So this was inspired by the feelings about the past two episodes for YJ. I can die in peace knowing that my ship still lives and that Lian lives in another universe. Thank you Greg and Brandon!

And it's a total headcanon moment for me. Kaldur may be evil now but he won't hurt the innocent.

Lian Harper is the worst kidnapped victim ever.

Honestly, Kaldur isn't sure if he should feel grateful that the toddler is being cooperative or to start questioning the parenting skills of his ex-best friend. Children aren't very calm when facing very sudden, and very violent, changes in their environment. But Lian is sitting on the floor of the Manta's study, looking at Kaldur quizzically.

"Are you a fish?" she asked somewhat suddenly.

"No," he tersely replied. Kaldur used to love kids. He has many good memories of babysitting Arthur Jr. but those memories are locked away in a deep place.

"Then why do you have gills?" she continued. When he didn't answer, she kept asking questions. "Do you eat fish if you're a fish? Or is that weird? And why does Daddy get sad whenever someone says your name?"

"What?" Kaldur asked flatly.

"Your name is Kaldur, right? And you're the Black Manta. So whenever someone talks about you, Daddy gets sad," Lian explained, pulling herself onto his lap.

"He does now?" he bitterly answered. A little too late Roy.

"You're really sad too," she said. "So I'm going to sing the song that Mommy sings to me when I'm sick and not feeling good!"

It was a Vietnamese lullaby. A very long one to be at. Kaldur gathered it was really a compilation of all of the songs that gave Lian comfort.

And despite what he did, despite what he said, despite all the choices he made, Kaldur was thankful that a little girl was trying to comfort the villain.

Later, he let her snooze on his person, quietly stroking her hair as the ship dove into deeper waters.