Castiel had been sitting on his couch with his eldest brother, watching a repeat episode of Star Trek: The Original Series when his phone had buzzed. The cheap piece of plastic had been sitting on the end table, causing the furniture to shake and his brother to start. Michael had been about to give Castiel a stern talking-to ("you know text messages cost extra on the monthly plan, right?") but the blue-eyed teenager quickly snapped up his phone and endowed it with his full attention. Michael huffed, something about kids and their dependence on technology, which the younger brother ignored.

He flipped open the screen and his heart stuttered a little in his chest. Dean. Sure, after last night everything had seemed fine between them, but Castiel had still been skeptical. At least they were talking again. He tried to calm himself as his eyes scanned over the LCD screen.

'Quik. I need to know symptoms of aids' Castiel glared at the phone. AIDS? Really, had Dean contracted and STD? Instead of satisfying this with an answer, Castiel typed back, 'I haven't the faintest. Try interneting it.'

The response came fast, as if Dean were desperate. The dark haired teenager hoped Dean hadn't really contracted any diseases. 'Interneting it? Dude ur smart ur supposed to know these things' The next text came just as quickly, and Castiel pulled it up. 'Im worried about sammy and his blood thing with ruby'

Breathing easy now that he knew Dean's life wasn't in mortal danger, Castiel laughed heartily. Michael looked over curiously and tried to peer at the screen, but the younger boy tilted his phone expertly away. He and Michael weren't openly hostile anymore, but damn it if he wasn't still angry at his older brother and their latest fight. He wasn't about to just let Michael back into his life so easily, not after the words they had exchanged. He was preparing to leave the house, anyways; he'd started packing away some clothes and put some precious few possessions into boxes, which he'd stored in his closet. Unfortunately the elder brother wasn't quite aware of just how close Castiel's plans for leaving were coming to closure.

'You get HIV before you get AIDS. And I don't think symptoms show up next day.' After sending the first message, Castiel added as an afterthought, 'And I don't think Ruby has AIDS.'

'Your right man knew I could trust you. wanna get dinner?' Tonight? So soon? Castiel was hesitant. He'd just been making out with the dirty blonde the night before and that image still kept popping up in his head every once in a while. Seeing his face again so early would be a little awkward. Castiel wasn't sure he'd be able to control himself, anyways. Still, his stomach was still feeling a little fluttery just thinking of the other man.

Against his better judgement, Castiel typed out a quick, 'Where?'. On the television, Captain Kirk was flirting it up shamelessly with some 1940's woman, as always. Dean had probably used that same pick-up line once. Nervously, Castiel tapped his fingers against the arm rest. This was a bad idea. This was a really, really bad idea. But he'd never been able to say no to Dean before. Apparently he still couldn't. Michael glanced at him, again, but didn't try to pry this time.

'red robin in 1 hour. I want a cheseburgr'. That hour was just enough time for Castiel to squeeze in a shower. He could almost still smell Dean's cologne on his shirt from the back of the bar last night. The dark haired teen pried himself off the couch and Michael asked him gruffly where he was going, nodding at Castiel's response.

Castiel showered quickly and threw on the first pair of jeans and a t-shirt that he could find. While Gabriel might have bitched him out for not taking the time deciding on an outfit, the teenager couldn't find it in himself to care. It's not like they were going anywhere fancy and anyways, this was a quick outing, not a date. It was a Saturday so Dean was probably finishing up at Singer's and getting in a quick meal before he had to spend the night working at The Roadhouse. The slightly older man had told Castiel that Saturday's were his busiest day, so Castiel knew that Dean would be exhausted.

He grabbed his car keys and wallet and threw a last second goodbye to Michael before slipping into his car. There was a moment of silence and Castiel patted the steering wheel. He'd had his car back for a few days now but man, did it feel good. Sighing, he tried to clear his mind of apprehension and started his car to drive into town.

Red Robin wasn't exactly close to his house, but it was right in between Singer's and The Roadhouse, making it the perfect stopping place for the eldest Winchester to grab a bite between jobs. That, and Dean loved their burgers. He loved anything that involved a beef patty and a bun, really. Castiel was a little early so he chose a booth by a window and sat down, watching for his friend.

Dean came in not long after the waitress dropped off a glass of water. Castiel grabbed for it like a lifeline when he saw the other man. The blonde had run a greasy hand through his hair while he had been working, slicking it back and somehow bringing out the brighter than usual color of his eyes. They were practically sparkling and the older was throwing a huge smile, all teeth, at the teenage boy. Castiel gulped audibly and took a just-as-audible sip of his water. When the other approached the table, Castiel raised an eyebrow and asked as calmly as he could muster, "What's with the grin?"

"Nothing." Dean chuckled lightly and plopped into the booth opposite. "Long day. You're a sight for sore eyes."

Castiel held back the blush that was threatening to surface. Damn Dean Winchester and his insatiable flirtatiousness. The man would be charming their waitress soon, no doubt, and would probably get her number too.

"Long day as in nothing happened or long day as in everything did?"

"You know how it is. Either everyone comes in at once or nobody comes in at all. I need to stop working in customer service." Dean sighed heavily. "But seriously, you look good today. Dress up just for me?" He said it sarcastically but he still gave the other a wink.

"Shut up." Castiel blurted out involuntarily. Silently he cursed himself and his inability to think before he spoke.

The other narrowed his eyes and started, "Cas-" before he was cut off by the waitress. Dean ordered his usual bacon cheeseburger and coke, Castiel doing the same as he was too upset to look at the menu. Why did he do this to himself? Why was he feeling the need to get into fights with everybody, especially those he loved and those he'd just made up with?

When the waitress was clear out of sight, the older threw his green eyes at Castiel again. They locked and a war waged between them for a moment before Dean spoke up again. "Look dude, I'm tired of this game so I'm just gonna come out and say it. I like you. A lot."

Castiel averted his gaze to the table. "I like you too, Dea-"

"No man, not like that. I mean, a lot. I like your adorable bedhead and your freakishly blue eyes. I like your slight unawareness of pop-culture and how you say these quirky things like 'try internet-ing it'. And that you get that we both have shitty pasts and fucked up families and we can talk to each other when we've never tried talking to anyone else." Dean took a steadying breath and Castiel took the brief moment to collect his thoughts. This wasn't real. Would Dean notice if the blue eyed boy tried to pinch himself under the table? His hand twitched and Dean looked at it quickly before he drove his speech home. "And no you can't have a cigarette because I like being the one who helps you get off them. Do you get it? Cuz I can rephrase this for you. I don't know exactly how drunk you were last night but I wasn't so drunk that I didn't know what I was doing. And I remember kissing you and I know that I wanted to do that. But I don't want you to regret it again like last time."

Did Castiel regret last time when he'd slept over at Dean's house? He wasn't sure. On the one hand, he hated that what felt like (at the time) the other thought he'd made a mistake. On the other, it was a fantastic mistake and while he'd thought Dean would want to forget it ever happened, Castiel both wanted to forget and not to forget.

But as hard as it was for the younger to believe, he couldn't not get it this time. Okay, so Dean liked him a lot. It felt weird to know that his feelings were actually somewhat returned. Not weird bad, but weird good.

"I don't regret anything, Dean." He said solemnly. Tearing his eyes away from the wood grains in the table, finally, Castiel looked at the other boy again. Dean was staring at him, had been for some time, looking shocked.

"You don't?" He asked.

"Of course I don't, Dean. I'm the one who kissed you first, remember?"

The blonde scoffed and rubbed a hand sheepishly over the back of his neck. "I was wondering about that, actually. Uh, so that one person you like…"

He trailed off and Castiel shifted awkwardly in his seat. It would be hard to say it, but if Dean could do it then the shorter boy owed it to him. "It's you." He mumbled, still maintaining eye contact. Regardless of everything that had just happened, he readied himself for rejection.

"Oh Jesus!" Dean breathed out a sigh of relief and the darker haired boy wondered how long he'd been holding it in for. "I mean, I kind of suspected, but then I stopped suspecting 'cuz you were so upset that last time, and then we made out again and I started suspecting again…" His eyes closed as he shook his head back and forth and laughed. "You have no idea how glad I am to hear you say that. This would'a been a whole lot easier if you had just told me the first several times I asked."

"I only recall you asking once." Castiel said and Dean raised his eyebrows.

"You were so into it when I was giving you that handjob I'm not surprised you don't remember."

Castiel couldn't hold back this blush. His entire face and neck turned bright red and he tried not to think back to when this might have been, lest something happen under the table. "I've never had that kind of occasion with anybody before, okay?" He sputtered out reluctantly.

As if he hadn't had enough proof that someone upstairs was looking out for him today, Castiel was saved from further embarrassment by their saint waitress interrupting them once again, this time with food. Cas immediately dove in, ready to rid his mind of the gutter. Dean seemed to agree and picked up his own burger with unrestrained glee.

"…I like that you're unendingly loyal." Castiel stated awkwardly after swallowing some of his burger. He found the greasy sandwhich was actually quite tasty. "You're kind of a dick, and I know you know that," The elder smiled sardonically and gave him a thumbs up, "but you care so much about anyone who's earned your affection. And maybe I know because I'm lucky enough to have a few brothers who look out for me in their own demented ways, but I love that you are devoted wholeheartedly to your younger brother. And half my brothers are shit, so take my word for it, Sam is exceedingly lucky to have you. And I love that your place seems more like a home to me and I don't have to have long conversations with you because you'll just talk for me and let me enjoy myself. And I love that you chose to be my friend even after everything Jimmy may have said about me." When had he started using the word love? And when had he realized just what made him like Dean Winchester so much? And why did he feel the need to spit all that out to him just now? Castiel decided it was best not to dwell too much on these questions. The blonde had told him, it was only fair.

Dean smiled almost sadly at him and practically choked on his next words. "Of course, man. Jimmy said you were an angel, and that's exactly what you are. Perhaps an angel with some drug problems, but we all have our demons. Even angels, I guess." They both chewed their meals thoughtfully for some moments, content just to be in each other's presence. Castiel felt he was floating on air. His mind was high with happiness and he didn't see how this moment could get any better. So of course, Dean felt the need to ruin it. "So, uh, now that we're done bearing our souls to each other, what'dya say I pay for this and we get out of here?"

Castiel shook his head no. "You paid for dinner the last time. It's my turn."

A smirk planted itself on Dean's face. "Well if it's your treat, then I'm getting pie."

A/N:/ Wow, it's been a year. I don't expect any of my old readers are still reading this or even know whats going on, so to my new ones, hello! I know what I have to do to finish up this story, but if you can't tell, it's been a year since my last upload, so hopefully this will satisfy you until I finally work up the interest to write the last few parts!
Also, this is unrelated and kind of ironic, but my parents bought me a blue 2000 ford taurus last weekend, and when I was reading over my old chapters a few days ago I was like, what a coincidence, I have Cas's car! It's a sign, we're meant to be!
I mean, uh, Cas and Dean are meant to be. Hur Hur.
Lastly, I want a new name for this story because I hate the current one. Any suggestions?