Disclaimer: I do not own the Hunger Games

"Ladies and gentlemen! Let the 70th annual Hunger Games begin!" I have 60 seconds. 45 seconds before everyone goes crazy. 30 second before I'll be in danger of someone killing me. 15 seconds before the bloodbath begins. The gong sounds. Run.

One week earlier

I hate today. I always will. I hate the morning of silence from the whole town. I hate the excitement in the few older children who train for this. I hate the fear in children's eyes who don't. I hate the parents who dress their children up trying to keep from crying. I'm never having kids. I want them so badly, but I would never bring a child into this kind of life. District 4 is considered a Career district. But only some train. And even when the time comes, they never volunteer. Most of us who go in die, but there are times, when one of us will come out alive and on top. Five years ago, Finnick Odair won the games. Ever since then he became a sex icon for women and men in the Capitol. He'll leave for weeks on end without a goodbye. I yelled at him last year because of it. We used to be so close, but now he's so different. He yelled back and said that he couldn't help it, that it wasn't his fault. It took some time, but after a lot of explaining, I finally realized what he was up against. Now, out of all the things I hate, number one on my list is President Snow.

Two months ago, I was with Finnick on the boardwalk, when someone ran up to us and gave him a letter. I recognized him as another one of our victors, his name was John, but everyone called him Hook because in his games he lost his hand and replaced it with a hook. He handed the letter to Finnick, said hi to me, then walked off. When Finnick finished reading it he got upset told me he had to go. I walked back to my house alone. Its night time and I know Finnick will be gone on an early morning train. Finnick the Famous Fuck from Four! That's what I hear some call him. I don't want to believe them, but because Finnick is my friend I've heard it from other victors that it's true. All the victors get capitol pet names. But none speak about them if they don't have to. I crawl into my bed and drift off to sleep after two hours of staring at the ceiling. I didn't want Finnick to go, but I couldn't stop him. I woke up to the sound of something hitting my window. I looked out and saw Finnick standing there in shorts and a t-shirt. He told me to open the door because he needed to talk to me. So I did. He grabbed my hand, shut the door, and practically ran up to my room tugging me behind him. He sat me down and told me he didn't want to go. I protested and told him he had to. Then he asked me if I wanted him to go. I started crying and said no. He pulled me into his arms and we crawled under my covers together. I fell asleep in his arms and to him saying that he wasn't going, that he wanted to stay here with me instead. It was the best night of my life. When I woke up he was gone. I wondered if it was a dream but realized it wasn't when I found him downstairs with Mags, another victor. She was scolding him about not going. But he just stood up and said too late now. The train left an hour ago. I suddenly feared what the consequences would be. President Snow didn't send anymore letters.

Every night up until two days ago, Finnick slept in my bed, just holding me. I couldn't get enough of it. Then he disappeared. I asked the other victors the past two days if they had seen him, but they said no. He's in the Capitol doing President Snow's bidding. I know he is. By now, I'm used to not getting a goodbye, but it hurt so much. This morning I didn't care. I was too focused on getting today over with. I walk downstairs to my mom cooking a seaweed omelet. I ate very slowly. My mom had bright red hair, tanned skin and green eyes. My step father Don has bleached blonde hair and blue eyes. My half-sister Brooke has blonde hair and green eyes. Such a variety. When my mom was 18, she got pregnant with me, but didn't know until later. Believe it or not I was conceived the day before the reaping, and guess who's name got called for the boys. My biological father. He lasted until the final eight. After his funeral mom was pronounced pregnant with me. That's where I get the dark hair from. The Capitol never found out, but I still wonder if President Snow knew.

"Did you sleep well?" My mom asks.

"Nope." I respond.

"I slept just fine." Brooke skips into the room. "I don't know what you're worried about Annie." She smiles at me. She's 12. And the instant she learned about the games, she wanted in on the training some past victors provide. She wants to be a volunteer when she's older.

"I just want to get today over with." I say and walk out of the room. It's already late in the day, and I'll be having to get ready soon. But right now, I just want to be with Finnick. If I can find him. He's got to be here, he's mentoring this year. He first mentored two years ago. None of the other male victors wanted to, so he and Mags became the official District 4 mentors.

I walk up to his house and knock. There's no answer. His dad is probably fishing, and that only leaves Finnick. Finnick's mom died the year before Finnick was reaped in a boating accident. Or so the Capitol called it.

Gloomily, I walk past all the other houses and watch. Mothers bringing out their old shoes for their daughters, fathers helping some tuck in their shirts. It's my second to last year this year. I've been through this enough where I hope I don't get picked, but I really don't care anymore. If I get reaped, I get reaped. There is nothing I can do about it.

After strolling through the town I stop at my favorite bait shop.

"What do you want?" A harsh voice said from behind the counter. Remember when I said this is my favorite, well, it's only my favorite when my fellow classmate Rod Scale isn't working it. He's my age, and has been making fun of me ever since we were little. His dad is the reason I come here. He's so polite, kind and full of fishing stories. My family makes nets and sells them to him to sell to customers. He really is a great guy, he just produced a not so great son.

"Nothing." I say, and walk out.

But before the door closes. I hear Rod say "Hey Cresta, good luck." I guess everyone finds it in their heart to show a bit of kindness on these days. Even Rod Scale.

I walk back into my house. Mother and Don are fussing over Brooke since it is her first reaping. And my fifth. Yay me.

In my room, I find that my mother has laid out some dresses of hers for me to choose from. I try them on, but I don't like any of them. I go to my closet and find a dress my friend Jess made me last year. It was short sleeved, with a scoop-neck and it flowed out to just above my knees. It was the same dark green color of my eyes. I put it on and just for my own humor, twirled in it. Then I grabbed an elastic band from my bedside table and pulled my brown waves into a high ponytail. For the finishing touch, I put on a necklace Finnick gave me a year ago. It was his mothers. It was just a piece of thin rope, with a small pendent on it that looked like a heart. I slipped on my brown flats that were worn and tattered and a bit small for my feet, but I loved them.

I walked downstairs and saw my sister done up with pig tails, and on her was the dress I wore for my first reaping. A small tan dress with blue accents and a pink ribbon around the middle. On her feet were my old white dress shoes. Mom played with her hair and cried.

"It'll be okay mom." Brooke says rubbing her shoulder as Don holds her up.

"Brooke." She turns to me. "It's time to go." I hold out my hand, and she takes it. Like all other children, we silently walk the long path up to the justice building where everything is set up. They prick our fingers, and we get in line. I go to stand with the other 17 year olds, and she goes to talk with her friends. I see Jess standing a few girls down from me. She's my age, and we've been friends for a while, but ever since her sister died in last year's games, she's shut down.

The chattering stops when the mayor, our district representative and past victors all take the stage. Finnick is the last to enter, and he looks like he hasn't slept in a week. His eyes search the crowd for someone. When he finds them, he stares. His sea green eyes are burning a hole in my forehead. Our district representative is Talika Verona. She has on a tight bright yellow outfit with a blue ribbon roping down in a swirled style, 4 inch gold high heels and her face looks like a clown. She has green lipstick and pink cheeks and purple eyes. Her hair is scarlet red and hangs in short little curls just above her shoulders. Her first year was with Finnick. Ever since then, she thinks she's amazing. Every year I've seen her, she looks like a rainbow spit out of a kids mouth.

She goes on to say something about the Capitol and the honor we have of participating in the Hunger Games. Then they show us a video about past years ending with Finnick's face right after he killed his last opponent. This is when I glance up at Finnick. He hides his face and doesn't look up.

"Now then! Time for our female tribute!" Talika says in a very high pitched voice. Her hand digs viciously in the bowl for what seems like minutes. Then she finally comes up with a single piece of paper. She walks back over to the microphone and unfolds the paper.

"Annie Cresta!" My heart drops. Finnick's head snaps up and his eyes are full of rage. I feel sick. I can hear the few girls around me who trained to volunteer whisper "Not worth it." The girls part for me and I calmly make my way up to the stage. Everyone's eyes on me. I can hear my mother crying in the back. I'm all she has left of my dad. That's all she cares about.

I walk up the stairs and make my way over to Talika who is getting very impatient. She stands me in front of everyone just so. Then goes back to her spot. "Wonderful! Now for the boys!" She again takes her time digging through the glass bowl. Back at the microphone she unfolds the piece of paper and clearly reads "Tyler Tropic!"

A small scream fills the air. The thirteen year old boy is not one that has trained for this. He looks as though he's about to break down and cry. His light brown hair is matted down with gel, and his blue eyes are pleading with the crowd of boys. Yet non volunteer.

The scream that came from the boy's mother is followed by another from his older sister. She is 19. She can do nothing.

"All righty you two. Shake hands! And may the odds be ever in your favor!" Talika waves to the crowd and gets no response.

We are ushered back into private rooms for visiting. I can't breathe. I'm going to pass out. My parents enter with my mom crying. Brooke just looks at me sad and wishes me luck. When they leave, to my surprise, Rod comes in. Has he been crying?

"Annie! I'm so sorry Annie!"

"What are you sorry for?"

He just looks at me. "I'm sorry I was mean to you all those years and I- I just…"

"You just what?"

"I like you. A lot, I mean like, really like you. You're brave, you're kind, and you don't take shit from no one." He smiles. "Not even me."

I'm speechless. No boy has ever told me they liked me that way before. "Thanks I guess." What am I supposed to say? "I hope we can put this past us. I'll forgive you, if you promise to look after Brooke when I'm gone."

"Gone? You're not going to leave. You're going to win. I believe in you Annie Cresta." He says. Then he kisses me on the cheek. "Come back to me." He says. And then he's gone. Did that really just happen?

"Get off me!" I hear from down the hall.

"You can't go in there." Another voice yells.

"Watch me." I know that voice. Finnick enters my room in a rage, but softens when he sees me.

"I guess the odds just weren't in my favor this year." I say plainly. There's really no other way to put it.

"No, and it's all my fault. If I hadn't been so selfish none of this would have happened." He says.

"What do you mean Finnick?"

"If I hadn't disobeyed Snow and gone to the Capitol you wouldn't be here right now. God, I'm so stupid!" He yells and punches the wall. "When I refused to go a few months ago, I told you there were no more letters. I lied. Snow sent me one two days ago and said that he understands why I didn't go and reminded me that the reaping was coming up. Then he said I look forward to meeting Ms. Cresta. He knows Annie! That's why you're here. Because of me! I was hiding in my basement because I didn't want to face you the past few days. I'm so sorry Annie!" He starts crying.

I walk over to him and hug him. He wraps his arms around me and rubs my back the way Don rubs my mother's when she's stressed. "It'll be okay Finnick."

"I promise you Annie, I'll do whatever I can to get you out alive. You are coming back here. You're going to see your family again. And we'll be neighbors." He says smiling.

"Okay Finnick." I say quietly.

A peacekeeper comes in. "Time to go."

Finnick walks out before me. I meet up with Tyler who looks like he's been crying. And we walk up to the train. A few girls who trained for this to be their moment whisper "We're not getting a victor this year." And for a moment, I believe them. I'm nothing special. I'm not strong, or skillful. I wouldn't put money on me.

We get boarded on the train. And I look out the open window. I see people crying, hugging, staring, and walking home. As the train starts to move, I take one last look at the ocean that I love so dearly, and suddenly, it's gone. Washed away with trees. It's a six hour train ride to the Capitol from District 4. I'm counting the minutes I have left before it's time to start.