Thanks again for the reviews! Sorry I didn't update last weekend! I was out all weekend and then I got grounded so yeah…lol. Enjoy chapter 3!

"Sure, I'll take you home. Are you sure you're going to be ok?" Soda offered. My head did hurt immensely and my gut ached. Maybe I'd have to stay here for a while.

"Can I just stay here for a little while? Until my head ache gets better?" I asked, unsure. The whole gang's face lit up.

"Of course you can!" they exclaimed.

"I'll get breakfast started!" Ponyboy offered and made his way to the kitchen.

Everything was going great until I looked down and my clothes were all dirty and ripped. My father would be upset that I got my clothes dirty. "Just great,.." I mumbled sarcastically. "My clothes look like shit."

"I think you still look great." Soda complemented, smiling at me. By then, the gang had dispersed throughout the house and was in the kitchen with Ponyboy. I felt myself blush.

"Thanks, Soda. But do you have anything that would fit me?"

"Actually, I think I might. Come with me," Soda said, helping me to my feet. I followed him to his room. As we entered, he closed the door behind us. I wondered why. I saw him pull out a bundle of girlish clothes from a dresser drawer. "Try these on," he said, winking at me and tossing the pile of clothes my way. I looked down at them and they appeared to be my size. I was about to pull my shirt off when I realized Soda was staring at me.

"Turn around." I demanded him.

"What's the matter? I cant see you change?"


"Well that's too bad. Why do you think I closed the door?"

"Soda," I muttered as he stood close to me. "Please turn around."


Once Soda had turned around, I pulled out a bright pink halter top. It had darker pink around it's edges. It ruffled my hair as I pulled it over my head and face and it hugged my body tightly. It was low cut and exposed cleavage from my enormous and luscious breasts which, I will admit, I was proud of. It covered the tattoo I had on my lower back of a pistol wrapped in the stem of a rose.

Next was the shorts. They were white with fringes and ripped at the bottom for affect. They were quite short and ended at my upperthigh, exposing my long and smooth legs. The back also clung tightly to my overly large rear end. The rest of me was super thin so the clothes looked really good on me, I thought. I used an elastic I had around my wrist to pull my hair back and I was still wearing my black converse from before to top everything off.

When I turned around, I realized Soda hadbeen looking the whole time. It didn't seem to bother me though. His face turned beat red when he saw me.

"Wow, Riles, you look good." he told me. I took his hand and we met everyone else in the kitchen. When everyone saw me, they had the same reaction.

As I sat down to eat, Dally leaned towards my ear and whispered, "Nice tits, Riley." I was too stunned to say anything. Before I could even think about what I was going to do, someone knocked at the door.

"I'll get it." I offered as I opened it. To my shock, it was Bob and his soc friends.

"Hey, Riley. Lookin' good." he hissed, his eyes locked on my (if you didn't catch it the first time ;P ) enormous and luscious, and lets not forget protruding breasts.

"You better get outta here, Bob!" Two-Bit yelled from the kitchen as he came to join me at the door.

"Not today, grease!" he sneered, grabbing me by my arms and pulling me with him as his friends dragged me away.

I have a feeling this is going to be fun (:

1. The convenience of her having to stay. OF COURSE she has to stay. In a house with a bunch of guys she's just met? Sure, why not? The fates must've predicted it!

2. Her dressing in Soda's clothes. Its ironic actually, I read this in a really bad Mary-Sue story a long time ago where Soda actually gives her clothes to wear from his dresser! It made me laugh, I mean, what do they think he is, a cross dresser?

3. Soda's OOC. Very often in Mary-Sue stories, most, if not all, of the characters are very much OOC (out of character). I did that on purpose to Soda. He seemed like a dirt little Saukerl didn't he? A pig boy! That's something that I think Dally or one of the Shepard brothers would try to pull. From what I've gathered from reading The Outsiders, Soda does like his ladies but he's respectful of them and knows the boundaries.

4. The clothes. Oh, the clothes. This was actually quite a laugh. I mentioned before in the first chapter, how I've seen Mary-Sue fics go into three paragraph detail about what their character. Unless you're into fashion, I honestly don't think anyone gives two shits about what your character is wearing and is wishing you'd just hurry the hell up already with the damn story! And, the style of the clothes is another thing. Guys, lets remind ourselves that this is the 60's and NOT 2012 where teens go around, dressed like they should be working the street corner! And I mean, why would Soda even have those clothes anyway? I see this SO often in Mary-Sue stories where the OFC is dressed like a damned hooker! For Riley, I have one word: HO!

5. Her body. Okay, I don't know what you guys thought but I was laughing out loud when I was writing the details about her body and, yes, her ENORMOUS and LUSCOUS and PROTRUDING breasts! I'm sorry but what the hell is that? And her OVERLY LARGE rear end? I just had a really good laugh writing this. Its ironic too because in Mary-Sue fics they make their OFC have the perfect Barbie body, double D jugs and the whole shebang. And just the fact that she had to be skinny, you know? Not only did I capture the complete irony but I'm pretty sure I kept the male readers quite entertained, did I not? ;P

6. Her tattoo. This was not a tremendous outrage but enough to make you face palm. I'd go through the whole exhausting thing about how tattoos weren't very popular back then and how it was unheard of for a woman to have a tattoo,, but I think we all get it. And just that fact that it had to be a pistol. I mean, anything that screams badass, right? ;D

7. Dally's dirty comment. Ok, guys, lets get real for a minute please? While we all know Dally is somewhat of a man whore with his ladies, we all know that sometimes bitches gotta be smacked! Well, Riley happens to be one of the bitches ;P But in all seriousness, while Dally's comment was completely uncalled for, Riley kind of had it coming. Just saying.

8. When Riley answered the door. I mean, who goes to someone's house and then answers their door? Well it could be understandable if this was a high school party where half the school comes and trashes the poor person's house or if you knew the person really well and you're at their house 24/7, which Riley was neither.

9. The kid-napping. Or the hoe-napping ;D Of course Bob had to come back to get the girl. What kind of Soc would he be, otherwise? While I haven't seen this specific thing (the OFC getting kidnapped from the Curtis house) happen in Mary-Sue stories, although I'm sure it has been used as I've read others where the OFC is kidnapped from her home, the park and the alley, getting kidnapped from the Curtis house by the soc who likes her yet hates her social class is just something that you'd expect from a classic Mary-Sue story. And holy crap that was a long sentence! XD Anyway, I think we all know what's coming next at this point.

Thanks for reading! Please R&R I really appreciate it!