I don't own Naruto in any way, shape or form. Just a fan of the series.

READ IMPORTANT!: In my previous chapters I talk about a poll on whether the story should be made into a second part/story. Me being the idiot that I am forgot you had to put the poll on the profile button. -.- Not one of my brightest moments but, its on my profile so I would like some feedback if ya'll please, as Aveser would say.

Yeah, it's been a while. Sorry. *shrug* I got a lot of stuff going on. However, summer is on its way and hopefully the conclusion of the story will happen then. Enjoy, read and review always! Yours truly ~Nonumaru


From the previous chapter: 'Dis is how it goes Naru-buddy, plain and simple. Kisho is your old pal Sasuke Uchiha, but in disguise.'

"What the hell?!"

Naruto covered his face with his hands, clearly distressed. 'H-how is that even possible?' He looked up into the empty space with sorrowful eyes. The sound of water pounding down from the shower was now haunting him. 'Why would he come here and pretend to be friends with us? It doesn't make any sense!' the blond exclaimed to himself, pounding his fist on the coffee table.

'Inner turmoil!' Aveser mocked. His tails were waving around like rapidly flailing arms.

The knucklehead sighed, 'Let's think this out rationally. Even if you were right, wouldn't Kiba-'

'Rational my arse kid! Yer the farthest thing from rational.'

Naruto let out a huff at being rudely interrupted. 'You aren't helping dammit! Geez! Just let me say something for once okay? I have a question.' Aveser rolled his eyes but waited. He continued, 'So, wouldn't Kiba have noticed Sasuke's scent already? I mean, how can it just be covered up by the clothes that person is wearing. Also, why did you just decide to tell me now? This is important information. We met the so called Kisho long ago, why didn't you notice then?'

The ten-tailed beast sighed. 'Ya ask me so many questions I get jus tired of thinkin' about answering them. Ta answer the first one, there was no way dat Kiba could've noticed it was Sasuke. Reason bein' that Sasuke as a person has changed. When people change emotionally, the whole ora around dem changes as well. This is to account for a significant experience. Derfore, they may look same on the inside, but to us animals they smell a lot different. You get my drift so far?'

Naruto put his hand on his chin in deep thought. 'Yeah. So that must mean Sasuke has changed. All I wish is that it is for the better.'

Aveser nodded. 'Same here kiddo. Now, ta answer yer second question, I didn't tell ya before because I was worried I might be wrong. Remember, I haven't known Sasuke as long as ya have. I only know from what my fella beasts' experiences are, and even they're kinda fuzzy. I didn't wanna tell ya until I was exactly sure.'

The blond smiled. He brought his knees up to his chest on the chair, saying aloud, "I guess the blame is off of you then now huh?"

Naruto was so immersed his thoughts that he didn't notice the door open to bare Sasuke walking in. He was fully dressed and quite confused at all the interesting faces the guy was making to himself. 'It is almost like he is talking to someone…' Sasuke thought. 'Or at least himself for that matter.' To make it a little less awkward, Sasuke cleared his throat and averted his eyes.

The knucklehead's eyes looked up instantly. It was a look of absolute attention and slight fear. This did not go unnoticed by the Uchiha. "Oh Kisho! I didn't see you there! That was an awful quick shower." He chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his head.

Sasuke quirked an eyebrow but didn't mention the strange behavior. "Yeah… it was only ten minutes but-"

A loud laugh much like one of a dying parakeet bounded off the walls of the room. "Geez Kisho, you are such a girl! You even explain like one!" The raven strode over and gave Naruto strongest pat on the back in the history of back pats. "What the hell! That ain't even fair, you so infused that with chakra."

Sasuke flipped his hair to the side and stated calmly, "Oh don't be such a girl. That was nothing."

The blond deadpanned. "I will murder you."


All she could see of him was a silhouette, which was it, no more. Whoever he was appeared smartly dressed in a suit that contrasted with his seemingly spiky hair. Hanabi quirked an eyebrow. He didn't look too much taller than her. Many of these thoughts swam through her head as she contemplated who this blind date could be.

Suddenly, a warm comforting hand clamped on her shoulder. When she looked up, she saw it was Temari smoking yet another cigar. The long thin tendrils of smoke made their way up into the air, twirling themselves around the two girls before disappearing into the atmosphere. Ten-ten stood right beside the sand ninja, a kind smile on her features.

"Temari, what are you doing here?" the young Hyuuga asked, perplexed.

"Eeehh, I happened to pass through the area and noticed a very nervous looking girl biting on her fingernails. I don't think I've ever seen anyone as nervous as you since the last chunin exams girly." Temari bent down to take a drag of her cigar on the walkway; she continued, "You have to chill honey."

Hanabi peered down. Sure enough, her newly painted fingernails were being murdered.

"You could've been less blunt Temari." While the sand ninja rolled her eyes the weapons master added, "However, the message is still the same from me. Hold your head high; you have nothing to be afraid of. Whoever this is has got to be at least a little bit attractive. I mean, this is Tsunade we're talking about here."

Hanabi raised her eyebrows. "You have a point."

Before her eyes the boy walked closer. It was seen that he too had escorts. In the distance she could finally make out a mop of brown hair, a scarf, a dog and blur of pink.


"Whoa… is that seriously Hanabi? Wow! You look totally different."

Kita smirked at their realization. Sakura just smiled, crossing her arms in satisfaction. As the newfound couple began to talk and walk off together towards the cafeteria, the escorts all gave a collective sigh of relief. Kiba laughed, "I guess that did the trick huh?"

Temari snorted, "That more than did the flipping trick! Did you see that kid's face when he saw her!"

The group of four walked off into the sunset. Each laughed here and there as the trudged off in the direction of the horizon. It was only three days until they all had to leave the sanctuary of camp.


1) During this chapter I listened to So Listen by Cody Simpson ft. T-Pain, The Way by Ariana Grande ft. Mac Miller, and Lovestruck by Breathe Electric.

2) Okay people, I know Neji is dead. But this isn't going to follow the same plot. I started this in summer for god sakes don't judge me! XD

3) *overexaggerated gasp* They might get married! JK! But, I hope you guys aren't dissappointed with my choice for Hanabi's date.