Juliet walked into her boyfriend, Shawn's, apartment. She could hear him in the kitchen, arguing over the phone with his best friend, Gus. She rolled her eyes at the thought of the two arguing. Everyone knew that when they argued, it was over something completely ridiculous.
"Come on, Gus, it's not a big deal that we lost the money!" her boyfriend prodded at his best friend of 30 years. This was the bounty hunters incident all over again.
"Yes, yes, it was a lot of money! I know! I just think you're failing to see the bright side in all this. The bright side? Well that's easy! No one's going to be robbing us anytime soon."
"Well, that's just childish. You're being a child, except you're crying over money instead of dirty diapers."
Juliet bit her lip in an attempt not to laugh at Shawn, which from what she could see, he was walking in circles in his small kitchen.
"Don't you dare talk to me like that, young man!" He chided indignantly
"Fine! Go sleep and watch Dear John. You're lucky I'm mature or else I'd tell you how it ends just to spite you. Wait a second, I'm not mature. The dad dies." He said as he hung up the phone in a loud and obnoxious huff.
She walked in the kitchen and he smiled upon seeing her. "Hey, you! I didn't even hear you come in. I just got off the phone with Gus. He's in a mourning period."
"Is this over the money that Thane didn't ever give you?" she asked, even though she already knew. She placed the bag that contained pancake batter, a pineapple, and a gallon of orange juice, down on the counter.
He nodded. "Yeah. About that, I'm really sorry I refused to work with you and all that. I didn't care for that too much. It was weird knowing that you weren't at my side when I needed you… because I wanted some cash."
She looked up at him. "That's very big of you." She smiled. "I'm sorry too."
"Is that a fat joke?" he teased and she laughed. "Speaking of fat, what do you say we make these pancakes and stuff our faces with…"
"Pineapple delciousness."
"Exactly!" she said as she leaned in to peck his lips.
"You do realize this means we have to watch the Breakfast Club, right?"
"I thought that was a given!" she said as she poured the batter and Shawn cut the pineapple up.
"I was simply reiterating the facts, Jules. You never know these days. People become forgetful."
"Yeah, old people."
"Like my dad. Just the other day, he completely forgot where his car keys were."
"I thought you took his car keys to make him think he was old."
"Jules, that's disclosed information."
"Not anymore it isn't. You never told me that in the first place." She smiled in victory. It was one of those coy smiles that drove Shawn crazy, but he just mock-glared at her and groaned.
"I'm supposed to be the psychic."
"It doesn't take a psychic to know you're a trouble-maker."
"Jules, I'm hurt!" he put his hand on his chest in shock.
She swatted his arm playfully. "Oh, Shut-up. You're such a baby!" she teased and he pouted.
"At least give me a kiss to pretend you feel bad." He said.
She paused and realized this was most definitely a trick. However, she couldn't resist. She leaned in to kiss him, but he took pancake batter and rubbed it on her face. She felt the stuff dripping off her face and looked at him in shock. He was hysterically laughing and the only thing she could think to do was to lunge at him and be sure to rub ever bit of batter he'd splattered on her, on him. To do that, she had to kiss him. Naturally, things became more heated after that and she found a better means of torture. Just as he had her tongue fighting for dominance in his mouth, and he moaned, she backed away and acted like nothing happened. Shawn's face was in the ultimate shock position.
"You're a tease!" he accused.
She smirked. "You started it!"
He sighed. "Fine… but I must say, you are one hot cake." He winked at her and she laughed.
"Speaking of hot cakes, I think we need to tend to the pancakes if we don't want them to be black."
Later that day, the two watched the Breakfast Club and Juliet's head was on his chest. He twirled her blonde hair absentmindedly and occasionally kissed her head lightly. She smiled at each time and just enjoyed being this close to him. She liked the feeling of being held, and was pretty sure she'd never cared too much for it until she was with him. She looked up at him and noticed he was looking down at her. She smiled at him.
"The pineapples totally made the pancakes."
He kissed her lips lightly. "I knew you'd say that."
"Well you are psychic."