Here's the end of this story. This is the longest story I've ever written. xD

Disclaimer: Not mine~

Kuroko turned away, his hope of rescue fading fast. "So, is there a reason you came today?"

Akahana's grip loosened slightly on the boy and he took the opening to slip out of her grasp.

"Yeah. Before I forget, I need you to come to a dinner party tonight with your father and me."

"Ah, no thank you," he said without a second thought.

"But, Tetchan~~" She whined reaching for him again, "Momma will be lonely without her Tetchan and daddy wants to see you too."

The small teen backed away, barely escaping her tight hold. "Fine, but only if you let me bring him along," he bargained, pointing to star of the team who was still laughing on the bench.

A wide smile spread across her face, "Of course, is he your new b-"

"He's a friend of mine." He quickly interjected.

"Right," she winked, "Just like your blue 'friend'. Ah, what was his name? Ao-"

"Mother. I think it's time for you to leave. Don't you need to get ready for tonight?"

"Aww~ Tetchan's blushing. Did I embarrass you?" She cooed out.

Everyone turned to Kuroko again, who stood as stoic as last time.

Where is she getting this from?

"Ah, but I really do need to go now. The driver will come pick you up at 7:00, so be ready."

Kuroko nodded.

"And don't be late..." She started.

"Be fashionably late," he said, completing her thought.

"You're so cute when you finish my sentences! You know me too well~" She waved to everyone as she headed towards the door. "Love you, Tetchan! See you and your 'friend' tonight~"

Kuroko sighed as the doors closed behind her, silence consuming the gym as Kagami finally finished laughing when he noticed the lack of chatter.

"It wasn't that funny." Kuroko put in.

"No, it was pretty damn funny." He said, wiping some tears from the corner of his eyes.

"Well, since you found it so amusing, I am sure you will have a lot of fun tonight then." the smaller one stated.

"Eh? What's tonight?"

"Weren't you listening at all, Bakagami?"

"SHUT UP COACH...please." He added, trailing off.

"Tonight you'll be joining my family for a dinner party. It's really boring so I thought I'd bring you along to suffer with me."

"Oh, that's- Oi! What do mean suffer with you?"

"I mean that it's super boring and this time you'll suffer through it with me."

"But why me!"

"You laughed at me when I needed help and now I'll be the one laughing at you."

"Hey! Is anyone else hearing this?" Kagami whipped around to see the rest of the team chatting nonchalantly, completely ignoring the two freshmen. He sighed, "Fine. What time do I need to be ready?"

"The driver will come at 7:00, so be ready by ten till."

Kagami nodded, "Alright, then I need to get home to shower and get ready."

"Ah, me too."

"See you tonight."


"Aka-chan! Late as always I see."

Akahana looked around and noticed a large group of ladies near the window. The one in front waved. She had long black hair down to her waist and was wearing a strapless dark green dress. Akahana smiled and waved back.

"Tetchan! Come on! I want to show you off to my friends from the movie I'm working on now." She squealed and grabbed Kuroko's arm, pulling him towards the group.

Kagami sighed.

What am I supposed to do?

He shrugged and followed the two, stopping just behind them.

"I would like you all to meet my son, Kuroko Tetsuya."

"Wow! It looks like he got your hair color and your husband's height."

Eh? Are they talking about me? Kagami looked down to the group slowly beginning to surround him.

"Where did he get those eyebrows though? His grandparents?"

They are definitely talking about me!

Kagami held his hands up in front of him, "I'm not Akahana's son, my name is Kagami Taiga."

The ladies turned around and gave a questioning glance to Akahana.

"That's my son's friend. Tetsuya is right here." She held up his arm which she was still holding tightly on to.

"My name is Kuroko Tetsuya. I am Akahana's son. It's a pleasure to meet you all." He bowed as he spoke.

"Ah!" They all gasped. "When did he get here?"

"I have been here the whole time." Kuroko stood up and looked to the group whose attention had now shifted to him.

"How could I have missed someone so cute? Your mother has told us all about you, but I thought she was over exaggerating how adorable you were." The woman with the long black hair giggled and blushed, "But I'd say her words were right on."

"See, this is what I've been telling you about! I have the most adorable son in the whole world~" Akahana let go of Kuroko's arm in favor of taking him into a tight hug.

Kuroko gave her a slight hug back before shrugging off her arms. "I'm going to go find father now."

"Okay!" Akahana replied back excitedly, "Tell him I said that I'll come find him later~"

Kuroko nodded and turned around towards Kagami. "Let's go." He walked away with Kagami following closely behind him.

"How are you gonna find him? There are so many people here!" Kagami looked around at the crowd.

"It's quite easy actually. He always stands in the middle so that anyone looking for him can find him quickly." Kuroko answered, easily slipping through the crowd.

Kagami nodded and walked through the crowd, slowly falling behind Kuroko.

Damn it! Where did he go?

The red haired teen stopped and looked around, but his teammate was already gone.

Kagami sighed and turned to continue on by himself, when he ran right into someone.

Oof! The teen caught himself before he fell over. "Uh, sorry about that. I wasn't paying attention." He turned and looked towards the man he bumped into. The man had long black hair that went down to around his chin. It was styled slightly to the right.

So tall! He's gotta be around 200 cm!

"It's quite alright." The man laughed. "I don't believe we've met before. At least it was a memorable first meeting." The guy held out his hand, a huge smile encompassing his face, "The name's Yuuta. Kuroko Yuuta."

"I'm Kagami Taiga." The teen said as they shook hands.

Kagami stopped, "Wait, did you say your name was Ku-"

"Ah, Kagami it appears you have met my father."

"Ah!" The red haired teen jumped. "Kuroko! I've told you to stop doing that!"

"It's not my fault that you're not observant enough to notice my presence." Kuroko countered.

"You little-"

"Tetchan!" Yuuta put his hand on Kuroko's head and ruffled his hair. "You're still as cute as ever, I see!"

Somehow, this seems familiar.

"Please stop." Kuroko gently pushed the hand off of his head.

Yuuta just laughed and turned back toward Kagami. "Well, it seems like you know my son."

"Yeah. We're both on the basketball team." The red haired teen responded.

"I see. Tetchan's been interested in basketball ever since he saw it on TV when he was younger." The black haired man nodded as he spoke.

Another man approached the three that were talking and tapped Yuuta on the shoulder. When Yuuta saw who it was he smiled apologetically to the two high schoolers, "Sorry, but it looks like I have to go. There has been some trouble back at work that I need to go fix."

Kuroko's dad waved and turned around to leave. "Nice to meet you Kagami and I'll see you later Tetchan."

Kagami watched the man slowly dissolve into the crowd. "Hey Kuroko, what exactly does your dad do?"

"He works as the head of a large company."

"What one?"

"Mitsubishi," Kuroko said nonchalantly.

"Oh, that's cool." Kagami stopped, "Wait, did you just say Mitsubishi?"

"I'm surprised that even Kagami has heard of it."

"Of course I have! It's a huge company! And what do you mean 'even Kagami'?" Kagami started to shout, but stopped when he received glares from the people around him. The room was loud, but not loud enough to completely cover up all of the short tempered male's voice.

The red head bowed slightly in apology and turned back to Kuroko. "How much longer does this party go on for anyway?"

Kuroko stared at Kagami. "Quite a while. There's more time for socializing and then eventually the speeches begin."

He groaned, "Speeches? This is gonna be a long night isn't it?"

"A very long night."


"So Kagami, how was the party last night?" Hyuuga sat down on the bench next to the hot headed freshman.

"Eh. Boring, like Kuroko said it would be." Kagami yawned as he tightened his shoelaces.

"Oh really? Did you at least get to meet Kuroko's dad?"

"Yeah, I did." He shrugged.


"Well what?" Kagami stared at his senpai blankly.

"What do you mean 'well what'? What was he like, dumb ass?" Hyuuga said getting irritated.

"Oh, he was really tall. Kuroko definitely got his height from his mom." Kagami chuckled a little.

"That's it? All you give me is 'he's tall'?" The older teen spat out.

"I'm just getting started! Hold on!" Kagami huffed. "Anyway, I also learned that both of his parents are the same with how they act towards him. It's no wonder that not many things surprise him."

Hyuuga sighed and started to get up. "At least you gave me something else. Is that it?"

"Uhm. Oh! I almost forgot!" Hyuuga's ears perked up slightly. "Kuroko's dad is the head of Mitsubishi!"

"How could you forget that?" Hyuuga smacked Kagami on the head and walked away muttering about 'stupid freshmen'.

Kuroko watched as his senpai walked away from Kagami and smiled slightly.

Maybe Seirin will be different from Teikou.

Haha, I wanted to finish this story before my birthday and ended up finishing it on my birthday. It's a good present for me. xD Anyway, hope you liked it.^^ Review if you can~