A/N: PLEASE PLEASE READ THIS. Here goes! So, my loveliest lovelies, I would like to inform you that this is a spin off of Surprise which is under the Doctor Who section. This story barely involves Doctor Who. It mentions it a little bit in the first chapter, but that's about it. I really liked Meredith's character, so this is simply...a sequel to an unfinished story. Actually, funny thing is, I have written more chapters of this than I have of Surprise. There are only 3 completed chapters of Surprise while I have 10 completed chapters of this. Hahaha! This chapter is rather short, but I can pretty much guarantee you that this is the shortest they are going to get. This is also a bit on the mature side...o.o Read, review, and enjoy!

A bit of a summary of Surprise? Why, sure: The Doctor takes Meredith to a parallel universe to see her favorite band, the Beatles, play live. The parallel universe has it's own history, so things are different. Meredith catches Paul's eye, and they quickly build a friendship. But soon, the Doctor has to deal with being broken-hearted (even though he refuses to admit it) because the girl he loves is drifting away from him and falling in love with a Beatle. The Doctor gets very distracted from his work, and tells Meredith of a Dalek problem that happens elsewhere. He leaves for a little bit, but comes back to get Meredith. He convinces her to come home by telling her about family and other things similar to that. The Doctor figures out a way to keep the bridge to the parallel universe sort of accessible so any time Meredith would like the visit the universe, she can. However, in the process of fixing the bridge in that certain way, it's possible for the Doctor to cause the parallel universe to collapse. And so, as the Doctor works on enabling the bridge to be accessible, Meredith decides that she's going to check on the universe. The Doctor warns her not to, but she doesn't listen. Instead, she walks out into the middle of Liverpool. Right when she's out there, something goes wrong with the Doctor, and the bridge closes. Completely. And so, Meredith is stuck in Liverpool in 1963 without the Doctor there with her. It's kind of a Rose-ish thing to happen, but hey, it's just to be a repeat of the last time the Doctor lost a girl he loved.

I wrote this such a long time ago, so bear with me. And go look up the acoustic version of While My Guitar Gently Weeps with added strings by George Martin because it's BRILLIANT!

Well, at first it's all Doctor Who-y but it lasts for a total of 11 lines/paragraphs. You'll survive.

Rating: T for swearing, possible...intercourse in the future... Yep.

DISCLAIMER: I (sadly) do not own the Beatles. Or anyone/anything associated with them. I also do not own Doctor Who or anyone/anything associated with it.

Meredith's POV

Pot-Head Paul's Tea

I guess you can say I've adapted to this time period and these people.

Thank you so much to the Doctor. It's been a while since I saw him last... On the other side of the bridge. The bridge that closed.

The bridge that separated us.

And from what I can tell from his stories of the past, I am just another Rose Tyler.

Just another best friend, sidekick, love...lost.

But like Rose, I wasn't just a companion. It was obvious that he loved her, as it was for me. Rose and I are similar. Very similar.

The Doctor always had the hardest time telling us "no". He'd hate on himself for getting so close to us, for he knew that we could never spend our lives together. Well, he thought that for me he could, but he was wrong.

And of course, he got to know us so well that he'd surprise us with numerous things that he knew would fascinate us. It was his way of saying I love you to us without actually saying it.

I must admit, I loved him back.

And to transition. To transition from a love so strong and an adventurous life to a brand new world with brand new people...a brand new life. It was hard; harder than I expected it to be. Or maybe I had expected it to be like that. I just never wanted to accept it.

At least I had Paul.

I sat next to George on the couch, looking over at a home magazine. He was pointing to houses, laughing lightly at them. I smiled.

George was my best friend. My best friend of all time. I came to this world not too long ago, and it didn't take long for our friendship to kick off. George was quiet. Me? Hah, I am the farthest thing from quiet you'll ever meet.

However, around me, George isn't as shy. As he says, "I talk when I feel like it and shut up when I don't feel like talking."

It's so true.

He and I get into long conversations, we joke around…a lot. The two of us have so many insider jokes, that I can even sense Paul's jealousy when George and I are chatting and joking. Our constant references to insider jokes that have been going on since our friendship first began, really tick him off. It's quite funny, actually.

Another thing that ticks Paul off is that George and I have a fondness in food. George and I are the people who eat constantly and never get fat. So throughout the day we have together, I usually pull George to a kitchen to get a snack. It's obvious it ticks Macca off. I mean, how could a man like Paul not get suspicious?

George and I were munching on some toast as we looked at houses in the home catalog, making fun of a lot of them. Really, anything can occupy us. George and I had been coming up with our own little ads for the crappiest of houses.

We were also the only ones who were amused. Paul had lost interest and walked off to go make some tea.

Oh tea. The sweet smell of black tea. Paul's black tea. He'd always make me a cup, putting in the right amount of milk and 3 teaspoons of sugar. Somehow, it always came out perfect.

This honestly surprises me, because I would think that a pot-head like Paul would make horrible tea. Apparently not.

He came into the room, looking at us. "Would anyone fancy some tea?" asked Paul with the voice of a servant.

"Took you long enough," George said, not looking up from the houses. I just smiled up at Paul and nodded.

Paul looked down at George. "At least I was doing something productive." He told him, taking our tea cups off his tray and handing them to us. He sat down next to me on the couch, clutching his own cup and sipping it.

I instantly put my feet up on his lap, taking a sip of my tea. The sweet, sweet tea. It was barely even black. Nobody ever made their tea the way Paul did for me, which is why I only drank it at home.

"MEREDITH CADMAN, THIS HOUSE IS CALLING YOUR NAME!" George yelled and jumped up, after he had set his cup of tea on the tea table. He then bent down below beside me to show me a picture of a rather pretty house.

I arched an eyebrow at him for his seriousness. "It says here that the house has a TV, a theatre, and better yet, it's…dark blue." He told me.

I scrunched my nose. "Jerk." I scoffed. George had a thing for pointing anything out to me that had a similar color to the TARDIS.

George just smirked at me. "Come on, let's get today's show on the road." He said, grabbing his cup of tea and finishing it.

Paul and I stood, now done with our tea. We put our dishes in the sink for the maid, and then made our way outside to Geo's car, where we left to go pick up the other two doofs, to then head out to, yet another, press conference.