Hey y'all I know I'm writing blades of emotion but I need to get this storyline out as well they have been bugging me inside my head for months. I do not own SOA or any of the characters although I wish I did ;-) this is just the setup of the story and I hope that everyone likes it. Thank you!

Jax Teller made his way to the back of the classroom when Opie and Tara sat turning his attention to his girlfriend he asked, "hey Babe there's a party later tonight at the club we be there?"

Giving a devilish grin she replied, "Count me in teller." With one lasting smirk she turned her attention to the front as the bell rang. Mr. Smith came barreling in with a purpose and addressed the class merrily. "Hello class today I'll be handing out your final projects worth 60% of your grade. This one project will determine whether or not you have learned anything this year."

Jax and Opie smirked in the back and Mr. Smith didn't hesitate to say, "Mr. teller this means that if you actually apply yourself for once you might end up graduating with your senior class." The rest of the class laughed while teller just muttered ' whatever…'

Mr. Smith made quick work of passing out the guidelines and when handed up at the front of the class he once again addressed them. "You will have until May 10th to complete this project with your partner. I expect top-notch work as I am giving you a partner to work on it in class as well as out. Now quickly get into your groups." The class hurriedly shuffled to get the partner they desired, and naturally Jax's beelined for Tara but as soon as he got there Mr. Smith said, "hold on there Mr. teller you'll be partnered with Ms. Carson. Maybe if your attention can be drawn to the project and not your significant other you may end up getting a passing grade."

Opie snorted and moved over to sit next to Terra who looked like she was about to commit murder. Giving his award-winning smirk Jackson sauntered up to the front of the room and plop down and the decks next to a quiet girl in front. With an overly loud sigh he reached his hand out as he introduced himself, "hey darlin' I am Jackson apparently we are paired together for this."

The girl looked up from her book and kindly took his hand. "Hello… My names Iris. Do you have any preferences of where and when we will work on this? I'm not trying to be rude but I feel like your study habits are lax."

Breaking out in a loud laugh Jackson smirked as he replied, "not your assumptions are right… I don't think I've ever cracked a book from this class before, so were going to have to work a little harder than I'd hoped. Tell you what… How about you come by the garage after school today and we can start from there." Finally getting a good look at her, he got his first impression of his new partner. She wasn't anything special, she had dark brown hair with flecks of red, and large brown eyes. Jax noticed that she wasn't stick then, but it wasn't like she was tipping the scales. She dressed in plain jeans and a T-shirt that were a little worn, and it looked like she didn't go out of her way to make herself noticed. Waiting for reply he stared down at her.

Looking lost in thought Iris shook her head, "the garages at the other end of town right? I don't own a car so it'll take me a while to get there. I could probably make it there by five is that okay ?"

"I could always give you ride it would be no trouble were going to the same place. How about we meet behind the school at 315?"

"Ummm I guess I could do that it wouldn't be any trouble. I don't want to impose." She looked down at her book almost if she was ashamed. Jax chuckled to himself and replied with a smirk, "don't you worry darlin' it's no skin off my back."

The bell rang and Iris quickly gathered her things and shuffled out of the room before anyone noticed.

Iris Carson liked to stick to herself, it was easier that way. She wanted to make something of yourself that was one thing she was sure of but short of that she really didn't have any aspirations as a teenager. For as long as she can remember she hadn't really had a friend, the only people she could call even close to a friend or her fellow club mate in the science club. Most people and charming fell into two categories. There were the Samcro members and everyone else. Iris found the older she got the harder it was hanging out with a group of girls that were trying to be the next generation of Crow eaters. Finally around junior year she had given up altogether vowing to herself that she really didn't need friends.

It wasn't like she was bullied but people didn't go out of their way to be nice or even acknowledged of her existence. She always ate by herself and never partook in a conversation. You see Iris love to watch people, maybe too much. Sometimes she felt like she watched more than she actually spoke to them. When she wasn't watching people she was reading. I guess it was because she was trying to escape the reality of her life. Ever sense her father lost his job in her freshman year he'd taken up the new job, sadly his job didn't make any money it only spent it. His newfound "employment" was going to the local bar when he wasn't doing a side job, drinking, and coming home with a sixpack to drink, yell, and then pass out wherever his body landed.

So like clockwork every single day, Iris letter home right after school cleaned up the mess from the night before, click the small meal, did her homework to the best of her ability, and then tried to sit outside until her father passed out tonight so that she could avoid his temper. It worked most nights, but sometimes she wasn't so lucky. He never actually hit her but it wasn't like it was a picnic being there. The tension in the house had been building for a long time coming. Now that she had to be partnered up with somebody for her final science project she was sure that tension was only going to get thicker.

When Mr. Smith assigned her to Jax Teller, she knew that she would have to spend a lot more time outside her house making it harder on her in the long run. She knew that Mr. Smith was only trying to help out Jax but unbeknownst to him he had hindered Iris in more ways than one.

Going through the motions for the rest the day at 315 Iris made her way to the back of the school. She had taken extra time at her locker almost willing herself to actually go through with it. So naturally most of the parking lot had already left. When she rounded the corner she saw two bikes with a small crowd around him. Walking up silently she observed what was going on around her. Jax Teller and Tara Knowles were up against the brick wall next to his bike kissing feverishly, while a small group of girls were falling all over Opie. Glancing over at the new comer, a tall brunette girl commented snidely," what do you want Carson, decide you may need a man?"

Everybody laughed including Opie but he looked over his shoulder and yelled, "Ay jax your science partner is here." Tearing himself away from his extracurricular activity, Jax smiled as he walked up and said, "hey darlin' you ready to go?" He swung his legs over his bike and handed her a helmet.

Iris stared everyone for a second before approaching with a nod of her head. She tentatively got onto the bike and noticed a scowl on Tara's face. Choosing to leave well enough alone she looked down as they sped off out of the parking lot.

I hope you all like this it's just a set up for the beginning of the story. I apologize for any grammatical errors that I may not catch, I just got new software that lets me speak instead of typing and I'm just trying to get the hang of it. I really appreciate when people review and give me feedback and I hope that everyone likes this and will follow it to the end.