Well, I have no words or excuses to tell you why I disappeared for YEARS besides being lazy and losing some of my creativity to video games. Hah.

Good News, I will be continue this story. YAY! More KagomexHoney for the souls :D!

Bad News, I'l be giving this story a complete over haul and remaking the plot since I'm now older and wiser now.

I seriously face palmed making Kagame into a demon instead of a regular human those 3 years ago!

Oh, Youth! ^u^

I'm sorry to you all who I neglected by abandoning this story :(. Don't worry! I'll be back for you guys to throw tomatoes at me :D *gets out umbrella.

The plot and the pairing will stay the same. But I will be remaking Kagome so she won't be too OOC and not well...a complete bish.

Maybe little bish here and there, but not complete though.

I will be looking for another beta because I can sometime abuse the english language from time to time because I suck at typing .

I will probably delete this story are mark it as "complete". IDK :l

Just don't give up on this story! I will complete this!

Until then,
