Title: Her Future King

Author: RomaMarufixx

Rating: T

Pairing: Fem! Merlin/Arthur

Summary: Princess Merlin's kingdom is falling, after her father's death her kingdom needs a king and King Uther makes her an offer she must accept. Fem! Merlin/Arthur, Royal! Merlin. For Sherlockedholmes.

Word count: 1,721

Disclaimer: Merlin belongs to the BBC.

A.N – For the amazing Sherlockedholmes. 178 Reviews, 31,000+ views, 111 favourites and 201 alerts! Thank you so much, seriously every time I update there are so many more reviews, favourites, alerts and views!

STORY REQUESTS – I'm still taking them, see my profile for more details, PM me, It doesn't have to be Merlin, thank you! :)

A month had past since Leon and Anna's marriage as well as their crowning of King and Queen of Cambia. They had moved there just a few days after, after collecting their things together. Merlin and Arthur knew it would take time for them to fit into their new titles, as they were not born into the lifestyle, but Merlin and Arthur had told them they were there for them when needed and they had their council in Cambia if there was anything they were unsure of.

The people of Cambia had been shocked at first that their King and Queen were handing over the kingdom to a noble man and a peasant girl, but the shock soon disappeared as King Leon and Queen Anna showed how ready they were to rule the kingdom, and they were doing very well, Arthur and Merlin were proud of them.

Merlin slipped on her nightdress and slipped under the covers to her and Arthur's large bed and blew out the candle on the table on her side of the bed, a dim light still lighting up the room from Arthur's side of the bed.

Arthur was up late, talking to his council, and Merlin had gone to visit Gaius, the court physician, before retiring to bed without her husband for the first time in over a month. Merlin knew some of the things the council would be discussing with Arthur, like Leon and Anna and other things to do with Cambia and also a fact which the council kept bringing up, despite Merlin and Arthur still being newly weds. Heirs.

Merlin rolled her eyes at that, she wanted children, of course she did, but not because her council told her too, but because she wanted to, and Arthur, they wanted to become parents. But because it was their choice and not because her council told her too.

Although, she was pretty sure she was most likely pregnant right now, or was going to be soon with her and Arthur's active sex life. She didn't mind getting pregnant this quickly, it meant plenty of time to have even more babies, and Merlin wanted a big family, she wasn't sure if Arthur wanted this as well though, she would have to talk to him about it.

Ever since she was a little girl she wanted to have a big family, maybe because she was an only child, but all she knew was that when she started a family, it was going to be a big family. Arthur was an only child, so maybe he wanted to same thing.

Arthur came through the bedroom doors only about half an hour before Merlin had tried to get to sleep, she could hear him close the door as quietly as he could and them de-clothe and get into his night clothes. He blew out his candle and the room went into darkness. She felt him crawl into the bed beside her and cuddle up to her.

"Arthur?" she whispered.

"Merlin?" he asked surprised that she was awake. "What are you still doing awake? You should be asleep."

"I've been trying to sleep, but I can't."

"Why not? Nightmares?"

"No, just something on my mind." she said.

"What, what's on your mind?" Arthur asked. There was a minute of silence between the two before Merlin spoke.

"Just...do the council want us to start having heirs?" the question surprised Arthur, although he had been waiting for her to ask something like this as it had been brought up in nearly every council meeting thy had, had in the past month.

"They've wanted us to start having heirs for the past month, but I've told them we can't control when we conceive, we don't have 100% control over our body and that we've only been married a short time, maybe we want to enjoy the married life before we start having children." he explained.

"I do want to children, I want to have a lot of children, and maybe having them early is a good idea, but I want to have them because we both are ready for them and want them." Arthur gripped Merlin's hand and brought her body closer to his.

"I want children too, Merlin, children, at the moment I don't know how many, but more than one, I know growing up an only child is no fun, the closest thing I had to a sibling was Morgana."

"I didn't even have that, and I don't want my child to be alone, which is why I want more than one, more than two if you want to as well." she said, brushing his lips against her husbands, who reached up and kissed them.

"I do want children, like I said I don't know how many, but two at the least, question is when do you want to have them?"

"When do you want to have them?" Merlin echoed back at him.

"Merlin, you're going to have to carry the child around for nine months and then give birth to it, question is, when are you ready to go through that."

"Now." was Merlin's simple answer and Arthur grinned.



"Well that settles it then, we're going to have a baby." Merlin grinned and rolled over so she was lying on Arthur and kissed him.

It had only taken them another two months to conceive a child and the baby was due around the same time as their first wedding anniversary. As soon as Merlin had reached three months, it was safe to announce she was pregnant and the kingdom was very happy, Leon and Anna had rode in from Cambia to congratulate them, and had decided to stay a week, it had been a long time since they had seen them.

Around the time she hit three months was the time she developed a bump and it got bigger every week and she was glowing in happiness and her own magic. She couldn't wait to be a mother, and she made every precaution to make sure her and her baby remained healthy and out of harm's way and she did everything she could to make sure her pregnancy went well and by the time her ninth month came around she was ready to give birth.

It was painful, but she had been told that by the older servants who had their own families, and some had grandchildren. There was a lot of noise, pain and blood but she went through with it for the next seven hours, which Gaius had told her was actually a very quick labour, but that could have been due to the fact that she'd used her magic to get rid of a lot of the pain and to make it easier for her.

Arthur had been with her every step of the way, also making sure this went okay, threatening everything and everyone that got in the way of her and the baby's safety, although luckily, he had no need to threaten anyone. He was there at the labour and worried, like a normal husband would if his wife was in pain. He also worried because this was how he lost his mother, but he knew Merlin was strong and that she could pull through this and she did and he now had a child, a little daughter.

A daughter.

A daughter to any other king would be seen as okay, but not brilliant, because men would always want sons to take other their thrones and kingdoms but Arthur would just be happy with a healthy child, which he had. A healthy baby girl.

"What do you want to call her?" Merlin asked, Arthur looked at her, wanting to argue that she should name the baby, but he didn't want to start an argument with her after all she had been through.

"Hunith." he said and Merlin felt tears well up in her eyes and catch in her throat as she spoke.

"Hunith Ygraine Pendragon." she finished for him and they shared a kiss looking down at the tiny little infant with light blue eyes and the tiniest scruff of light brown hair on top of her pale head.

"She's beautiful." Arthur said and Merlin nodded in agreement. "Are you sure you want to go through this again, for another child?"

"Arthur, I would go through this again for ten more children." she grinned and Arthur moved closer to her to kiss her and then they just laid there watching as their daughter stared up at them, amazement in her eyes which made both parents grin.

Merlin was so amazed by all that had happened in the past year. Her taking up the offer by Uther to marry his only son and heir, Arthur. Meeting Arthur for the first time, getting to know Arthur, falling in love with him but then being denied so because of her magic. Her and Arthur's first time together and then them running away to Cambia together.

Their marriage and crowning of Arthur as king of Cambia, the most beautiful and wonderful day in Merlin's life, well, that was until now, they were both very beautiful and wonderful moments. Arthur having to return to Camelot and being arrested by his own father because he had married the woman he loved, but then a close friend breaking him out and taking him back to Cambia and being reunited with his lover, whom he was now married to and ruling a kingdom beside.

The war beginning, the war ending, Uther's death, the title of King of Camelot being passed onto Arthur and the titled of Queen of Camelot being Merlin's. There was the aftermath of the war and passing on the title of King and Queen of Camelot over to there close friends Sir Leon and Lady Anna, after they had looked after Camelot for a while and just after they had gotten married.

And now Merlin and Arthur had a child of their own, and were planning to have others. They were living the perfect life, and it would continue to be perfect until it was their turn to go to Avalon. And it was all because Merlin decided to say yes to marrying a man she hadn't even seen before.

The End.

A.N/ Wow, It's the end...I can't believe it. I hope you all enjoyed the story and it's ending, thank you for all my readers, new and old, to everyone who stuck by since the beginning, almost a year or so...thank you for the fav's and the alerts! This has been my most successful and one of my favourite stories! - Roma, x