Hello I am finally back after an unexpected hiatus. I do apologize and want to thank those that left reviews and favored this story. They helped force myself to make more time to write. Thank you for the reviews and anyone who reads this story.

Also I changed my profile name from Princess Chula-chan to LadyMeilin

Thank you again and please enjoy the story.

Sasuke slowly woke up and was in a daze before he remembered the event that just occurred. His eyes widened from shock. He looked around the small room and quickly realized he was in the nurse's office.

"What the hell?" Sasuke muttered as he tried to get up from the small bed he was laying in.

"Oh Naruto-kun, you need to stay down." Said the school nurse Shizune.

"What the hell happened?"

"You got hit in the head by a soccer ball and passed out."

"Tsk great."

"Well here's some good news. Kiba came in to let me know you didn't feel well earlier so I decided to send you home for the day. Iruka-san will be here to take you home." Shizune smiled.

Sasuke nodded. He was actually kind of glad he was leaving, he didn't know how much more of this hell he could take.

The door burst open and in ran a very worried Iruka. "Naru-chan are you ok?"

"He's fine Iruka-sensei. He got hit pretty hard but he doesn't have a concussion or anything serious. Just give him Tylenol every few hours and let him rest for the day." Shizune answered.

Iruka nodded at the school nurse's advice. "Naru do you want me to carry you to the car?"

"…Uh n-no, I can walk."

12:15 p.m.-Lunch Room

Midnight black stared into sea foam green. "Your so beautiful Sakura-chan." Said Naruto dreamily.

Sakura's eyes lit up, "OMG! I was so thinking the same thing about you Sasuke-kun. Wow we must think alike, maybe we are meant for each other." The pink girl squealed.

"Y-you really think we're good together?" Naruto blushed.

"Of course, I always knew we'd be."

The two continued to stare at each other oblivious of the shocked and disgusted stares they had been receiving.

Sasuke's friends Suigetsu, Neji, and his cousin Sai, had been staring in pure disbelief at the new couple.

"….What the hell is going on?!" Yelled a freaked out Suigetsu.

Naruto looked up in surprise at the white haired boy's outburst. "Is something wrong?" He asked.

Sakura glared at the older boy. "Fuck off you shark freak, stop messing up my wonderful time with Sasuke-kun!" Thought inner Sakura.

"Oh g-gomen Suigetsu-senpai, did we bother you?" Sakura asked sweetly.

"Hell yeah I'm bothered! Stop with all the mushy crap. You're making me sick and making all of Sasuke's fans scary as fuck." Sugetsu said pointing to the girls glaring from the next table.

"Oh Sasuke-kun I don't want to make anyone feel un-comfortable so why don't we go somewhere more private." Sakura said a little louder than she needed to.

A big part of Naruto wanted to be alone with Sakura but another part of him wanted to stay. He always wondered what it was like to hang out with the rich and popular kids.

Naruto blushed. "I-I'd love to Sakura-chan but um I'm kinda hungry." Naruto said sheepishly.

Sakura frowned in disappointment from being turned down but quickly got over it. "Oh that's fine of course you have to eat something." Sakura got up from her seat. "I'll get food for you. What would you like?"

"Really? You're so sweet Sakura-chan. …I'd like a miso ramen please." The 3 boys felt even more shocked while Sakura scrunched up her nose in disgust.

"Ramen but that such a peasant food. I always thought Sasuke-kun ate nothing but the best cuisine. …Oh well."

"S-sure Sasuke-kun anything for you."

"Thanks Sakura-chan." Naruto smiled.

"Hmph well since you're up there could you pretty please get me a vanilla pudding Haruno-chan?" Suigetsu asked in a fake sweet voice.

"F-fine." Sakura said through gritted teeth.

After she left Neji and the others turned to whom they thought was Sasuke. "What the hell is going on?"

"What?" Asked Naruto surprised at the outburst.

"What's with you wanting ramen? You always complain when I drag you to Ichiraku. And why are you suddenly hanging out with Haruno, you hate her. Remember you called me Saturday night bitching about her and that little blond kid that kept bothering you." Shouted Suigetsu.

Naruto's eye twitched. "Well I changed my mind Sakura-chan is amazing and Naruto Uzumaki is super awesome! Also ramen is the best food ever made." Naruto muttered under his breath.

Neji looked towards his other friends as he whispered, "See what I mean, he's acting weird." The other two nodded in agreement. Neji was seriously starting to worry about his friend's state of mind. "Oi seriously if you have a drug problem I can get you help."

Naruto's House

"Naru you just sit on the couch and relax while I make you something to eat." Said Iruka.

Sasuke laid on the living room couch and silently watched his former teacher go into the kitchen. After a few minutes the older man walked out and went into one of the bedrooms. In moments Iruka walked back to Sasuke.

"Naru-chan I got Kyuubi for you!" Iruka giggled. The brown haired man walked up to Sasuke smiling happily as he held up a cute little worn out plush toy fox with nine tails.

Sasuke looked at the stuffed toy in confusion.

"I remember when your father gave him to you, the day you were born. It was so cute when you were a baby you're refused to go anywhere unless Kyuubi was with you. I just thought he might make you feel better like when you were little." Iruka smiled as he placed the stuffed toy next to Sasuke than pulled a soft blue blanket over him. Iruka turned and walked back to the kitchen.

A sweat drop fell from the side of Sasuke's head. "What the….he still treats the dobe like a little kid?" Sasuke thought as he pushed the ratty toy away from him.

A few minutes passed and Iruka came back with a large bowl of soup. He set it down on the coffee table next to the couch. The aroma of the soup was incredible it smelled delicious. "I made your favorite miso ramen."

Sasuke tried not to scrunch up his nose in disgust. He really didn't care for the cheap soup but he had to admit the smell and look was very tempting.


"Your welcome Naru." Iruka looked at the clock. "I should go back to work. Will you be alright by yourself?"

Sasuke nodded in a yes. Iruka smiled than bent down and gave Sasuke a small kiss on the fore head. "I'll be back soon, call if you need anything. I love you Naru-chan." Iruka said as he walked out the door.

Sasuke blushed he was a little taken back by all the attention he was getting from his former teacher. He felt a little annoyed but deep down all the attention felt kind of nice. Not even his mother ever fussed over him like that before.

"Tsk Iruka-sensei must really love his dobe of a son."


3:00 p.m.

Naruto and Sakura walked out of the school building together, Sakura had her arms wrapped around Naruto's left arm. "Hey Sakura you wanna get coffee or something?" Asked Naruto.

Sakura blushed, "L-like a date?"

Naruto also blushed. "Y-yeah."

"I'd love to Sasuke-kun. …Oh no wait I forgot. My mom's having this small dinner party and she wants me home soon."

"Damn it old lady why do you always have to ruin everything for me!" Inner Sakura growled.

Naruto looked down in disappointment "Aw ok. Well how about I walk you home?"

"That's sweet Sasuke-kun but I live kind of far so I have to take the train." "My stupid cheap dad won't hire a chauffer for me!"

Just than Naruto got a really good (actually bad) idea. "Hey Sakura-chan, why don't I drive you home?"


Sasuke was lying on the couch watching TV. He had to admit the small couch was rather comfy and the little 40 inch flat screen was much easier to watch than the 80 inch his family had in their living room it gave him headaches sometimes.

The Uchiha was so relaxed and full from the delicious ramen he felt like taking a nap. Ding Dong …Sasuke heard the doorbell but decided to ignore it. Ding Dong Ding Dong "Ugh fine!" Called out Sasuke annoyed. He got up and walked to the door.

When he opened it he was surprised to see Hyuga Hinata standing in front of him. Sasuke had very little communication with the female Hyuga and when they did speak it was small talk at best and was always in the presents of her cousin Neji. She was a really beautiful girl with long black hair, snow-white skin, and the inherited Hyuga pale purple eyes.

"H-hi Naruto-kun." Said the tiny Hyuga girl in a soft voice.

"Hi …Hy…uh Hinata…chan?" Sasuke mumbled. He wasn't use addressing her so formal.

Hinata smiled shyly, "Um I-I heard about w-what happened today so I c-came to see if your alright."

"Yes I'm feeling much better thank you."

"I'm so glad. I was really worried." Hinata said in pure relief. "Oh um s-since you couldn't have at lunch with us I-I saved you some cookies." Hinata blushed as she nervously handed Sasuke a small bag full of the baked goods.

"Uh thanks. Did your chef bake these?"

Hinata looked at him in confusion. "Um n-no. Y-you know I love to bake a-and you kept saying how much you liked the cookies I made at the school festival last month, s-so I just thought you'd like some." Hinata blushed deepened.

"Oh yeah sorry I forgot I'm kind of out of it today."

The small Hyuga blushed and smiled shyly, "T-that's ok I'm just so glad your feeling better. Um well I-I guess I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah and thanks again." Hinata blushed deep red and smiled cutely. She walked back to the limo that was waiting for her.

Sasuke raised a sleek eyebrow. "Tsk the dobe has someone as cute as her and he waste time with the likes of Haruno. What an idiot."


"Um Sasuke-kun are you sure you can drive me home?" Asked Sakura unsure.

"Of course. Why?"

"Um well we've been sitting in the drive way for 15 minutes."

It was true they had been sitting there for some time now. At first Naruto thought driving would be easy. But once they got into the Jaguar there was a stick shift and tons of fancy buttons. Naruto wasn't sure what they did and tried to make sure he didn't hit anything on accident.

"Uh yeah sorry I haven't driven this in a while." Naruto said nervously.

"Oh ok. Um why don't you turn on the engine and maybe you'll remember?"

A sweat drop fell in the back of Naruto's head. "Yeah um the engine. It's this button right?"

A sweat drop fell from the back of Sakura's head. "Uh Sasuke you need to put the key in and turn it to start the engine."

"R-right." Naruto gulped. He nervously put the key in the ignition. Sakura could see his nervousness as she reached out to touch his hand.

"You know Sasuke-kun if your nervous I know how to relax you." She blushed.

5:00 P.M. Naruto's House

Iruka and Kakashi just got home from work. Kakashi was sitting at the dinner table grading papers while Iruka was in the kitchen making dinner.

Sasuke was in the living room doing Naruto's homework. Sasuke was done in 5 minutes. He looked over the answers. He smirked when he got all the questions correct but he quickly erased most of the answers to make them wrong. After all he didn't want anyone getting suspicious over the dobe suddenly becoming a genius.

"Naru can you come in here please?" Called out Iruka from the kitchen.


"…Naruto?" Iruka called again.


"Naru. Your mothers calling you." Said Kakashi.

"Huh? Oh you're calling me?" Mumbled Sasuke for a moment forgot who he was suppose to be.

The older couple gave their son a curious look, but Iruka shrugged it off. "Sorry to bother you, but I forgot to get eggs. Do you think you can go to the store to buy some?"

"Uh sure."

Iruka smiled as he reached into his wallet and gave the Uchiha a small amount of money.

"So where am I going?"

"You can just go to the convenient store across the road." Answered Iruka.

Sasuke felt a sweat drop in the back of his head. "W-which store?"

Naruto's parents once again had their eyes on the Uchiha. "The one on the left. You know you just go all the way down till you get the stop light and you use the cross walk to get to the store." Answered Kakashi.

"R-right." Said Sasuke as he walked out the door.

Kakashi turned to his husband, "… How hard did you say he hit his head?"


Sasuke walked out of the little convenient store and was making his way back to the cross walk. Before reaching the light, he suddenly heard a sound he was all too familiar with. A group of girls were giggling, squealing, and swooning. "OMG! He's so handsome." One girl whispered. "I wonder where he goes to school, I hope it's around here." Squealed another.

"What the hell is he doing here?" He thought annoyed. He fallowed where the girls were glancing at and sure enough there he was, his own reflection walking to the crosswalk.

Sasuke quickly ran to catch up to Naruto and his body. Once he was close enough he grabbed his pale arm.

"Hey wha- …Oh h-hey Sa-Sasuke." Naruto said nervously.

Sasuke's eye twitched. "Dobe what are you doing here?"

Naruto suddenly became very nervous. "Oh um n-no reason. I-I just came to …get something from that store."

"This store?"

"Y-yeah that store." Naruto pointed to the convenient store Sasuke was just in.

"You came all the way here to get something from this store even though there are tons of them all over the city?"

"Yeah just like I said." Naruto glanced to his left. He looked very guilty about something.

"What did you come to get?"

"N-non of your business teme." Naruto tried to sound annoyed but his voice came out nervous.

Sasuke noticed the small glance's Naruto was making towards the way he just came from. "Dobe let's take a walk."

"S-sure. Where?"

"This way." Sasuke pointed to the left.

Naruto's eyes became big. "Uh you know this way is better we can go to the park." The blond pointed in the opposite direction.

Sasuke rolled his eyes. "Dobe what are you hiding?"

"N-nothing. I-I'm not hiding a-anything." Naruto laughed nervously.

"Dobe you suck at lying. Let's go." Sasuke headed in the direction Naruto seemed to dread.

Naruto gulped and silently prayed that it was still not out in the opening.


Konha Auto Repair Shop

"…WHAT…THE…FUCK!?" Sasuke yelled.

"L-look I-I know it looks bad b-but they say it can be fixed by Friday." Naruto smiled very nervously.

"You fucking wrecked my damn car!" Sasuke yelled while looking at the completely destroyed front of his Jaguar.

"O-oi it wasn't my fault. Even Sakura-chan said that tree came out of nowhere."

"Sakura? Sakura Haruno!? You had her in my car!?"

"Y-yes I was giving her a ride to her house. Jeez calm down, it's no big deal!"

Sasuke turned and glared daggers at Naruto. Looking at him he noticed something on his neck. Was it a bruise? No. It was red but not dark. A bug bite? No, it was too big to be one. It was weird because it almost did look like a bite but from a person.

…Sasuke's eyes became wide in realization. "What did you and Haruno do!?"

"The hell are you so angry about? I just told you I took her home."

"Then what the hell is that?" Sasuke reached up the collar of the shirt and pulled it down showing the little red mark.

"O-oh that uh I-I have no idea." Naruto said innocently.

Sasuke glared at the blond. A sweat drop fell in the back of Naruto's head. After a while Naruto became un-comfortable by Sasuke's glare. "O-oi don't be mad o-ok but we sorta m-made out." He said bashfully.

Sasuke's anger flared up. "You are a fucking idiot! If you want to make out with her that's fine but don't use my body to do it. Fuck what if she has Mono!" (Mono: kissing disease)

"Fuck you Sasuke! She's a good girl she's never been with anyone, I'm her first kiss!"

"Tsk whatever just stay away from her! Ugh Dammit now I'll never get rid of her. She was fucking annoying before now it'll be worse!"

"Oi don't talk about my girlfriend like that asshole!"

"…What?" Asked Sasuke as he glared.

Naruto gulped, "Y-you heard me! She-she's my girlfriend a-and you better not say anything bad a-about …her." Naruto said timidly.

The Uchiha placed a tan hand on his head feeling a headache coming. "Dobe please tell me your not that stupid. She thinks I'm dating her not you!"

"W-well yeah that's true but she told me how much she likes my personality. S-so she really does like me!"

"Dobe she doesn't care about personality. She cares about looks and money. Break up with her now!"


Sasuke clenched his hand into a fist. "Break up with her or you will regret it."

Naruto shivered, Sasuke had a really scary way of making his voice sound super creepy and threatening. However Naruto ignored the fear.

"N-no I-I won't!"

"…You are going to be sorry. Dobe I will make you miserable. When we get our bodies back believe me I will ruin you. There is no way Haruno will want anything to do with you than. You are no one and I will make sure to remind you of that everyday for the rest our high school lives." Sasuke threatened.

Naruto felt a cold shiver run down his spine and was quickly fallowed by a warm heat that flew through out his body. "Y-you can't do anything! Your right! I am a nobody but guess what dobe your in my body! For another 29 days you are nobody! You can't do shit to make me scared of you. You don't have money to buy things the way you want it anymore! You smaller than me now, you can't physically hurt me!" Naruto almost laughed. "I don't know why I was so scared of you before. Everything you ever threw in face, I get to flaunt in your face now." Naruto let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. Saying all that had always been a dream of his and it damn well felt good.

Naruto looked down at his reflection and once again started to feel fear seething into him. How was it possible that Sasuke could put out that much negative energy to still make him feel nervous.

"Dobe even in your tiny pathetic body I can still ruin you." Sasuke said almost as a statement and not the threat it was.

"Y-you heard me Do-dobe! You can't do anything about this. If you even try to mess with me and Sakura I am going to… uh."

"Going to what? Like you said I'm nobody what can you do to a nobody?"

Naruto felt another shiver. "L-look teme just let me enjoy this. A-and I'll leave you alone and promise to never wish for anything like this again. Lets just live as each other peacefully and the 29 days will be over before you know it. W-what do you s-say?"

Naruto gulped, even though Sasuke was not showing it, Naruto could tell the Uchiha was beyond pissed. "Dobe you may have my body, my money, and name but you will never be me. I swear if you don't cut the bullshit now I can and will make your life hell."

Naruto frowned "Yeah whatever teme! I'm tired of your bulling and buying your way through crap. I don't care! For the next 29 days I'm Sasuke Uchiha and you can't change that till the next full moon!" Naruto stated.

"…Your right about that. Have a nice day at school tomorrow dobe." Sasuke said.

"Damn straight I will!" Naruto mumbled.

They both walked their separate of course not before flipping each other off.

I meant for the end to be a little more funny/goofy but it ended a little on the tenser side. Well anyways I'm just happy I finally finished this chapter.

I sincerely apologies for making the readers wait for the continuation of this story. For the past couple of years I just had no drive or inspiration to keep writing but I finally got my drive back and I know where I want to go with this story.

I am planning to keep updating this story this year. I already have the next chapter halfway done and plan to release sometime next week. I 110% mean it this time.

Please let me know what you think of the story and please continue to bare with me.

Thank you so much for reading.