignoring her calling me Annie.

She bit her lip uncertain.

"I didn't want to be the bearer of bad news Annie but my siblings and I found these pictures." She showed me a short pile of pictures. There were about eight pictures or so.

I took it from her.

When I looked at the first photo my heart dropped.

"How...?" Ashley gave me a look of sympathy.

I looked at the next and the next and the next.

They were all pictures of my 2-year boyfriend kissing another girl. Kissing a black haired girl.

That girl was no one but Amanda Laive.

Each picture was from different locations. The ones Percy and I usually go to do what he was doing with Amanda.

My heart sank.

How could Amanda do that? I thought she was my friend?

We were pretty close. Maybe she wanted to get close to me just to get to my boyfriend.

But how could Percy do that to me?

I was furious. I had to control myself from shredding the pictures into tiny little pieces.

I stomped to his cabin. The sky was darkening.

I was sure it was almost dinner time but I didn't care I want an explanation. I want Answers.

"Perseus Jackson!" I yelled pounding his door. Tears threatening to spill out. The other campers were either in their cabins or doing some other activities. No one was out but me.

The door opened.

"Hey Annabeth." He said casually.

"Hey? That's what you say?" I asked angrily.

"Is there something wrong?" He asked. His eyebrows crunched together in concern.

He's done that expression that I usually couldn't resist.

It made me wonder was what he doing an act?

I barged in the cabin not bothering to close the door.

"Something wrong? Very. Why the Hades did you do it?" I asked my voice cracking a bit at the end.

"Do what?" Percy asked.

"Oh drop the act Perseus. I want an explanation." I was getting more impatient by the second.

"Annabeth, I have no Idea-"

"Oh, no? Then what's this?" I showed him one of the pictures.

He stared at it wide eyed.

Tears slowly slid down my face.

"Still don't know?"


"How about this?" I showed him two more pictures.

"I didn't-"

"I can't believe you! All this time you were bringing another girl to our spots to make out with her! I can't believe you would cheat on me" I was shaking in rage.

"That's not me! I didn't do that WiseGirl!" He said.

"Don't you dare WiseGirl me!" I screamed.

"How could you deny it? You even have the guts to-" I tried to continue.

"Why won't you listen? I would never do that-" He interrupted me.

"You Liar! The evidence is right there and you're still denying it." I shoved the picture at his face.

I felt as though a metal rod was poking my heart.

"I don't even know who that girl is!" He screamed.

"So you make out with random strangers now more than once?" I asked. I was hurt and I didn't care about hiding it.

We were having a glaring match. If looks could kill we would have both been dead by now.

"Believe what you want to. I never did any of that."

"Erre es Korakas! Go to Tartarus Percy. We're finished."

I ran out banging his cabin shut as hard as I could.

I didn't have much strength so I wasn't able to do much damage.

I started to head towards the woods to a spot that guaranteed privacy but then I remembered this is one of the places Percy took Amanda to.

I stopped dead in my tracks.

I headed towards the Athena Cabin instead. Thankfully not even one sibling of mine was there. I didn't see campers out either.

I just cried and cried letting the hurt and feeling of betrayal flow out.

I never cried but Percy, The last person that thought would ever betray me did just that. A lot of people left me and abandoned me. I never would have guessed Percy would be one of those people.

~End flashback~

"As much as I'd like to drag him to the deepest depths of Tartarus for that, It's just hard to believe Kelp head would actually do that."

"I couldn't believe it either. What will I do?"

"Whoa. A child of Athena doesn't know what to do?" She joked.

"Thalia, I'm serious."

"When aren't you?"

"Thalia!" I wanted to scream.

"You aren't helping."

"Alright alright. Sorry. Did you let Kelp head explain himself? Asked him what happened?"

"I don't want anything to do with him." I told her.

"This just isn't Kelp head's behavior. I know he loves your guts. Maybe someone framed him or something."
Thalia suggested.

"The pictures were clear as crystal. It was definitely Percy kissing Amanda." I said.

I wanted to believe Percy really didn't do it but the Pictures were right there.

"Why don't you ask Amanda about it?"

"Why would I go to the girl he cheated on me with?" I asked her exasperated.

"To get information." Thalia said as if it was so obvious.

"I don't wanna go near her or Percy." I said.

I actually wanted Percy to prove me wrong to somehow show me it wasn't him.

I wanted him to take me in his arms and never let go. Tell me he would never do something like that.

I wanted to wake up and find out it was just one big bad dream.

I would wake up in a cold sweat and I'd have a hard time sleeping.

I would go to Seaweed Brain's Cabin and he'd allow me to use him as a pillow. He'd wrap his arms around me protectively. Him whispering soothing words into my ear, calming me down. Soon I would be asleep and he'd fall asleep after me.

But this wasn't a dream and Percy clearly did kiss Amanda.

I hid my face in my Pillow as a fresh set of tears rolled down my cheeks.

Thalia held me in a tight hug.

Percy POV.

I can't believe this.

I was still standing from where I stood when Annabeth barged in telling me that I cheated on her with this blonde girl from the Pictures.

I honestly didn't even know who that was in the picture.

I would never do that to her.

All I felt was hurt.

Then I felt Angry.

How could she accuse me like that? She didn't even allowed me to try to explain.

She was just being to prideful to listen.

She said she wanted an explanation but she didn't even allow me to say a single simple sentence.

Yes, I know what a simple sentence is.

After feeling angry all I felt was confused and finally hallow and lonely.

I was having a pretty bad day. I was hoping it would get better like it always would when I saw her.

How wrong I was.

It got alot worst.

I can't believe that after how many years...

Why didn't Annabeth trust me? Doesn't she know me well enough to know I wouldn't do anything like that?

Fine I do stupid things sometimes but I would never do something that stupid.

I really didn't know what to feel or what to do next.

I've been staring at the door she banged the whole time since she left.

A single tear slid down my face.

Why WiseGirl?


How do you think it is?What would happen next?

What happened? Who wanted Annabeth to think Percy cheated on her? Was it really Amanda? It it someone else?

REVIEW and I'll update. Pretty simple huh? Yep.

Hurry hurry with those reviews!


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