Hey ya'll! In an effort to make my summer productive, I'm updating all my stories this week. That, and I want to start another story, but I would feel bad if I did that and ignored my other stories. So I'd like to give a shoutout to InvisibleNinja1234 for giving me this idea. And a reminder that if you give me a prompt, I'll write a story about it. Anywho, here's the story!

Disclaimer: I don't own Young Justice.

Prompt: Hyper Robin

Robin walked away from the zeta tube he had just come from. He was super tired because he and Batman had taken down Joker AGAIN, but they had all promised to meet at the cave tonight for a movie night. No one was in the living room. The kitchen maybe? Robin walked in. No one was there either, but there was a bag of chocolates on the counter. "These must be Megan's. I'm sure she won't mind if I have a few," Robin thought. He grabbed a handful of the candy and popped them in his mouth. Chewing, he walked back into the living room, where he found the rest of the team.

"Hey, guys," Robin said.

"Where were you man? We nearly started without you!" Wally replied.

"Joker," was Robin's one word answer.

"I'll go get the snacks," Megan said with a smile. Walking into the kitchen, she noticed the open bag on the counter. "I wonder who opened this bag. I meant to return it," she thought. She grabbed the bag off the counter and went back into the living room. "Did anyone eat these chocolates?"

"I did," Robin volunteered.

"Oh no!" Megan exclaimed, her eyes widening.

"What is it Green Cheeks?" Wally asked.

"These chocolates are infused with caffeine. A lot of it. I thought they were normal, so I bought them. I noticed what they were, and I was going to return them, which is why they were out. How many did you eat?"

"A handful," Robin admitted.

"This is really, really bad," Wally commented, right as Robin started bouncing his leg up and down. Pretty soon, Robin was swinging around the room. He went from the back of the couch, to the top of the TV, to the rafters, to Conner's shoulders, to the back of the couch again.

"Not again," Artemis groaned.

"Let's go get the tranquilizer guns," Kaldur sighed. The team trooped off, Robin following, still jumping on the others' shoulders. Wally ran ahead and quickly returned with the gun. He aimed and fired at Robin, and the dart hit Robin in the arm. However, it had no effect on him.

"Why isn't it working?" Megan asked, perplexed.

Wally groaned. "Now I remember. Batman made Robin build up a resistance to tranquilizers. I guess the only thing we can do is wait it out." The team had looks of horror written across their faces. "Relax," Wally said. "All we have to do is lock him in one of the interrogation rooms." Everyone gave sighs of relief, and dutifully followed Wally to the interrogation rooms.

Three Hours Later

"The caffeine should be worn off by now," Wally commented as they headed back towards the room they had locked Robin in. As soon as they unlocked the door, Robin burst out, and jumped onto the rafters. Doing a few turns like the rafters were a set of parallel bars, he landed upside down on Conner's shoulders.

"Hey guys! Miss me!" he said in a blur.

"Batman, 02," the zeta tube announced.

"Oh thank goodness," Artemis exclaimed. Collectively, they ran towards the zeta tube, Robin bouncing up and down on Conner's shoulders.

"Batman, you gotta help us!" Wally shouted. "Robin ate some of those caffeine chocolates!"

Batman stared at them. "Robin is not affected by caffeine," he stated.

"ROBIN!" Artemis shouted.

The person being yelled at flipped onto the ground and let loose his famous chuckle. "Man, I got you guys good!" Then he ran off as Artemis shot arrows from her crossbow at him.

Well InvisibleNinja1234, how'd you like it? I don't think the ending is quite what you had in mind, but I can totally see Robin doing that. Everyone else, tell me how you liked it too!