Chapter One – Caught

The sun shone brightly in the clear blue sky. The crisp morning air was as still as could be, not even a single wisp of wind blew through the city. Birds flew through the heavens chirping happily. A man in a blue uniform was leant against his car in the military's warehouse district. Every few minutes the black haired and eyed man would look at his pocket watch. A group of other uniformed people were gathered around him. In total there were seven people, six males and one female. The blonde female stood to attention, her hazel eyes scanning the horizon. One man stood smoking with not a care in the world. Another was practically bouncing with a huge grin on his face. The others looked bored. The ring of empty steel reached their ears and a smirk spread on the dark haired man's face.

"About time, Fullmetal." He said, glancing sideways at the approaching figures, "A little late aren't we?" His smirk grew.

A growl emitted from the small blond 12-year-old that stopped beside him.

"WHO YOU CALLING A TINY BEAN SPROUT MIDGET!" He shouted causing the dark eyed man to chuckle.

"Brother, no one said that." The suit of armour that was behind the boy said in a sweet voice.

"Well he implied it!" The blond whined folding his arms over his chest.

The black haired man laughed.

"Colonel Mustang, is now really the time to antagonise Edward?" The only female in the group said.

"I suppose not, Lieutenant Hawkeye." Mustang said. He turned to face everyone, his eyes quickly scanning over each face. "As you all know, if you attended the briefing that is," His eyes rested on Edward, "We are here to apprehend a gang of thieves. We do not know how many of them there are, or if they have any weapons, but we do know that this warehouse is their hideout."

"Why are there so few of us here if we don't know if their armed or how many of them there actually are?" The smoker said with his cigarette still clinched between his teeth.

"Simple, Havoc, I asked to do this mission with just the people I trust so as not to start any unnecessary violence. Sadly the higher ups insisted I brought Fullmetal with me too." Mustang replied with a smirk.

"Not like I actually wanna be here, Colonel Bastard, I have more important things to be doing than helping you catch a bunch of stupid thieves." Edward snapped.

Mustang opened his mouth to speak but closed it again when a gun clicked right next to his ear.

"We should be going, Sir." Hawkeye said in a completely calm voice, her gun still aimed at the spot just above the Colonel's ear. Mustang nodded, not being able to find his voice. Hawkeye smiled before putting her gun away. "After you, sir." She said, gesturing to the warehouse's door.

Mustang gave another nod and walked over to the door. Slowly he opened it, letting a single beam of sunlight filter into the dusty room. The sight that met the military officers wasn't what they had expected. Huddled in the middle of the room was a group of four young children. A blond with extremely long hair was practically growling at the intruders, his body positioned in front of one of the smallest boys. The boy the white clad blond was stood in front of had icy blue hair and a calm expression, his hand was tightly gripping that of the other small boy. The youngest looking of the group had spiky crimson hair and the look of pure innocence on his face, him and the blue haired boy both wore baggy tattered jeans and grubby yellow t-shirts. The last boy was stood protectively in front of the red head. His purple hair was wild and messy, short at the back and long at the front with two long bits framing his face. He wore a tight fitting black t-shirt and too small jeans, the same outfit as the blond besides the t-shirt's colour. The boys' eyes, each set matching the owner's hair, practically glowed in the dim light of the chamber. Mustang walked further into the room, his team following closely. The children's eyes watched the group as they walked to the centre of the room.

Stopping there Mustang spoke, "Are you the thieves?"

"So what if we are?" The purple haired boy asked, folding his arms over his chest.

"If you are then I will have to take you back to HQ with me." Mustang replied.

Two sets of eyes widened while the other two narrowed. Gold clashed with amethyst as the two older boys exchanged a glance. Suddenly the golden haired boy had launched himself forward, a penknife in his hand. In a streak of amethyst, crimson and sapphire the other three were gone, the oldest dragging the others up the stairs to the second floor of the warehouse. Mustang's black eyes watched the children run.

With a smirk he shouted, "Havoc, you and the others apprehend this one while me, Hawkeye and Fullmetal will go after the others." Without waiting for a reply the Colonel raced up the stairs, Hawkeye and Edward hot on his heels.

No one even mentioned why he had the lesser number of people going after the greater number of children, they all just assumed Mustang knew what he was doing. Reaching the top of the stairs Mustang kicked open the door. The purple haired boy was holding the red head by the wrist and pulling him towards the fire escape, said red head was clutching the blue haired boy's wrist and dragging him along.

"Hold it right there you three." Mustang shouted, snapping his fingers to create a wall of fire in front of the fire escape. With a yell the amethyst eyed boy skipped to a halt, the other two nearly ploughing into him. Mustang walked into the room, Hawkeye close by.

"Fullmetal go block the exit." Mustang ordered. Reluctantly the golden blond Elric darted over to the fire escape.

"Shit!" The purple haired boy swore.

They were surrounded. The wall was at their back, the short blond was to their left blocking an exit, the black haired man was slowly walking towards them from the front and the blonde woman was to their right blocking the other exit. Shouts from the ground floor reached the small child's ears; hopefully the shouts meant Krad was winning. Dark's eyes darted around the room quickly, trying to find an easy to access exit. Dark was only just able to catch the movement from the corner of his eye as the black haired man lunges forward. The man's slender fingers wrapped around Satoshi's wrist with a strong and barely gentle tug the man pulled the blue haired boy away from them. Dark narrowed his eyes and pulled Daisuke closer, his hand tightening around the younger boy's wrist. The man quickly passed the child to the blonde woman who held one of Satoshi's wrists in her hand, her other hand lingering near what Dark guessed to be a gun holster.

"Give up, boy, we already have two of your little gang it won't take us long to catch you two as well." The man said calmly, slowly advancing again. Dark stepped backwards, his grip tightening on the small red head.

"No way in hell are we going to let you get us without a fight!" The boy shouted.

"At the very least release your hold on your friend there." The man said pointing out Dark's vice like grip on Daisuke.

"Don't you dare tell me what to do, old man!" Dark shouted loudly.

"You're holding his wrist too tight, you're hurting him." The man said his voice strained with anger.

"I know more about my brother then you do so don't you dare tell me that I'm hurting him!" Dark shouted, his voice growing in volume. Despite what he had said Dark loosened his grip on Daisuke's wrist. Amethyst eyes quickly looked around, seeking out an exit at the same time as observing the outsiders. Out of the corner of his vision Dark could see Daisuke shifting from foot to foot, the movement distracting him slightly.

"Dai stand still." Dark suddenly snapped at his little brother, causing the petite red head to jump slightly.

"M'sorry, Brother." Daisuke muttered instantly standing still.

Dark sighed not meaning to have sounded so harsh. A hand swiftly grabbed for Daisuke, catching the back of his shirt in a tight fist even as Dark tried to pull him away. The man managed to pull Daisuke free of Dark's grasp. Dark narrowed his eyes dangerously, his hands clasped in tight fists.

"Give me my brother back!" He demanded.

"Not unless you cooperate and come with us." The man replied, shifting his grip from Dai's shirt to his wrist.

"I said give him back!" Dark shouted lunging at Mustang with his fist raised. His hand started to glow a bright purplish-blue causing the man's eye to widen. Before Dark could do anything to the man two strong arms wrapped around his waist easily lifting him off the floor. The sudden lift resulted in Dark losing concentration and the glowing of his fist to subside.

"HEY! PUT ME DOWN!" Dark shouted as loudly as he could while flailing his limbs and trying to hit the person holding him.

"Well done, Fullmetal." The black haired man said finally getting over his shock. The blond boy holding Dark snorted in response. Dark's eyes narrowed at being ignored then a smirk spread over his lips. He opened his mouth wide and bit down as hard as he could on the teenager's right arm. Sharp pain shot through his jaw as his teeth came into contact with what should have been flesh. Dark let go of the boy's arm with a yelp of pain, tears stinging his amethyst eyes. The black eyed man laughed.

"Automail," Satoshi stated, "So I don't recommend you try biting him again."

Dark stuck his tongue out at the blue haired boy. "Who asked you for your opinion, Creepy Boy?" Dark retorted his voice quivered as pain shot through his jaw again. Dark winced slightly as his finished his sentence.

"Brother?" Daisuke asked in a worried tone, trying to take a step closer to him. Dark shook his head in response, trying to signal that he was fine. Satoshi smirked at Dark's pain, though he turned his head to hide the smirk from his red haired friend. The boy Dark had bitten chuckled at Dark's wince, earning him a glare from said purple haired boy.

"That's what you get for biting people." The blond said. Dark sent him a glare that clearly said 'shut up'.

"It is your own fault, Brother." Daisuke said quietly, a small smile tugging at his lips. Dark sent him the look as well.

"Well seeing as all the suspects have been apprehended shall we leave?" The man said, gesturing with his free hand to towards the door. The blonde woman nodded and headed out the door, leading Satoshi with her. The teenager holding Dark went next, making sure he had a secure grip on the struggling child first. The man went last, pulling a slightly shaking Daisuke with him. Dark noticed his brother's shaking and struggled more, trying to reach for his brother.

"Stop squirming kid!" The teen grunted as Dark hit him upside the head.

"I want my brother! Daisuke! Let me have my brother! Give me my Daisuke!" Dark shouted repeatedly as he tried in vain to grab the small red head. Dark's struggles died down slightly when they got outside and he spotted the other people that had come in with the man. Each of them was nursing small injuries while shooting glares at Krad, who was handcuffed in the back of one of the cars. Krad's eyes skimmed over the approaching figures and narrowed. Dark looked into the slightly older boy's golden orbs and shrank back slightly at the fury radiating in them.

"How could you let them get Satoshi?" Krad shouted as soon as Dark was within hearing distance.

"It's not my fault!" Dark snapped back, struggling more in the teenager's grasp. Krad jumped out of the open door of the police car and walked towards Dark, his eyes alight with anger.

"Yes it is your fault! You were in charge of getting them out safely!" Krad shouted, stopping right in front of Dark.

"Well you were meant to distract all of them so we could get away, and you did a crappy job!" Dark shouted back, leaning as close to Krad's face as he could from in the blond teen's arms. Krad's eyes flashed with rage and he lunged forward, smashing his head into Dark's face. Dark let out a yell of pain as his nose made a crack sound. Instantly Dark grabbed onto Krad's hair, ignoring his own now bloody nose, he yanked hard at the golden strands. Unable to use his arms to pry Dark's hands out of his hair Krad instead bit down powerfully onto Dark's arm, drawing blood almost immediately. Dark let out a yelp and kicked at Krad, catching him on the jaw, whilst still firmly holding onto the golden locks. The black haired man choose that moment to get over his shock and quickly passed Daisuke to the blonde woman, he then ran over and wrapped his arms around Krad's waist. The man lifted Krad off the floor and tried pulling him away from Dark. Krad kept his jaw clamped tightly onto Dark's arm while Dark kept his hands tangled in Krad's hair so that with each tug from the man and teenager, who were both trying to separate them, a wave of pain shot from the injured areas and through the children's bodies.

"Havoc, get over here and help!" The man yelled. Another man with blond hair and a cigarette ran over and started to pry Dark's fingers out of Krad's hair.

"Hughes, you too!" The man shouted over his shoulder. A man with glasses and a huge grin ran over. He started to try and pull Krad's jaw off of Dark's arm. A shadow passed over the group and a large cold hand was placed on both Dark and Krad's heads. The boys instantly let go of each other and turned their head to see who was blocking out the sun and had put a hand on their heads. Both amethyst and gold eyes widened at the sight of a seven-foot suit of armour that had previously gone unnoticed.

"Please don't fight." The armour said in a sweet, innocent childlike voice causing both children's jaws to drop. Dark was pulled out of his state of shock when he felt something cold bind his wrists together, his head snapped round to look at the offending handcuffs.

"Take them off, I don't want them on." He whined.

"No can do, kid." The glasses wearing man said. Dark frowned and tried to slip his hands out of the cuffs. Krad looked at his own handcuffed hands as if only just realising they were there. Krad glanced at Dark and raised an eyebrow when he saw the purple haired boy chewing on the chain of his handcuffs. Dark stopped with a small yelp when pain shot through his jaw. Krad's eyebrow rose even higher. The armour, who had been watching them carefully, turned his head towards the black haired man.

"Colonel Mustang shouldn't we get them back to HQ now, these two could do with medical attention." The armour said in its melodic voice. The man nodded. Before walking over to the car with the open door, he set Krad down inside it and buckled him in.

"Mustang, are you going to put them all in one car?" The smoker said. The black haired man he had spoken to straightened up and looked over his shoulder at the blond smoker.

"I don't see why not. As long as we keep these two on opposite sides they should be fine." The black eyed man said, gesturing over his shoulder at Dark. Dark shoot him a cold glare before fidgeting in the blond teen's arms.

"Where's my brother? I want my brother! Let me see my brother!" He shouted, trying to get free from the teenager's hold. Krad rolled his eyes at the amethyst eyed boy before letting his own golden orbs sweep over the strangers and come to rest on Satoshi. The blue hair child was happily talking to Daisuke and the blonde woman holding their wrists. Satoshi felt his brother's gaze on him and turned his icy sapphire eyes towards the golden ones. With a small nod Satoshi pulled his wrist free from the woman's loosened grasp and walked towards Krad. Everyone watched as the blue haired child climbed into the car and sat beside his brother. Dark tore his gaze away from the brothers to search for his own little brother. His amethyst eyes locked onto the ruby haired child whose gaze was fixated onto Satoshi and Krad. Dark let out a sigh and allowed himself to be carried to the car without a fight. The man took him from the teenager and buckled him into the car on the opposite side from Krad. Daisuke was instantly at the car's door, the armour holding his hand gently. The man lifted Daisuke over Dark and sat him beside Satoshi before buckling both smaller children into the middle seat using the lap seatbelt.

"That's not safe." Dark stated, watching the man buckle the younger boys in.

"Well I only have a four seated car and no way am I letting any of you ride up front." The man replied before standing up straight and closing the door. Dark watched as the man walked around the car and climbed into the driver's seat, the blonde woman climbed in the passenger's.

"Where are we going?" Daisuke asked, his ruby eyes shining with curiosity.

"You're going to Central HQ." the man replied as he started up the car. Daisuke nodded in understanding even though he had no idea where that was.

"Why?" He asked his head tilted to the side. The man glanced at the boys' from the rear view mirror.

"Don't you know?" The man asked. Daisuke shook his head.

"Why are Brother and Krad wearing funny bracelets?" Daisuke asked tilting his head even more to the side.

"They're handcuffs, Dai." Dark said whilst looking out the window. Daisuke nodded.

"Why don't me and Satoshi have them?" Daisuke asked looking at the back of his brother's head.

"Because we didn't try to fight like they did." Satoshi said to the curious boy. Daisuke nodded again.

"So why are we going with these people?" Daisuke asked, looking from Dark to Satoshi. No one answered him. Daisuke frowned.

"Why are we going with these people?" He repeated.

"Dai, I'm tired so stop asking questions." Dark said, his forehead resting against the cool glass window.

"Ok, Brother." Daisuke said before he started to softly hum. Dark glanced as his brother's cheerful face before he let his eyes slowly close. Daisuke watched Dark's body relax as he hummed their mother's lullaby, a smile tugging at his lips. Dark's breathing even out just as Daisuke finished the lullaby.

"N'night, Brother." Daisuke whispered before kissing Dark's forehead.

Mustang found himself smiling despite himself as he pulled up at Central HQ. He shut off the car and climbed out, closing his door quietly behind him. He went around to the sleeping purple head's side and opened the door, being careful that the slumbering child didn't fall out. Hawkeye had climbed out and gone around to the other side to let the blond child out, making sure to keep a hold of his arm. Mustang lifted the napping child into his arms before stepping back to let the red head out. The curious ruby eyed child looked around, his eyes wide with excitement. Mustang closed the car door and locked it before following Hawkeye into the building. The sapphire eyed boy grabbed hold of the petite red head, making sure they didn't lose him as they made their way towards interrogation. The purple haired boy stayed asleep the whole way there, only shifting a few times. Mustang walked into the dull interrogation room. Hawkeye led the blond over to a chair and made him sit down. The blue haired boy sat beside him with the red head close at his side. Mustang set the purple haired boy down in the last chair before leaving the room with Hawkeye and closing the door. Hughes was lent against the wall in the hallway, Edward stood beside him.

"So how are we going to do this?" Ed asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I say we each take one into a separate room and question them, we need to find out-" Mustang said before Ed cut him off.

"If they're the thieves? If they were forced to do it? Why they did it? All that shit right?" Ed said with a smirk. Mustang rolled his eyes.

"Yes. All that 'shit', as you put it. Plus I would also like to find a little bit more out about them." He replied.

"So who's going to question who?" Hughes asked with his carefree smile. Mustang thought for a few seconds.

"I'll take the purple haired one, Hughes you take the blue haired one, Hawkeye the blond and Fullmetal the red head." Mustang said. They all nodded in response. Mustang opened the door, letting it hit the wall with a bang. Three pair of eyes looked at him; the fourth flew open at the loud nose. With a yell the purple haired boy sat up straight, the quick movement causing his chair to topple backwards. Mustang had to suppress a laugh at the look on the boy's face as his picked himself up off the floor, with some difficulty due to the handcuffs.

"You go with Hawkeye." Mustang said pointing to the blond. The blond raised an eyebrow before standing; Hawkeye went to grab his wrist and led him from the room.

"You go with Hughes." Mustang pointed to the blue haired boy. Said boy stood up and tucked his chair in. He walked over to Hughes when the man held out his hand. Hughes led him out of the room with a hand on his shoulder.

"You go with Fullmetal." Mustang said to the red head. The child stood up and walked over to the teenager, looking up at him with curious ruby eyes. Ed let out a sigh before leading the small child out of the room. The purple eyes boy watched his brother go, confusion swirling in his amethyst eyes.

"Where's he taking him?" He asked once the child had disappeared from view and Mustang had closed the door.

"To another room." Mustang replied, sitting down on the opposite side of the table to the child.

"Why?" The child asked, his eyes darting from Mustang to the door.

"Because I asked him to." Mustang replied calmly, watching the boy closely.

"I want to see my brother! Let me see my brother! I need to see my brother! Let me see him!" The child shouted, tears stinging the corners off his eyes.

"I can't do that." Mustang replied calmly. The look that crossed the boy's face looked like he had just been slapped.

"Why? Why won't you let me see him? I want to see him! I want to see my brother!" The boy shouted his voice cracking from strain.

"Calm down and answer my questions, then I might let you see him." Mustang replied evenly. The boy practically collapsed forward onto the table, his forehead hitting the metal surface with a loud thud.

"Fine, I'll tell you everything. Just don't take my baby brother from me, please, don't take my Daisuke away." The child said quietly, looking up at Mustang with defeated tear filled eyes.

A single trickle of blood ran down from the child's forehead and mixed with the dried blood from his nose.