I don't own Merlin. (notice I didn't say anything about Arthur ;) However, I'm not Gwen or Merlin, so I don't)

This is sort of a companion to the Prat and the Idiot.

Arthur stared at Merlin as suddenly it all clicked. All of those beasts Gaius said couldn't be taken out except with the use of magic. All of those tree branches just happening to fall conveniently on the bandits. The peculiarly poor craftsmanship of the chains holding chandeliers above his enemies these days. The light in the caves. Flashes of gold...

A memory flashed through his head as he stared at the Idiot, his manservant. All of these years, and he was...

"...less than that..." He remembered Merlin saying.

More than that. Arthur realized. Merlin was more than that.

And yeah, this meant admitting that Merlin was right. He could take Arthur down with less than that.

Arthur stared.

Best Friend, Emrys, Warlock, Manservant, Advisor, Physician, Brother, and so much more than that.

Arthur felt his pinky twitch. It was a habit he would never lose. "less than that" It reminded him.

Morgana raised her hand to cast a spell and Arthur smirked.

"Less than that."