I've had this story written for a few days but I've only just had a chance to post it xx Please read and review!

Her breath shorted, looking at the destruction that had been made of the city, live on television. She knew it was cruel of her but at the minute she couldn't bring herself to care. Not while he was out there fighting. She'd known what could happen to him the second Phil had walked into Stark Tower.

And now Stark Tower was half destroyed. There was a close-up of the building, a sinister electrical blue light spiralling up from the roof towards the sky, appearing to be the cause for the chasm from which horrific creatures were escaping.

A reporter wondered if this had been Tony Stark's doing.

His name brought the fear and what if's surging back to the front of her brain. The city was being destroyed. And Tony was somewhere in the middle of it.

Her eyes were avidly glued to the screen, peeled for any sign of her boyfriend, every sight that he was alright. At the minute there was nothing. She couldn't decide whether that was a good thing or a bad one.

She saw him.

It had definitely been a good thing.

Her boyfriend was guiding something that looked suspiciously like a nuclear missile into space. She nearly had a heart attack just watching. The camera's focussed on Tony Stark flying towards the chasm for a few more seconds, their comments roaring in her ears, before switching to ... Captain America? She wanted to scream. As interesting as Captain America's revival was, and she was sure that Tony wasn't particularly happy, she wanted to keep her eyes on her boyfriend.

If she admitted to that later he'd probably claim it was because of his stunning looks.

The camera's swung back as Ironman flew into space. She decided then and there she'd admit it if he came back unharmed.

There were a few tense seconds that lasted centuries.

One channel continued to focus on the space Tony had just flown in to.

Another focussed on the roof of Stark Tower where Natasha stood. She would've been quite happy to see her if it hadn't been apparent that Natasha was in the process of shutting down the portal.

While her boyfriend was still in space.

She was almost praying, muttering please under her breath repeatedly, seconds ticking like decades.

For a moment it seemed her prayer had been answered. Her boyfriend appeared back on screen, the sky empty and clear once more. She sighed in relief, the bands that had been tightening on her heart relaxing. They wouldn't be gone until she properly saw him again.

Her prayer had been answered.

Then she realised, the constraints tightening around her heart once more.

He was falling, not flying.

And his arc reactor wasn't glowing.

Pepper was falling with him.