New story from the guy who brought you the Farron Sisters, Final Fantasy Reverse XIII and many others
Enjoy and review
Chapter One
My life
Hey everyone.
My name is Cloud Strife.
I am a high school student, a senior, I am proud to say in the most prodigious school in the entire city of Midgar. I have been going there ever since my freshman year, and I must say it had been as pleasant as waking up for school on Monday morning.
Trust me, no one likes to wake up on Monday morning, the bed seems way too comfortable for doing so, and you never want to leave it. About me, let's see, I'm of average height, not too tall, not too short either, but for an odd reason, I seem to be the shortest of my group of friends. This was a strange question I always ask myself whenever all of us are seating together to do something. It ticks me off to no ends seeing that I was the shortest of the group.
Well, moving on, as I said before, I'm in one of the most prodigious school in Migdar which is not the city I was born and raised to tell you the truth, my home town is in Nibelheim a city in the mountains, but I will not be getting into that.
The school had one of the biggest campuses I have ever seen in my life. Well, it's owned by SHINRA ELECTRICAL Co. so I'm not really surprised about it; after all, the company was one of the most powerful companies in the world right now.
Which is why the school is named after it, SHINRA Academy.
I thought they should have been more creative with the name I mean, seriously, who the hell will want to go to a school with that kind of name.
I had some good friends in that school, namely Zackary Fair, commonly known as Zack, and there is Yuffie which I'm betting my money on that this girl is a ninja.
There was one time when the bell had run and she wasn't in the class but the second the teacher's back was turned, and then bam there she was seating there as if nothing had happened.
I made a mental note to let her teach me how to do that.
But this wasn't the reason I wanted to tell you this little thing that had happened to me.
Well, to tell you the truth I keep thinking back to that time as if it was a dream but heck I have the picture to prove it. Well, I'm not going to spoil it for yah.
Let's turn time back a little to the afternoon before my life changed forever…
I remembered that day quite well, actually. School had just ended and both me and Zack, we usually spend the week-end planning mischief all around the school, one of the reasons why the prefects know our name quite well.
If something had went amiss within the school, Zack and I were the first ones suspected to have caused it. But it doesn't actually help us out either when we burst out laughing learning what had happened.
"So any mischief for next week?" I asked the man himself.
Zack give me a smirk.
"Well, I don't have anything planned," he said, "But I did learn something about the wishing tree."
I gave Zack a disbelieving glance.
"The what now?"
"Wishing tree," Zack told me.
"Never heard of it," I said.
"Well, it's mostly popular around girls," he told me opening his locker, "I've heard them talking about it. It's a large tree with purple leaves."
"That's quite unusual," I said, "Who did you hear that from anyway?"
"Well, Yuna and her gang," Zack said.
Yuna, the girl was a godsend. She wasn't overly brash about anything but her gentle personality made her quite a lovely girl. I talked to her in class a few times before.
"She don't strike me as the type of girl to believe in wishing things," I told him, "Just like Cocoon got them wishing fireworks."
Zack laughed.
"I mean seriously," I continued, "Wishing on fireworks? I never understood that concept."
"Well, you weren't born and raised in Cocoon did you?" Zack told me closing the locker.
At that moment, I hear a lot of giggling girls and I sighed. I didn't even have to turn around to know who was passing behind me, but I looked around anyway.
Yep I was right.
Sephiroth Crescent.
This guy transferred from another school back when I was a freshman. He had long silver hair, and a pale long face. His eyes were a deep green and from what I hear from the girls, he was quite desirable. Half of the female population of the school wants to get in his pants while the other half just admires him from afar.
Since his arrival back then, he took Genesis's place as the school idol, thought the poetic guy wasn't too happy about that. But something about Sephiroth rubbed me the wrong way. Not that we had any interaction before, it's just something about the guy make me want to punch his face in.
I guess his presence have that effect on me.
"Well here goes the King," Zack said, a little too loudly.
Sephiroth turned his head slightly but didn't say anything. I was sure he heard Zack's comment but he didn't say anything. He just continued walking, his fangirls following after him.
"How are we supposed to get a girlfriend if that guy is going to be around for our entire high school carreer?" Zack sighed.
I turned toward him.
"Maybe one will take pity on us both."
"Shut up Cloud."
The both of us walked out of the school main building and into the large grounds. They were many students seating on the grass and some of them were playing around with a Blitzball. I was a fan of the sport myself and occasionally played it…thought I didn't make the team the year I had tried out, some guy named Tidus did.
We still stayed friends thought.
"So how about it, you want to check this place out?" Zack asked.
"You mean the wishing Tree?" I said, "C'mon Zack, it's worst than wishing on fireworks, plus I've got nothing to wish for."
"What you're scared that it will actually work?" Zack teased.
I give him an are-you-serious look.
"I'm not scared," I told him.
Zack just continued with his teasing.
"Well, wait till I tell the guys that you're scared of a little wishing Tree," he said.
Okay, this guy was asking for it.
"Alright, I'll come with you," I told him.
A light suddenly go off in his eyes.
"Then when you get there I dare you to make a wish," he said.
"Fine, I'll do it," I said, "I'm going to show you, I'm not goddamn scared of a stupid tree."
Zack led me straight toward where the Tree was. It was in the back of the school almost into the forest. As we got closer I noticed the tree. It was a large tree, similar to a Willow, and the purple leaves were still since it had no wind. I must say, the damn tree looked strangely imposing with that strange aura around it.
I couldn't really explain it; it was like something in the back of my mind was warning me to stay away from it.
"So, you scared Cloud?"
I give him a glare.
"I'm not scared," I grumbled.
"Well, then," he said, "Go closer."
"Alright, alright," I said, "Stop rushing me."
I wasn't going to lie, I was intimidated by a tree. Call me crazy or a pussy, if you had seen that tree too, you would have had the same feeling I was feeling right now. But I wasn't going to back out while Zack was there watching me. I swear I could feel his smirk aimed toward my back.
"So how does this thing work anyway?" I asked him.
"Well, according to Yuna," Zack said, "You have to touch the tree with your right hand, said the wish and a leaf have to fall right after or it won't work."
I give him a nod before raising my hand, touching the tree. It was calloused underneath my palm.
I smirked.
Well, I'll wish for something impossible.
Now in that moment, I didn't get why I didn't wish for me to become the most admired guy in school like Sephiroth is. Or why not for a million gils? Or having superpowers? Or anything an average guy would have wanted…
The thing that had come out of my mouth, in a low whisper was…
"I wish I was a girl."
I stood there for at least a full five second waiting for something to happen but alas, I was still a full blown male. I turned toward Zack, feeling confident.
"See I told you it won't work,"
Zack looked at me frowning.
"What did you wish for?" he asked.
I smirked.
"Something impossible,"
I know that there is no way I can turn into a girl, I thought.
Both of us walked away from the tree, never noticing the falling leaf that was now landing upon the grassy ground.
You guys can see where this is going right? Even so, i always wanted to write an genderbended story. As i explained on my profile, it`s the similarity between Lightning from XIII and Cloud from VII that gave birth to this story. with Lightning compared to a female Cloud.
C`mon, i couldn`t resist. Next time: Surprise at Dawn
Anyway, enjoy and review.
Jacques0 out.