Hey guys! This is my first published non-Glee fanfic, so I'm seeing how it goes :) I was inspired to write this as I was reading lists of odd pairings for the Hunger Games, and I thought this one might be kinda interesting to write due to the character dynamics. This is guyxguy: so don't like, don't read. Rated M for sexual content and some violence/language.

Obviously I can't give away everything about the plot, but I can tell you that that plot line will pick up more as the chapters go on. Gale will come in during the next chapter, I promise, however the true pairing won't come until a little later.

Reviews = love! And suggestions are always welcome :) I'm hoping this fanfic will have a little of everything, from funny to serious to fluffy and so on. So please feel free to comment with any ideas you might have, and I will definitely consider them! :)

Disclaimer: I own absolutely nothing. Well, except for my Peeta poster... but sadly, it is just a poster. Boo.

Long author's note is long. On with the story! And thanks for reading! :)

Peeta Mellark was lost. In his mind, in his own body. How on earth could someone feel so disconnected from themselves? Just a year ago, he had been simply the baker's son. Hell, just a couple of weeks ago he had been enjoying his Victory Tour as one of the winners of the 74th Hunger games. What had changed? How had this happened? Unfortunately, Peeta knew. And no matter how hard he tried, he would never forget…

"Peeta! Peeta, no! Bring him back! Peeta!"

Peeta could hear Katniss screaming, yelling for the Peacekeepers to let him go as they dragged him towards the waiting hovercraft. He struggled with all his might, trying to break free of their death grip on his arms. He looked up in time to see Katniss trying to run towards him, only to be stopped by a swarm of Peacekeepers descending on her.

"Katniss, no! I'll be okay, I promise! Just stay safe, don't get into troub-!" Peeta was cut off as he was shoved into the hovercraft, stars dancing across his vision as his head collided against the back wall with a thud.

As he was being chained into one of the hovercraft's seats, Peeta thought back on the events that had just happened. He and Katniss had just finished their first speeches on their Victory Tour, but the reception in District 11 had not been what they had anticipated. Instead of bringing the district peace of mind like they had intended, he and Katniss had sparked a rebellion in the agricultural district. The two had been dragged off the stage- Katniss by Haymitch and Effie in an attempt to shield her from most of the trauma, and Peeta by the Peacekeepers.

Why the Peacemakers had taken him and not Katniss was a mystery to Peeta, but he was glad that for now, she was safe with their mentor. Yet despite the relief at Katniss' safety, Peeta had to admit to himself that he was scared. Why did they want him? What would they do to him if they didn't get what they wanted? Peeta shivered at the idea of being put through the various tortures that he had heard about from childhood stories. All he could do was try to keep his breathing even and focus on staying as calm as possible.

After all, who knew how long the calm before the storm would last?

Peeta woke with a start, his chest heaving and his body covered in sweat. He put a hand to his forehead, trying desperately to massage out the horrible nightmare he just had about… that day… The day he lost everything.

He groaned as he sat up, his sore body rebelling against the movement as he looked at the clock. 4:32 AM.

Great. Peeta thought. Only two more hours to sleep and I'm gonna spend it trying to erase old memories…

He snuggled back down under the scratchy, standard-issue blankets on his bed, trying in vain to coax himself back into sleep. But unfortunately, his body just wouldn't relax now that the soreness was settling in fully. Images flashed across his mind from the night before, images he wished dearly would just go away.

Peeta's hips hurt with how hard this man was gripping them, but he fought hard to keep from crying out in pain. President Snow would not like it if he heard his most popular 'item' was weak. So Peeta sucked it up and let his body be abused, just like he had every other night.

"N-ngh, yes! Scream for me, my victor!"

Internally, Peeta rolled his eyes, wincing as the man's demand was punctuated by a particularly hard thrust. He faked a low moan and screamed, letting out his inner frustration at the situation.

Peeta squeezed his eyes shut as the memory overcame him, his body starting to shake weakly.

The man was close, Peeta could feel it. He just prayed that it would be over soon so he could try to nurse what little pride he had left.

"Say it, victor, say it!"

There was a sharp intake of breath as Peeta heard the man's demand, and he let out a small groan which only served to get him a rough slap on the face. Why the citizens of the Capitol had such a fascination with titles and names during sex, he would never know. Between all of his clients calling him their "victor" and the various names they forced him to call them, he was starting to become a little weirded out. But despite his own thoughts on the matter, he had to do what he was told, or he would be punished. Severely.

"Y-yes, ungh, m… master…."

It was then that Peeta realized he was digging his nails into his arm so hard he thought he might bleed. He hated being degraded like that, forced to make himself feel dirtier than he already was.

He sighed, wiping a stray tear away before turning over to try to go to sleep. He may as well try to get some sleep at least, because it was useless to worry about everything else now. There was nothing he could do about it.

President Snow had won. He had taken away Peeta's freedom, his family, his only friend, and even his body. After being dragged away from Katniss in District 11, the dictator had wanted to prove that his power could not be undermined, and Peeta had been turned into one of President Snow's sick victor prostitutes.

Two weeks ago, he had been Peeta Mellark, victor of the 74th Hunger games.

Now, he was Peeta Mellark, the Capitol's premier whore for hire.

And as he managed to force himself into a fitful sleep, one last thought crossed his mind- Someone… Please, anyone… Save me…