I do not own Criminal Minds.

Rated Teen for some graphic violence.

This is NOT a crossover! I am cherry-picking characters traits, stories, power etc. from the most popular books that involve magic, from books and movies such as Harry Potter.

This is as Un-Sub story with higher stakes than usual. The Fisher King episodes are probably my favorite season finale/opening as it was very Reid-centric. I thought I'd expand on it from a different point of view.

Things to think about: Reid is a technophobe. He can perform "magic." The CM writers have always thought of the round conference table as the round table of from medieval times, which happens to be what Diana's literary expertise is in. And finally: Aside from adult entertainment, gambling, and fancy hotels, what is Las Vegas known for?

Arepa Reid

Chapter 1:

"Reid I need to speak with you for a moment," Hotch called in a serious tone as Reid walked past his office.

Reid walked into his supervisor's office with trepidation. Garcia was already in the conference room preparing to explain their next case (He suspected it involved a series of recent bludgeoning-related murders in the Richmond, Virginia). Hotch had no reason to pull him off the case, so what was this about he wondered? Hotch silently motioned for him to sit down.

Hotch shifted some files around his expertly-organized desk. "Chief Strauss sent this to me to pass along to you. The FBI Las Vegas field office specifically requested you to consult on a case for them." He handed the file to Reid.

Reid flipped through the file to see three murder victims of different age and race with their throats slashed. There was also a photo of what looked to two crossed tally marks on right forearm of each of the victims. Reid maintained a neutral expression as he read the names of the agents listed in the file.

Hotch watched Reid intently. "Do you know why you were requested? It is my understanding that you have never worked independently with local enforcement there."

Reid refused to let anything show. He looked Hotch straight in the eye. "I have no idea Hotch. Like you said I have never worked with these agents. I don't know why they want my assistance."

This seemed to satisfy Hotch. He switched gears. "Usually a case with this particular MO would be enough to fly the entire team down to assist. But Garcia and I decided the cooling off periods between the murders in Richmond decreasing…"

"I understand Hotch," Reid said assuredly. "These murders have occurred over a period of seven months. I will most likely fly in, help with the geographic profile, provide some useful insight and return home. The odds of finding this Un-Sub so soon after his recent kill is very unlikely given his current pattern."

The corners of Hotch's mouth curved upwards slightly. It appeared that he had been nervous let him go into the field alone. But he was not the "child" Hotch looked at uneasily when they first met in this office with Gideon's glowing recommendation in his hands. Hotch had watched him kill Un-Subs, Un-Subs try to kill him, and him nearly destroy himself. Hotch had all the confidence in the world in him at that moment and Reid hated it.

Hotch stood up. "Please call if you need help," he said.

Reid stood up and nodded. "I will," he said.

Hotch picked his flight information. "You are due in Las Vegas by 6:00. I've arranged for you to fly…"

A half-hour later Reid arrived entered his apartment. He threw most of his mail in a basket and placed the padded green envelope covered in gold writing in the center of his kitchen table. He glanced briefly at it with a mixture of disgust and anxiety before starting to pack.

He went this bathroom and pulled a dusty bottle of talcum powder from his under sink. It is only active when used on another magical object, such as his messenger bag. He opened his bag and poured the powder in, producing blue smoke. He then grabbed his clothing go-bag and it easily fit inside. Reid then proceeded to methodically go through his apartment to pull out his other magical equipment.

One of the first things he learned in criminology was the effectiveness of the "hiding of in plain sight" method. A serial killer who kept the knives he used in a butcher's block where the detectives could see them during an initial canvass is much less likely to be noticed. He pulled his wizard robes out of the closet where he kept his Dr. Who trench coat along with his cane. Keeping garbage bags of dead body parts in the back seat your car won't raise the attention of the cop who pulls you over for speeding if you remain calm and friendly. He reached around the top of his closet where kept his board games and pulled his ten-sided dice. He grabbed a deck of cards out of desk along with the beads he was given on a case in Miami (he never told the team about the true nature of its powers). Reid pulls out an old battered book labeled "physics notes" from his shelf and threw it in his bag. He goes to the closet in his room and reaches for his toy magician kit where he keeps his wand in the plastic tube.

The other reason he went to such great lengths to scatter his magical instruments was he feared that his team would raid his apartment during his Dilaudid addiction as part of an intervention that never happened. He finally dialed combination for the floor safe in his closet which contained what you'd expect: Some money, a few important documents, his uncle's coin collection, and a jewelry box. He briefly opened his mother's small red velvet jewelry box before placing it in his bag. He was finally packed.

He then shakily approached the envelope. It had all the proper postage labels even though he was certain it appeared after the mail carrier locked the mail box. The return address was a Dungeons and Dragons-inspired game supplier. The letter congratulated him on being accepted to their exclusive role playing event. The ring included was part of "the initiation ceremony into our new and exciting world of an innovative creative adventure." At the bottom of the letter was series of strange symbols that the necessary decoder wheel would arrive in the next letter. But Reid already knew what the message said: It was location for the debriefing. The letter looked like harmless fun, but he knew better and carefully placed the letter in his state-of-the-art shredder along with the separate envelop that contained the ring.

The ring was solid gold with rune symbols engraved in black. It was an ancient artifact with origins predating the age of King Arthur. It was one of the most powerful objects in the world. He gulped as he placed on his middle finger, pressed down, and twisted it to draw blood.

He moaned as his glowing body writhed in mild pain. The magic of the magic distorted his senses. He felt a headache coming as the knowledge of magic stored in his corners of his brain was released. Finally, the strange sensations stopped and he let out heavy, uneven, breaths. The full power of his magical abilities he had voluntarily surrendered was restored to him. He needed these powers in order to assist a group of people he hated even though he loved the art itself.

He grabbed the purple scarf he knew his team thought was an odd accessory. He slowly said:

"Sator Arepo Tenet Opera Rotas"

The symbols glowed gold on his scarf. He then closed his eyes and thought of the message he read. He threw the right end of his scarf over his left shoulder. His whole body glowed again and he disappeared.

He found himself standing on top of the Eifel Tower at the Paris Las Vegas Hotel. The early evening sky was lit with pinks and purples bouncing off the clouds. The high winds whipped his hair, but not as harshly given the altitude.

A woman in her early forties dressed in a gray pants suit with a green blouse was standing in front of him. Her jet-black hair was secured in a bun at the base of her neck. She surveyed him through her square glasses with mild interest. Her silver brooch glinted faintly in the fading sun.

She walked over and offered her hand. "Dr. Reid," she said with an air of authority that reminded him of Hotch but with a little more edge, "my name is a Guardian Clara Rose. Welcome home."