Crimson-Eyed God

Summary: Naruto is the younger twin brother of Nawaki, jinchuuriki of the Kyuubi. Pushed aside from his family in favor of his brother Naruto grows up as an outcast to his own family. However on the fateful night of the Uchiha Massacre his life changes for better or for the worse.

Inspired Naruto: Madara's Blessing and Yin and Yang, What a difference it can make

AN: HOORAY I HAVE OVER 100 REVIEWS! Despite it not being the motivation for writing my fanfictions (My motivation is I just want to see a kick ass and different Naruto) It still makes me feel good whenever I get good reviews! I mean who doesn't like to get their Ego stroked.

Ok due to some reviews, I decided to think over my plans for the introduction of zanpakutos in this story. I have decided that I'm going to keep the idea of them as Uzumaki artifacts, but I won't introduce anymore news ones. So only Suzembachi and Nejibana will be the only two zanpakutos.

Suzembachi because I can't really imagine Soifon without it.

Nejibana because I already wrote about it and it would take some time to rewrite those scenes. And the fact that I needed something to Make Nawaki stronger to become stronger so in the near future Madara/Naruto will be challenged.

Oh and by the way I set up a forum for this fanfic too just like for Nidaime Uchiha Madara. Please visit because I like to get my ego stroked. HAHAHAHA

www dot fanfiction dot net/myforums/KaiserBlak/2812713/

Eien (Eternal) Mangekyou Sharingan- EMS

Mangekyou Sharingan- MS

Techniques in bold


"Biju/Summon Talk"

Chapter 5: Life Changing Decisions Part 2

"Kukuku… those eyes, what wonderful eyes…" Orochimaru commented after he jumped back away from Madara as soon as he saw the lightning chakra course through his Kusinagi.

"Naruto! Naruto is that you!?" Minato asked with a slight tenderness in his voice as he looked at Madara's Chidori covered back.

Madara however sheathed his chokuto as he let Chidori dissipate opting to observe the snake sannin instead of his father.

Minato who was sprawled on the ground forced his body despite his protesting body. Slowly he staggered towards Madara and placed his hand on his shoulder…or at least tried to before Madara suddenly turned around and nailed him the gut with a kick, which flung him a few feet back.

"Yondaime Hokage, you should leave before you get caught in the crossfire." Madara said to his father in the professional tone almost every ninja uses.

"Wait Naruto, you aren't strong enough! At least let me help you!" Minato yelled to his son despite just being kicked by him. He was sure now, that the blond sharingan wielder was his son now that he saw his face. He desperately wanted to help even if he knew he would probably die.

"Hokage look at yourself. You're in no condition to fight all you would be is a dead weight that'd get me killed." Madara tone Minato with an even colder tone as he tried to suppress the warmth that suddenly sprouted in his chest as he heard Minato's words. 'Maybe he really does care about me.'

"Kukuku… I never thought that The Crimson Eyed God would be such a little brat Madara-kun." Orochimaru said as he gained the two blonde's attention. "I don't mean to be imposing on this little reunion of some sorts but I'm going to have to kill you now Minato-kun." He finished not sounding as if he cared at all.

"Orochimaru! You!" Minato said as he tried to argue against the Snake Sannin. Truly fighting against the two former Hokages and a sannin hadn't been good for his health. Even a genin could tell Minato was on his last legs as he coughed some blood out.

Without warning Orochimaru charged at towards his right and then made a sharp turn towards Minato. Minato who saw tried to move but found his body frozen due to the damage he received.

Minato saw his son's back again as he once again blocked the sword that was meant for him only with a regular kunai this time. "Go, you're a hindrance you useless bastard!" Madara growled out as he was forced to save his father again. 'Damn! Why does my body keep moving without my consent! I'm supposed to hate him!' Madara thought to himself although a little voice already told him the answer he just refused to believe it.

Minato seeing that his son was right reluctantly used his Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God) to flash away and to the hospital, but before saying some last words to his son. "Naruto don't I'll come for you and then we can all be a happy family again with your mother and Nawaki again."

Although Minato didn't see it that was the worst thing to say at that moment as Madara's face showed his intense rage at being called a family with the Tsunade and Nawaki.

"So you're Uchiha Madara, or rather Namikaze Senju Naruto, am I right?" Orochimaru taunted as he had already pieced together the information he just gathered.

"I'm Uchiha Madara!" Madara shouted back as he made a single tora (tiger) seal.

"Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu (Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique)!"

A large fireball was spewed from Madara's mouth as it came towards Orochimaru. Orochimaru was surprised at Madara's mastery over the technique as he only used a single seal for the technique. It almost caused him to get hit by the attack.


Orochimaru used his inhumane speed to move to dodge the fireball before the bottom part of his legs turned to a large snake tell as he slithered towards Madara.

Quite quickly I might add.

Madara unsheathed his chokuto as he readied himself for Orochimaru's incoming assault.






The sound of sword clashing against another sword rang out as Madara and Orochimaru had a battle of kenjutsu (Sword Techniques). 'Strange. Orochimaru should be stronger and faster than this. Why am I able to keep up with him?'


'That's it! He must still be tired after fighting the Hokage!' Madara released as he saw how tired and haggard Orochimaru's body was with his sharingan.

With that thought in mind Madara's attacks became fiercer and stronger. Orochimaru frowned inwardly as he felt himself being pushed back.

'There!' Madara saw the opening in Orochimaru's defense and pulled his chokuto before he pushed forward again for a stab.


The sound of Madara's chokuto entering Orochimaru's flesh could be heard as he pierced his heart. Orochimaru's body collapse onto the ground as his body lost all of its strength. 'Is this really it? Somehow this feels too easy' A Chidori sparked up in Madara's right hand and coursed through his chokuto and electrified Orochimaru.

Madara stared at the now charred 'corpse' before he pulled his chokuto out and begin to walk off. Madara stopped in front of the purple Kekkai jutsu (Barrier Technique) as he observed it.

On the outside he saw many Anbus looking at him and what was inside suspiciously. Well who wouldn't when you had kicked their Hokage? And on the four corners he saw four people who he assumed created the barrier still there. 'Strange shouldn't they be escaping when I killed Orochmaru?'


A sudden thought reach Madara's head as he whirled around as quickly as possible…only to see Orochimaru's head coming towards him with his mouth open and fangs clearly seen.

'Dammit I don't have to dodge this! Damn! I have no other choice!' Madara thought clearly upset that he had to use the Eien Mangekyou Sharingan (Eternal Pinwheel Copy Eye) twice within a week.

Orochimaru showed his surprise as his fangs bit into what seemed to be a transparent rib cage that suddenly appeared to protect Madara. Well he tried to bite into it but it only resulted in him breaking his fangs.

He looked on curious studying it as he had never seen such a technique before. Orochimaru had originally wanted to place the curse seal of heavens on Madara when his guard was lowered so that he may become one of his next bodies.

He didn't time to observe the technique anymore as his eyes suddenly met Madara's. Imagine his surprise when he saw the look of Madara's sharingan. 'Mangekyou Sharingan!'

Unfortunately for the sannin he didn't anymore time to observe as that was when Madara precisely used one of the single most devastating fire jutsus.


Madara stared at the screaming head of the snake sannin as the flames consume him. He briefly wondered how a human's neck could elongate that much as Orochimaru's. 'It's because Orochimaru is no longer something that can be called human.' Madara told himself.

He would've turned his attention back to the Kekkai but giving how Orochimaru already survive a Chidori enhanced pierce to the heart he wasn't taking any chances.

And with good reason too, as the snake sannin's mouth open widely and a body emerged from it. Madara could only look in discuss as Orochimaru discarded his old skin that was still being burned by his black flames.

However Orochimaru wasn't entirely okay either as he could be seen visibly panting. 'That technique must have taken quite some chakra' Madara thought to himself as he saw Orochimaru's chakra diminished after using that shedding technique with his sharingan.

"Madara-kun I have to wonder… how did you get the sharingan?" Orochimaru asked, very interested as from what he knew the lost son of the Namikaze Minato, Namikaze Senju Naruto, wasn't an Uchiha by blood.

Or was he?

"Orochimaru did you know you're a disgusting piece of shit?" Madara said in a venomous tone as he insulted Orochimaru.

Orochimaru's left eye twitched. He hadn't been insulted like that in a long time. Before he could say anything again he was forced to move as a black flames burst out of nowhere behind him, no doubt it would have burst out on him had he not moved.

'Damn! I can't take any more damage like that; I'm nearly out of chakra from fighting the Yondaime Hokage! It's too bad I would have liked to take Madara with me.' Orochimaru thought 'sadly' (more like disappointed) to himself. "Sakon! Jirobo! Kidomaru! Tayuya! Let's go!" Orochimaru commanded his subordinates.

Immediately like the quick and efficient underlings of Orochimaru tended to do, the Kekkai dissipated and they ran off with Orochimaru.

Madara briefly entertained the idea of going after Orochimaru but quickly shot down the idea. 'On second thought will.' Madara thought to himself as he saw the Anbu coming to surround him.

After all if he was going to run away, why not chase after Orochimaru while he was at it?

Madara reverted his EMS back into its normal matured sharingan form as he closed his eyes, a few moments later he opened them again and at the same time Chidori Sheru activated. Not wasting a moment as the Anbus were getting quite close to him, he began to chase after Orochimaru.

Madara roof hopped as fast as he can and kicked any shinobi that was in his way regardless of who he was. Once he was far enough Madara stopped his Chidori Sheru because despite its smaller drain than a regular Chidori, it would still run his reserves dry. Besides he had already used Amaterasu and a partial manifestation Susanoo, namely its ribcage.

'I have only about thirty-five percent of my chakra left, it would be unwise to continue chasing Orochimaru now.' Madara thought to himself as he just jump through Konoha's gates ignoring all the shinobi that were fighting near there, instead he weaved himself through the battles so that he could slip out unseen.

Madara made a sigh as he looked at his hands. 'Why? Why did I save him? Am I too soft? No that's not possible! I have prepared myself for over five years! Yet why did I save him!?' Madara thought frustrated to himself. Then he remembered the mysterious masked man's words

"Do you really think the Hokage wouldn't try to stop you in your revenge against his wife and son?"

'No, he would probably protect them over me. I'm going to have to kill him.'

"No of course not, you would need to go against the Hokage for you revenge but if you go against the Hokage you go against Konoha too."

'I can't beat Konoha by myself as I am right now… I need to get stronger and even then I might not be able to kill them. What is my plan for revenge then? I…I…I want to make them feel the same pain I'll do.'

"Face it you need allies, and we the Akatsuki are the only ally that can help you."

'In order to do that I can't just kill them it would be a blessing to them, no I have to take away everything they cherish.'

"If you are interested go to Amegakure."

-Four Months Later-

"So this is it huh?" Madara said to himself as saw the industrial hidden village of Ame (Rain).

It had taken him about two weeks to travel to this place. When he had contemplated joining them he knew that he would need at least some information.


Because joining some shady criminal organization without any knowledge on them would be a bad idea.

It was quite simple, when he had asked about Akatsuki it just so happened that Terumi Mei knew of them. From what she told him they were a secret mercenary group that did S-class mission and above with absolute efficiency.

That wasn't all either, apparently all of them seemed to be nukenins. That wasn't the most surprising thing either, the most surprising fact was that all of them, or the ones that were known, were S-class.

Their distinct were the black coats with red clouds over them that they wore.

Obviously if he, Uchiha Madara, wanted to join he would need to get stronger. Oh he was strong alright, strong enough to be a S-class shinobi but that only applied because of his EMS. Without it he would probably be a high A-class and Madara knew it too.

Which was why he took so long to arrive as devoted most of his time to training himself so that his base skills were at least low S-class, it wasn't easy and more often than not the only times he rested was when he fainted.

He couldn't even begin to count how many times he had almost severely injured himself training.

Most of them were from trying to perfect his Mokuton: Senbonzakura Kageyoshi (Wood Release: Vibrant Display of a Thousand Cherry Blossoms). It was a long and arduos task, especially considering how one had to keep himself safe from over a thousand... no a hundred thousand would be a more suitable number... yeah... anyways it was hard to keep oneself safe from a hundred thousand tiny blades shaped as sakura petals.

But due to the result of his training he had created his own personal brand of clones that were unique to him as no one besides a mokuton user could created them (As far as he knew). Not only that he had used Mokuton: Senbonzakura Kageyoshi as a bases and made two more jutsu from it. Those two jutsus were Senkei (Slaughterscape) and Gokei (Mawscape). They were very devastating.

But besides those two jutsus, Madara was especially happy with how he had shorten the creation of those blades, even if practicing it almost skewered him numerous times. He had first gotten the idea from watching the first match of the Chunin Exams.

Speaking of Chunin Exams, he remembered the Uzumaki sword Nejibana that Nawaki had. In his opinion it was very insulting for that Senju to have it even if the clans were distant cousin clans. It wasn't that Madara disliked the Senju, he just didn't like Senju Tsunade and Senju Nawaki, which were the last of the Senju clan.

'I should take that sword back next time I see him.' Madara thought to himself, but currently he had more pressing matters to attend to.

It should be obvious at this point that Madara decide to join, after all with allies that consisted of S-class nins it was definitely possible to have his revenge. Of course he had no idea what the masked shinobi planned for him. He wouldn't even rule out the possibility that he wanted to use him, Uchiha Madara. 'He can try... but in the end I will be the one who stands on top!'

There was also another matter that made Madara very concern…

-Dream Flashback-

"Nii-san what's your dream?" an Uchiha of seventeen years and long black hair asked me. The most defining on him were the bandages around his eyes, signifying that some sort of surgery was done on him.

There was silence as my body seemed to ponder before saying. "To make the Uchiha Clan the greatest there is Izuna. After all you gave me these for this purpose did you not?"

Izuna? Wasn't Izuna Madara's little brother? That must mean that I am reliving Madara's memories! My attention was forced back on Izuna as he began talking again. "Nii-san that's a great dream… but…"

"But?" I asked my little brother in a curious tone. Wait! Why did I start thinking of Izuna as MY little brother?

"but I would prefer peace Nii-san. It would make me very happy if you attained peace with the very eyes I gave you. That way at least I was at least some help in peace and that it would proof of my existence." Peace such a foreign concept for people such as us who are born in this era… Are these the real Madara's memories!?.

"Why peace?" my mouthed asked without my consent. I didn't even bother why he worded it as if he was going to die. Chances are, he would. In this time period people and especially Uchihas with blindness do not tend to last long on the battlefield. Izuna smiled as he looked at me.

"Because-" I couldn't hear what he had to say because my ears no longer worked it was if someone stuffed cotton in my ears. The scene continued to play until I went to sleep.

As darkness overtook me, no… as darkness took over Madara the scene changed.

This time it was very gruesome. It was as if time slowed down just to spite me. Why? Because I was slowly watching my precious brother Izuna getting impaled by multiple shurikens and kunais. I could hear my very heart break into a million pieces!

I told him!




My heart broke even more if it was possible as Izuna looked at me with his nonexistent eyes and mouthed "Thank you n-nn-nii-s-san…"

-Dream Flashback End-

The second Madara, formerly known as Naruto, had recently begun to have dreams about the real and first Madara's life. He didn't know how it was possible, but he just knew that it did.

Perhaps the merging process was going faster? After all these dreams did start to appear only after Madara had used the EMS twice in one week.

The dreams were all out of order too. Sometime it was when they the real Madara and Izuna were kids, other times it was the constant battle with Senju Hashirama. These dreams sometime repeated too.

The dreams were changing him and he knew it. It wasn't anything drastic like a change in elemental affinity just more subtle ones. For one he had become slightly arrogant and when he fights he calls it 'dancing'.

Madara had also gained some sort of brotherly love towards Izuna. He guessed it was because of all the memories he felt he had slowly begun to acquire the real Madara love for Izuna too.

Thinking about it, Madara smiled sadly. 'Why couldn't I have a brother like that or even a family like that too?' He thought to himself in envy… but he was also grateful. Thanks to these memories he had known the love of a family even if it wasn't his own.


Madara snapped out of his thoughts as he saw two Ame shinobi guards tell him to stop. Madara activated his sharingan and used a mind controlling genjutsu to make them let him pass.

As Madara walked into the village he thought the two guards were strange.

They had slash marks over their forehead protectors.

Why did official guards of a shinobi village have slash marks on their forehead protectors?

That wasn't all, Madara could tell that the rain here was laced with chakra.

Suddenly heard the sound of beating wings and looked up with his sharingan still activated. When he saw the suspicious signs of the village Madara had decided to keep his guard up, not that he would let it down as he was still suspicious of the masked sharingan user.

What appeared before was definitely an Akatsuki member as she wore the trademark cloak. She had blue hair and a beautiful face with a few make up on it and a blue paper rose in her hair. The strange thing about it was that she had wings made of paper.

That wasn't all either…

"Its her!"

"God's Messenger!"

"It's the Angel of Ame!"

Similar words were spoken as the civilians bowed down in her presence.

The Akatsuki member paid them no heed as she focused on Madara, studying him under her scrutinizing gaze that would a lesser shinobi back away. Madara however was not a lesser shinobi.

Finally she spoke. "Madara-san please follow me." Madara nodded indicating that he heard. She nodded back as the paper seemed to be absorbed into her as she gracefully landed onto the ground and led Madara to wherever.

It took about a hour but the blue haired female led him to a wasteland area where it looked like it hadn't rained in years. Slowly Madara could see numeral figure appear and he even recognized a few of them.

Hoshigaki Kisame

Kakuzu formerly of Taki (Waterfall)

When his eyes settled on Uchiha Itachi, he felt as if he was looking at Izuna! It was weird you know? To suddenly see the person who tortured you as a child with a genjutsu to look like a person you started to love like a little brother. Madara took his eyes off him as he knew it would be dangerous if his eyes lingered on Itachi too much.



Madara eyes widened at the orange haired person in the middle of the group. What surprised him were the Rinnegan eyes he had.

"I see you recognized these eyes of mine." The Rinnegan user said. "I am known as Pein and I am the leader of Akatsuki."

Madara nodded his head, as he listened. The blue haired girl, he later came to known as Konan as she had introduce herself under Pein's order along with the rest of the Akatsuki members, went towards the group and stood next to Pein.

Madara learned the names of the of the Akatsuki members that he didn't know about as Pein told them to introduce themselves.








Madara briefly wondered where the masked shinobi who called himself Tobi was. 'He's probably a shadow player within Akatsuki here, I doubt all of them know of his existence…'

"There is one more thing Madara-san." Pein said as he caught the said person's attention. Suddenly two more people jumped besides Pein one on each side.

Madara's eyes widened as he saw both of them had Rinnegan like Pein and that they wore slashed forehead protectors of Ame just like Pein.

"I have to test you in order to judge whether you are capable enough to join" Said the Rinnegan user on Pein's left.

Madara studied them closely as it was weird that one of them would finish the other's sentence. What's more Madara could tell that an external flow of chakra was being transmitted to him through the black rods and into their bodies.

'A sort of puppet technique?' Madara thought to himself.

He however didn't have any more time to think as all three of them charged at him.



Ok from the questions I asked before about the Leader of Uzushiogakure. I don't really like the idea of Nagato being the leader. Mostly because I felt that his death in the canon had a large impact on Naruto and I planned to have him give Madara a big impact in his life too.