A/N: okay guys I'm saying this whenever I remember to put it in I IN NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM OWN OR WILL CLAIM TO OWN NARUTO EVER okay with that out o cheesy way,chave fun reading and please review and tell me what you think I should do in fanfic ok? As of right now I have no clue who I'm putting with you, I plan on letting that take care of itself as the story goes on I suppose. Enough of my long intro, enjoy!

{story start}

Rovi sat in her room, once again, alone on a Friday night. It didn't bother her much, she had few friends and even fewer relationships. She was currently busy checking what was going on in naruto, the one thing that kept her from being completely insane.

"Maybe I should call my friends and see if they want to come watch Naruto with me... But why? It's not like I have any friends..." Rovi told herself quietly. A little voice in her head replied.

"Yes you don't have friends, but you do have me. Isn't that a comfort?"

Rovi sighed. She knew voices were bad, but she only thought of the voice as her inner self, what she really felt. Of course sometimes it got her in way too much trouble for it to be her thoughts, but it kept her from thinking she was skitzophrenic.

She stated at her computer in utter confusion. Sasuke and some guy who looked like he was wearing a mask was fighting someone who looked like Kabuto. She raised an eyebrow at how it turned out. The last she saw of it Naruto was defending Konoha from the Akatsuki.

"Fuck you to Kishimoto... Way to make all my dreams fall to pieces... I bet I could make this story turn out so much better... The only way for that would be for me to go there, and even I know that's not possible." Rovi put her computer to sleep and stared at the blank screen.

She didn't want to think of all the things that would make her head hurt, so she got ready for bed and turned on Three Days Grace. So far it was the only music that kept her from letting go and surrendering to the darkness in her mind.

As she drifted to sleep she thought of how it wasn't always like this. There used to be a time of peace.

_ Dream _

The forts thing that registered in Rovi's mind was that the room she was in was sterile. The walls were white. There were surgical tools on a counter to her left. There was a door in front of her. She was tied down to a table.

The door opened to reveal someone she recognized immediately. Orochimaru, the snake-sannin. He met her eyes with amusement.

"I see you're awake. Just in time for the operation, I assume. Excited? I would be. How I wish I could operate on myself. Alas I cannot. You will have to do. I have a special treatment for you. You are from a different reality. Ah yes, the confusion sets in."

Rovi stared at the pale black haired man. What the hell is going? She can't be in the Naruto world, that's just... Impossible.

She was brought back to the present with his next words. "After this operation, you may feel confused. You won't feel like yourself. You may even have a different personality. I doubt the skitzophrenia will go away though. You may even have a different personality for only you to deal with" By now Orochimaru was wearing a sadistic smile. As he was talking, the corners of his mouth rose, until most of his teeth were showing. His snake like eyes bore into Rovi. It was as if we was viewing her very soul.

"What are you a pussy? You can't let this guy get to you!"

"I take it you're ready for your new self? Either way, it's too late."

"Give in to the darkness. I can help you. The only way you will survive is if you give in."

Rovi stared as Orochimaru grabbed a rather jagged and rusty looking saw and turned back to her.

"Just give in! I'm the only way you'll live. I am the darkness you've resisted for so long."

Rovi's vision began to flash. She could feel no pain, yet she knew it was there. It had always been there, just past her consciousness.

"Snap out of it! Let me take care of it. You will survive. You might even see the world in a whole new way."

Rovi was finding it hard to hold on. Her whole body was going numb, and she felt as if she needed a long rest.

"I suppose... You can take over... For a while..."

Her vision went black, the truest black there could be.

_ Was it a dream? I think not _

Pitter pat pitter. Pit pat. Rovi opened her eyes. She was laying under a tree, which created a canopy above her head. She couldn't remember how she got there.

"Why does my whole body hurt? I don't remember exercising lately... Sleep walk? No I would have fallen..."

"Hey listen to me! You need to find people, soon. You just got operated on. Trust me"

"What the hell?" Rovi hit her head with her hand a couple times. Silence. "Much better." Rovi examined her surroundings again. It was no longer raining, so they sky must be clear. She quickly decided to head off towards what seemed to be a trial. Best to start off somewhere neh?

From the trees the masked man was easily able to see the girl. Average size for someone her age. Of course he was guessing she was about 15. Black hair to the waist. Turtle neck, best and cargo pants. Nothing out of the ordinary. At least it seemed that way.

Kakashi had been watching the girl since he spotted her a few hours ago. Then she was covered in cuts and bruises. Now she was completely healed. If you call that normal, then you must need medication. Loads of it.

Kakashi quietly tracked the girl. He still didn't know her name, but from what he could tell, she was not a ninja by any means. She almost fell several times so far, and did a few times.

Kakashi felt an enemy's prescence nearby, and quickly jumped in front of the girl, just in time.

The fighting started so suddenly, Rovi nearly flew ten feet. There was suddenly a silver haired, masked man in front of her, who deflected several... Flying knives? No, kunai! The word suddenly came to her and she quickly grabbed several of them in a flash. The masked man looked at her in surprise.

"Behind you!" Rovi yelled at him, causing him to turn around abruptly, and he started to fend the other... Ninjas? Yeah they must be ninjas, Rovi thought to herself. Gripping the kunai she snatched she began to chuck them at the ninja trying to hurt? No it was bloodlust she felt from them.

"Listen to me please! That mans name is Kakashi. He's on your side, so don't hurt him. Try and fend off the ninjas, he won't let you get hurt." A storage voice was in Rovi's head. 'Who are you? Why are you in my head?' Rovi questioned the voice while dodging the attacks. The man who was apparently named, 'Kakashi' did seem to be helping her, do she tried to keep out of her way.

"I guess you could call me your guardian angel, although I don't know god. Just do as I say. I'm your head right? I don't want you hurt since I am you."

'Fine. Can you please be quiet so I can focus on not dying?"

Rovi's head was suddenly quiet. Whoever it was was gone. Rovi blocked an attack from one of the other ninjas, and he flew back a few feet, which gave her just enough time to chuck the kunai at him. She clenched her eyes as it left her fingers. When she opened her eyes, it had pierced right where his heart was, and was several inches in.

Rovi's eyes widened in fear. She just killed someone. It was I'm self defense, so it must be justified. Rovi stared at her hands, and was certain she saw blood on them. Covering them. His blood. It took her a while to notice the man was looking at her, waiting for her to move.

Rovi fell to her knees. 'Whoever you are in my head, exactly who are you? What did you do to me? I would never kill someone. Yet when you appear, I kill someone.'

"I don't know how to explain it to you. I barely understand it either. I can tell you one thing. You aren't who you think you are. Neither am I. I used to be you- I mean you weren't real until I slept last night. Blame the bastard Orochimaru." The inner voice replied.

After the voice was finished, visions flashed through Rovi's mind. Images of a black haired man, cutting into her. Her body became numb again. Her vision was flashing again.

"Damn you... Orochimaru...

Kakashi stared at the girl. She just... Fell forward. Like a doll. Her last words were about Orochimaru. Does this mean she's his experiment? If it does she needs to get to Konoha as soon a possible.

A/N: okay guys there's the first chapter IM SORRY IT WAS SO DEPRESSING! I promise to make it better if I get reviews... Soon I function off reviews THEY ARE MY FOOD AND SOURCE OF LIFE! Just kidding guys =^.^= but please do review, I would like to know what you think if you have the time.