Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.

Harry walked through the hallways of the castle, trying to focus on nothing in particular. The letter in his pocket was burning a hole in his mind. He was torn; to follow through with delivering it would be foolish. But to blatantly ignore any feelings he had would be nothing better than what he had done all his life. It was time he did something for himself.

When he finally stopped walking, he noticed he was in the dungeons. Again. He really needed to stop this. He had started in the astronomy tower and now he was standing at the lowest part of the castle. Go figure. He sighed and went to the potions classroom.

Their class had been studying Amortentia and he didn't get an opportunity to get near it to see what it looked or smelled like. But he knew what it would smell like already. He just wanted to know for sure.

As he leaned over the cauldron, his thoughts were confirmed. Of course it would smell like him. Fresh, minty and with just a hint of french countryside. He couldn't fathom what he would do if he were to smell anyone else. He ladled a small amount into a dish, put his head on the table next to it and cried.

He wanted nothing more than to feel loved. He had been denied at every turn life threw at him any sort of love. Friends were great, and although they almost took the place of his lost family, they couldn't offer him what he wanted most.

He had talked to Hermione about his dilemma before. She had even agreed with him, that perhaps he should just go for it and get it over with. He didn't think it would do any good, and expressed his concerns. Draco always was in relationships for the physicality of it. Harry wanted more and he wasn't sure that Draco would ever give him the opportunity to give him the world and more.

"The problem," she had said. "is that he thinks relationships have to be physical all the time, even if they don't. He doesn't understand what a true relationship should be like. His parents were promised to each other since birth, the only thing they had going for their sanity was the promise of sex at the end of the day." She paused, carefully weighing her words.

"Anyway, I just hope that you don't beat yourself up too much. We all know that it's making the decision that's hard for you. Once you make up your mind, you'll feel much better about it all." And he had pretended to be fine ever since. He acted like he was okay, like he always did. He didn't want to hide his pain from Hermione, but it was the only way he knew how to deal with these emotions. He didn't want her to worry about him.

At some point he had started crying. The realization of never getting what he most desired and never having the opportunity to have the one person that would make him happiest were too much for him. His tears had been steadily collecting in the dish and mixing with the potion. He lifted his head and sniffed, wiping his face off.

"Harry? Are you okay?" He jumped at the sound behind him. He didn't think anyone would be here. And although the voice sounded familiar, he couldn't bring himself to turn around to see who it was.

"I'm crying into a dish of amortentia, does that seem okay to you?" He turned, mentally berating himself for the sarcastic response he had given and felt his eyes grew wide when he was faced with the Draco. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be harsh there. I was just leaving." He brushed against Draco on the way out of the door and turned around before leaving the dungeons.

"Here." He handed Draco a sheet of parchment. "It's not like it matters anyway," and with that he sped to the Forbidden Forest. He didn't want to be around anyone whatsoever.

Meanwhile Draco unrolled the parchment to reveal a neat, calligraphic writing addressed to him.


It would bring me much joy if you would agree to join me for dinner tonight at nine. I have managed to convince the house elves to vacate early so I can make my specialty: Kobe steak with aligot, asparagus bundles, artichoke rice salad and creme brulee with a Chateau Montelena Estate Cabernet Sauvignon 2010 pairing.

I will await your arrival with anticipation


But of course it was too late for it now. He was dating Severus and they would be together for a long, long time. He knew that by the time they broke up, if ever, Harry would likely be over him.

He found Harry a few hours later, suspecting that he had gone to the forest for some guaranteed solitude.

"Harry...I really appreciate this but, I don't think we would work," the words even sounded fake to him. The thought that had been put into that letter was incredible, no one had ever done anything that nice for him. "I mean, oh hell I must sounds idiotic. I sound idiotic to me. Look, I've already agreed to give Severus a try and...well it's been really fun to be around him."

Harry smiled and looked down. "I know it's fun. Oh don't look so surprised, Severus is rarely a single man behind closed doors." He stood up from his position on a fallen tree. "If you ever decide that you want a relationship, and not just some fun under the sheets, let me know. Everyone else might like the physical relationships but I much prefer things with a little anticipation. Everyone's always telling me I'm too traditional for my own good. Let me know when you want to experience that." He reached out and barely grazed his fingertips across Draco's cheek. "Until we meet again." With that, he disappeared into the night. He had been given special training since he started school, and one of the things Dumbledore taught him was how to fly without a broomstick. He never intended to use it, but he wanted to show off a little of what Draco was missing.