Disclaimer- If i owned Harry Potter, Draco would be with Hermione by now.

A/N- ENJOY AND REVIEW! – I know some of the people in this die in the war but pretend they didn't for this story, yeah! XD

Draco narrowed his eyes and glared at the three hooded men. They were the same men that had been at the bar, two hours ago. They ventured further onto the garage until they reached Draco's table. He could now see two of them clearly. Each face, familiar and disturbing.

"Draco... you've been avoiding us." Dolohov sneered. He shoved the salt shaker out of the way and onto the floor, before placing himself in the opposite seat to Draco.

"Someone's in Daddy's bad book." Amycus was looking at him like a parent looks at their child for rolling in dirt. "And to think you are hanging around with that scum..."

"What do you want with me?" Draco asked.

"Daddy has a surprise for you..." Dolohov replied. Draco rolled his eyes.

"Tell him to bugger off and stuff his surprises up his arse." Draco replied.

"I'm afraid i can't do that... now, are you going to come with us the hard way or the easy way?" Dolohov inquired, growing annoyed.

"Try... no way." Draco spat. Dolohov raised his wand dangerously.

"Wow, scary." Draco muttered quietly.

Hermione and the others came through the door into the garage dining room. She looked over towards the tables and gasped loudly in surprise.

"Crap!" Harry whispered, seeing the three death eater's loom over Draco, wands to his throat.

"Ah, Potter and the gang. Shall i bow down before you?" Amycus cried voice thick with sarcasm.

"I wouldn't hold that up in public if i were you..." Dean shouted. The man behind the counter gave them a confused look and hurried out the back to the stock room, leaving the dining area clear of muggles.

"Don't mess with me, any of you. If you do, i promise you that you will regret it." Dolohov shrieked. Draco rolled his eyes again.

"Leave them alone Dolohov... they have nothing to do with this." Draco insisted. Dolohov gave him an amused look and turned back to the others.

"No, i think Potter here should show his heroic act once again. What was that spell potter?... oh yeah." Dolohov screeched the disarming spell and Draco, Harry, Lavender and Dean and Parvati's wands flew out of their outstretched hands. Hermione left hers where it was, looking frantically at Draco. Ron hadn't even bothered to grasp his.

"Now, Draco comes with us and nobody will get hurt." Amycus said slowly.

"Piss off; you're all talk Amycus..." Draco muttered. Amycus reached forward and grabbed hold of Ginny.

"Get off me you prick." Ginny screamed, her eyes boring holes into Amycus. Harry, Ron and Dean all jumped up to help her, but were forcefully knocked back by Dolohov's spell. He laughed in amusement.

"Let her go." Draco shouted, shocking the death eater's for a fraction of a second.

"Why would we do that Draco?" the third Death eater spoke for the first time. Draco recognised him as Rodolphus Lestrange.

"Because she hasn't done anything to you, just leave her alone." Draco looked desperate.

Hermione slowly slid her fingers into her pocket, curling them around her wand. She had to do something... quickly.

A flash of red flew through the air and Rodolphus crumpled to the floor. A second flash and Dolohov was down too. Draco looked over and saw Hermione with her hand out stretched, wand in the air, pointing dangerously at Amycus, her face blazing with fury.

"I would let her go if i were you." Hermione hissed, dangerously low. Draco couldn't help but look impressed at the girl's determination. Amycus dropped Ginny on the floor and pointed his wand at Hermione in turn, a scowl mastered on his face.

Draco got to his feet and climbed out of the chair. Harry, Ron and Dean were stood next to Hermione, unable to do anything to help her, their wand still clasped in the hands of Dolohov. Draco bent down and scooped them up.

"Potter." He whispered, chucking their wands to Harry to hand out. Hermione was still locked in a devils glare with Amycus, who was starting to back away, towards the door.

"Oh Amycus, tell my father to stay the fuck away from me..." Draco shouted at him as he ran and disappeared through the door.

"Ginny, are you ok?" Harry fussed over her, before helping her up and sitting her down at the table.

"Granger, are you hurt?" Draco asked quietly. The rest of them were too busy conferring over what had just happened.

"No, I'm fine... are you ok?" Hermione asked, brushing the dirt off of her leg.

"Yeah." He replied simply, looking at her for a long moment as she sorted her hair.

"Should we modify their memory?" Dean asked uncertainly.

"I'll do it." Hermione volunteered. As she roughly turned the head of the nearest Death eater, Draco heard her mutter the spell under her breath. Dolohov's eyes withered in his head for a second before deflecting into a mystic, hazy glaze.

"Did they tell you what they wanted Draco?" Ginny asked him, coming over to stand beside him.

"Something to do with my father, they called it a surprise... i call it death." He said, staring intently at the white wall in front of him. Ginny looked at him for a second before turning to Harry.

"What now Harry?" She asked. Harry just shrugged, thinking hard about something.

"Malfoy, how did they follow us?" Harry asked, "We were on the freeway and there were no cars for miles behind us."

"I haven't a clue." Draco said honestly, his eyes fluttered to Harry and landed on his face. "But i need to find out."

"Not right now, you don't... we need to go and get in the car." Hermione stated in a matter of fact tone. "And try to enjoy our road trip..." Everyone nodded, even Draco.

"Your right Hermione, we have only been on this trip for 6 hour so far, and we have had fights, attitude and crap service in a stinking pub that would need a hundred house elves to sort it out. Some trip this is turning out to be." Lavender said, gaining a small giggle from Hermione.

"Aw, come on! We can make this road trip the time of our lives, if we all agree... no more fights, arguments or trusting Harry's view on pubs." Hermione encouraged. Harry chuckled next to her.

"I actually agree." Draco said, earning several surprised faces. "What?" he asked.

"You agreed with me." Hermione said in fake disbelief.

"Yes, i guess i did... and the next step... use of first names... Hermione." Draco said slowly. Draco heard several gasped behind him.

"You... You called me Hermione..." she replied, genuinely shocked this time.

"Well, you did just save my life... it would be a little rude if i didn't." Draco said simply, staring at her.

"Yeah, and you saved mine... Thanks Hermione!" Ginny said, running up to hug Hermione. Harry turned to Draco.

"So is this new thing just for 'mione or you know, all of us?" He asked. Draco looked at him with amusement.

"You gave me a lift; even though you hate me, you defend me in front of your mate and you help to save my life... i would say that you deserve to be called Harry!" Draco smiled at him as his mouth dropped open in shock. He quickly recovered and smiled back.

"Hurry up and kiss already!" Dean muttered loudly. He received glares from Harry, Draco and Ginny so he shut up pretty quick.

"Now that' done, can we get on and have our Holiday?" Parvati asked innocently, causing everyone to laugh.

"Let's go... leave them." Hermione added. She led them out to the car and squeezed in next to Dean. Draco climbed in next to her and grinned to himself.

A/N-sorry, it was pretty crap but hey, I'm not a professional...

Please please please can you all check out my BEST friends stories... her name is Jaysliverheels. I would love it if you could give her some reviews...

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