A/N: Okay. Me again! Remember me? I'm not here much :)

So basically, I've been hemming and hawing about whether to continue cause I've just been *so* busy with school and band and clubs and Heart of Camelot and nanowrimo, and I also really considered moving it to another story since I'm only writing drabble responses. I'm also pretty much never of anymore. So I have made my decision: I will keep posting drabbles on , but under a different story. My OCD doesn't like the fact that there's a Golden Shots on THoC that isn't updating, and a Golden Shots here that is. So I'll be reposting all of my THoC drabbles under my new collection, 'In the Minds of Men'. This collection will be for all of my THoC drabbles—I'll be posting a lot until they're all on , and then it will probably be a one or twice a week update.

And if any of you are still out there after all of these broken promises, I will make a final promise to you—this is a fresh start, and I'll keep this up. I do solemnly swear I will stick to the at-least-one-post-a-week rule from now on. Do you see my pinky promise? Do you see it?!

ahem. So this is me waving goodbye to Golden Shots. It's been a really fun, awesome run, and I've learned so much and made so many memories. But now it's time to move on to new goals and new drabbles, and I hope those of you who remain will come with me!

Until next time, MG OUT!