
You're The Only One I Love

For Red it means a lot when Green would just drop by out of nowhere just to visit him a top of Mt. Silver

because even if there is animosity between them as long as Green would continue seeking him he wouldn't mind those strong feelings of hate.

because Red only sees Green.


Return My Affection

It takes a long time for him to accept it. He knew and was fully aware of it. And Green knows it has been too long it was time for them (for him) to move on. He briefly wonders if Red knows the name and meaning behind the flower he has in his hands.


Refined Beauty

Red knows that Green is popular with the ladies as well as to the few gents and he knows that Green is aware too but Green does not know how far his beauty goes and it was better that way because Green can be a narcissist, the flower he gave to Red was enough proof. But Red does not mind it because he also knows the second meaning behind the flower.

Yellow Roses


Green knows that it was irrational for him to be jealous of Red's pokemon particularly that pikachu.

He doesn't know that Red feels the same with regard to Eevee.

Higanbana (Red Spider Lily)

Death, Lost Memory, Abandonment

When Green left a bouquet of Red Spider Lilies at home, Red had never felt so terrified he searched for Green everywhere at their shared apartment it was not until later when Green came home did he felt relief

"what wrong?"

"I thought you left..."

Green then remembered the flowers he had left on the table.

"Sorry to have made you worry" and Green patted Red's head in a comforting manner.

Red hugged him tight and it was then that Red remembered that today was the death anniversary of Green's Raticate.

Green led Red to sofa and went to the kitchen to make hot chocolate after all warm and sweet drinks help soothe the soul on stormy days.