I awoke before dawn, and well before everyone else was awake. The supplies were in plain sight, it was too easy. I grabbed the largest backpack, rolled up a sleeping back and strapped it to the bottom, then filled the main pocket with all of the nonperishable food, beef jerky I could find.

Then I saw the bottle of water purifying tablets. I took all of them. First of all, I would need them, and it was way more than I could use, but secondly now the others wouldn't have them either. Then it was on to the weapons. I took my spear, of course, but also some knives and a sword. All of this was heavy, but I could manage.

Before I left, I poured out the last of the Career pack's purified water reserve into an old sewer gutter, and all of the un-canned food I threw into the fire. I turned and saw everyone fast asleep, the sunrise's light on Golden's face. I turned and started walking before any of them would wake up.

I walked for hours through the abandoned city until the sun was burning overhead and I had to stop to rest. A small decorative fountain- cracked and corroded- was next to me, so I pulled out my water bottle, filled it, and put in a tablet. While I waited for it to purify, I ate a small bit of bread. This was the first moment in the arena that I was simply sitting with my guard down.

It was them that I heard leaves rustle and I saw a shadow from behind me.

Oh my gosh! I am sosososososososososo SO! sorry that I haven't been updating. I am not- nor do I plan to ever be- abandoning this story. School has been INSANE, but I will be continuing this. And there is a MAJOR plot twist ahead!