And thus the story lives on as promised. The company of myself chapter one is complete. So check it out on my profile. Thanks again for all the reviewers and people who supported this story! So here's a peek of the story. You can go from there.

Chapter 1 Freedom.

"Who are you?" Ciel asked, petting Sebastian's raven hair as the man leaned into the seductive teen's touch.
"Sebastian Michaelis, your fateful servant, protector, and lover," the man cooed, pulling the teen on to his lap and kissing his milky colored collarbone.
"Who were you before that? Who were you after you runaway . . ? Tell me more. Tell me everything, and spare no details," Ciel whispered, moaning under Sebastian's tongue as he combed his fingers through the older man's hair.
"I told you some last night," he smirked, nudging the teen with his nose.
"I want to know more," Ciel begged while staring into Sebastian's maroon eyes. He was licking his cheekbone.

"As you wish, my lord." Sebastian smiled at the line. It had been years since he said that to him.
"Why so formal?" Ciel questioned, slightly taken back. They'd long since decided to no longer consider their relationship as servant and master, but as equals to have an equal understanding for each other. Their contract was broken years ago, but they still remained side by side as partners, or one would even go as far as calling them lover's.

"The situation calls for it you see," Sebastian sighed, looking past the teen.
"Was it that difficult?" Ciel asked, puzzled at Sebastian's uncertainty. This was unlike him.
"You're now the second person to hear this story." Sebastian smirked as he lay back on the bed.
"This first is?"
"I don't think I have to say it. You already know." The man smiled softly, tousling his hand through his hair. Ciel lied next to him.

"From the beginning," Ciel urged, rolling on to his lover's chest. His legs were in-between Sebastian's.
"That would be after I ran away. . ." The man drifted off, playing with strands of the younger demon's ashy, blue hair.

"I wasn't the same person I am now you know," Sebastian stated, sighing heavily.
"That is to be expected," Ciel smirked, staring up at the ceiling.
"As long ago as it was, that night was honestly one of my fondest memories for the longest time. I threatened him by saying I would run away if he didn't stop. He only laughed at my empty threats and beat me. He did it anyway. I hated myself for not following through. But every time I built enough courage to do so, I would remember that it wasn't all bad living with him. He loved me, just in the wrong way I suppose. I came to the conclusion my mother's death was too much for him, and the toll it took on him was unimaginable. So, I was the next best thing. He would always tell me how much I looked like her, and for that, I emphasized him and decided that it would kill him to lose me as well. I suppose I developed Stockholm syndrome. A child's mind is an interesting thing. I somehow managed to justify my father's actions. But when I finally did follow through, he did it one last time and left me laying there in confusion. I was under the impression I would have to put up more of a fight than that to get away, but no. It didn't matter to me at the time." Sebastian's voice cracked as he began to go in depth of the hardships he had to face while growing up . . . alone.
