"C'mon, Sev, open up!" Jess called from the other side of the door. Severus Snape stood in his living room, seething. He knew the wench only called him 'Sev' to annoy him.

"Severus Snape! Open this damn door NOW!" she shrieked. Snape opened his front door and hissed,

"Keep your voice down!"

She grinned and slipped past him into the house.

"Well, I told you to open the door." She frowned, "And I do not call you 'Sev' to annoy you, I call you 'Sev' because 'Severus' is a pain in the ass to say every time I want your attention. I know your theory, you told me at school." Despite her teasing, she looked hurt, and Severus fought not to feel guilty. A battle he lost quickly and cursed himself as he apologized,

"I'm sorry, Jessica."

She smiled to show he was forgiven, then scowled,

"For God's sake, call me Jess. 'Jessica sounds so stuffy!" she whined. Severus chuckled, she may have belonged to the Marauders, but she was infectious. She grinned at him briefly, then pouted

"You're probably not going to like this, but Albus is making me stay with you. Go on and blow a gasket you stuffy old grump."

Severus shook his head, still amazed that he actually found her childish behavior charming,

"Why are you staying here?"

Jess flinched and bit her lip,

"You're really not going to like this…," she muttered. Severus opened his mouth to say he really didn't care about her love life, so if it was about Lupin, she could keep it to herself, but she took a deep breath and plowed on, "Sev, we're staying with Remus at Mrs. Figg's house for two weeks."


"Please, Severus, it's just two weeks and Moony's only there until he can find a new flat…. Besides, it's Dumbledore's orders!" she said all this in a terrified rush that made Severus frown. She hadn't been afraid of him since…

"Have you moved back in with your father?"

She looked sheepish,

"Am I really that obvious? Sev, I know I shouldn't go near him, but I've got nowhere else to go – Moony's too worried he might hurt me and has no place to stay besides, Molly's got enough to worry about with her kids, Sirius is in Azkaban, I can't afford –"

"Then move in with me. At least you'll be away from him, seeing as you're too proud to ask Fowl for help." Severus interrupted. Jess blushed at this, then gaped at the offer,

"Why are you offering to help me? I thought you hated me?"

Severus rolled his eyes,

"I would agree – except for the fact that you make it impossible to hate you."

Jess grinned at that, then asked hesitantly,

"Are you sure, Sev? I don't want to be a burden –"

"You won't be." He interrupted again, "Now why are we staying with Mrs. Figg?"

She bit her lip,

"We've got to watch Harry. Albus is worried about how the muggles are treating him."


She shrugged,

"You know Albus; he's big on asking favors, just not too quick to answer why."

This succeeded in drawing a laugh from the usually surly Potions' Master. Jess smiled and waited for him to sober before continuing,

"We're also supposed to be on the lookout for stray Death Eaters. They might go after Harry. Now hurry up and pack. You'll also have to change into some muggle clothing as this is an all muggle neighborhood we're going to."

He frowned,

"I think you should get your things from your father's before we go watch Potter."

Jess sighed, knowing she wouldn't be able to argue,

"Alright, I'll be back in about twenty minutes, you pack whatever you'll need for the next two weeks."

Severus grinned,

"Yes, Mum, I'll be packed and ready to go when you get back."

Jess stuck her tongue out at him and disapperated. She looked around her father's house and shook her head in disgust; the man really was a pig. She ran upstairs to her room and packed her things, twenty minutes later, she apperated back to Severus's house. She looked around the living room, thinking she was alone, then froze when she saw Severus standing in front of a bookcase, wearing nothing but a pair of jeans, getting something off a high shelf. She took advantage of his distraction to study him. The man had a great body, the jeans rode low on his hips and fit him in a way that would have been enticing had she been interested in anyone but Remus Lupin at the moment, and his biceps flexed as he got whatever it was off the shelf. She made an appreciative noise and he turned around. His face turned red with embarrassment,

"Jess, couldn't you have warned me you were there?"

Jess snorted,

"That wouldn't change the fact that you aren't wearing a shirt. You are very cruel, Sev."

He frowned, his face still red,


She rolled her eyes,

"I cannot believe you have a body like that and you hide it beneath those horrid robes you wear."

His face turned a brighter shade of red and she laughed,

"C'mon, Sev, you need to get a shirt on so we can leave."

He nodded and started down the hall, then stopped and said,

"Follow me and I'll show you to your room."

She grinned,

"Thanks, Sev, really."

He just gestured for her to follow him and showed her to her room.

"My room is down the hall to your left and the bathroom is across the hall."

"'Kay. Thanks. Again."

He shrugged and headed down the hall to his room to put on a shirt. A few minutes later, they were both ready to leave. Jess grabbed Sev's hand and apperated to Mrs. Figgs house. She let go of his hand and led him to her front door. She knocked and Remus Lupin opened the door. He stared at her for a moment in surprise before grinning hugely and wrapping his arms around her in a bone-crushing hug.

"Remus… can't… breathe." She panted. He laughed and let her go,

"Sorry, love. What are you doing here?"

She bit her lip guiltily,

"I'm not alone, Moony. Sev and I were sent to watch Harry for a couple of weeks to see how the muggles are treating him."

"Sev?" he asked between clenched teeth when he caught side of Snape. Jess glared at her boyfriend,

"Don't start with me, boy, you know I've always been friends with him."

"You sure it's not something more?" he ground out. She rolled her eyes,

"Baby, please, lock that away and never bring it back out, there is nothing between Sev and me but friendship as you damn well know. Though," she said biting her lip, "he is letting me live with him."


"Because I was living with my dad this morning and you and Albus have forbidden me from living with you."

"Why were you living with that bastard?" he asked, his anger forgotten. She shrugged,

"I got evicted and can't buy another flat because I don't have a job anymore."

"What happened to your job at the Ministry?"

She made a face,

"That toad, Umbridge, had me fired when she found out I was dating you."

Remus immediately felt guilty and started to apologize, but she waved his apology away,

"It's not your fault, so don't you dare say you're sorry. Now, are you going to let us in or not?"

He laughed and stepped aside to let her and Snape pass. As soon as he shut the door, he put a possessive arm around Jess and said,

"You can stay with me in my room."

Jess smiled at him,

"Okay, where is it? And we'll have to find a room for Sev."

Remus bit back a jealous growl. As a werewolf, he was more possessive of his girlfriend than a normal man was, though his wolf mind considered her his mate. He led her to his room, then took Snape the only free room left in the house. Before he went back to Jess, he said,

"Why are you letting her stay with you?"

"Would you prefer she stay with her father? I thought it would be better for her to live with me than him."

"So you're not planning to take advantage of her in anyway?"

"REMUS JOHN LUPIN! GET IN HERE NOW!" Jess shrieked. He was at her side in a second,

"Yes, love?"

"What the hell have you been doing? Hibernating in here? This place is a pigsty!"

Remus laughed,

"Sorry, I wasn't expecting you to be here." He took out his wand and the room was instantly clean. He took her into the bedroom and shut the door, locking it behind them. She looked at him with her eyebrows raised and he grinned at her,


"Being a bit presumptuous, aren't we?"

His grin widened and he kissed her,

"Am I?"

She rolled her eyes, smiling,

"I love you."

He kissed her neck,

"I love you too. Now can we please get in the bed?"

She laughed,

"Is that all you can think about?"

He grinned again,

"For the moment. I'll think about other things later."

She rolled her eyes again,

"Fine, but then we have to watch for Harry."


He cast a silencing charm around the room and took her to the bed. He groaned when someone knocked on the door,

"Albus says we need to start watching the boy immediately, Jess."

Jess sighed and lifted the charm from the room so that Sev could hear her reply,

"I'll be out in a second, Sev."

Remus growled in frustration,

"It's been too long, Jess, I don't think I can wait until nightfall."

She chuckled lightly,

"You'll live. It's just a few more hours, baby. Now let me up."

He sighed and let her up. She left the room and went outside to watch Number 4 Privet Drive for any sign of how the Dursleys were treating Harry Potter.