Otay! I'm back sooner than expected!

Impulse: and I'm here too.

Robin: Get out! This is my story! How did you even get in here?

Impulse: I vibrated through the fourth wall. Any ways, Oomara13 doesn't-

Robin: (pushes Impulse) No you don't! Oomara13 doesn't own anything from D.C.

Impulse: Sadly...

We return to the Team just as they were finishing their movie. Their battle with the boy wonder had already left them tired, so most all of them fell asleep halfway through the movie. The only one of them who was semi-concious was Wally, and even he was starting to go cross-eyed. Finally, he stretched, yawned, and fell asleep.

The second that Wally closed his eyes Robin, as an extra precaution, lobbed a knock-out gas pellet into the center of the room. Satisfied that nobody would wake up in the middle of his mischeif, Robin set to work.

About an hour later Artemis woke up. Tied up. Upside down. Hanging from the rafters in the gym. After much flailing around and general panicking, Artemis realized that there was only one person devious enough to come up with something like this. Robin.

"I am going to roll that boy in meat and feed him to the lions when i get down from here..." Artemis seethed as she worked at her bonds.

All at once, Artemis pulled on the right peice of... was that ribbon?... and it all unraveled. Stifling a screech, Artemis managed to grab onto a long peice before she fell to her doom on the concrete floor below. Sliding down the ribbon, she landed on the floor. Next to her feet was her bow and quiver. Next to it was a small note that read:

Hey Arty,
Come and find me!

Smiling at the challenge, Artemis pulled her quiver on over her shoulder and went to go find the little weasel.

Wally awoke tied to a chair in the kitchen. Thinking that Robin didn't give him much of a challenge, Wally started wriggling against his bonds. After ten minutes of fruitless thrashing, KF decided to try and phase through the ribbon. He was actually making good progress, until the ribbon caught fire from the friction.

He squealed like a little girl.

Thankfully, because the ribbon was, well, ribbon, it burned out quickly without scalding Wally too bad. Wally breathed a sigh of releif and slumped back in his chair. Finally, he noticed a piece of chocolate cake on the counter. A note next to it said:

Hey! yeah! you!
I know where M'gann hid
the rest of the cake!

Not one to pass up such a blatant challenge, especially one that involved cake, Wally ate his piece and then sped off to find Robin.

Superboy awoke in the living room, just laying there on the couch. As he sat up, he glanced around the room. Seeing nothing too out of the ordinary, he stood and walked over to the door, about to leave.

Upon seeing his reflection in the polished door, Connor realized something. He was shirtless. A sticky note was attached to the door.

Hey Con,
Try and guess where I hid your shirt!


Normally, Superboy wouldn't have really cared, but Robin had been a little too annoying today for him to pass up the chance to hang him from the rafters and feed him to Wolf. Plus, he really liked that shirt.

Miss Martian awoke in her room. Not too much was actually different in her room (although it was hard to tell, it changed so much). A sticky note on her door told her that Robin would help M'gann bake cookies if she could find him. Smiling, Megan drifted down the hall.

Aqualad came to in the pool. No tricks, no bells, no whistles, just in the pool. It was outside the pool you had to watch out for.

Walking up the stairs to floor level, Aqualad sighed. This was going to take all day, wasn't it.

Suddenly, Aqualad was ripped from his thoughts when he slipped on something. Landing hard on his backside, Kaldur realized that the floor surrounding the pool was covered in Robin's marble thingys.

Running out of patience, and not wanting to give Robin more satisfaction than he already had (because Robin was no doubt watching them), Kaldur crawled on his hands and knees over to the door. A sticky note was stuck to it.

Hey Kal,
hmmm... there's not much I
have to make you come find me...
I'm hiding in the Main room with
your picture of Tula!

By now, Aqualad had developed a slight twitch in his eye. If the pressures of being leader and reporting to Batman didn't cause him to go insane, Robin certainly would.

[1] Sorry if this seems kinda gay. i needed something that would make Connor go and find Robin. I don't do gay-fics.

I knoes... this is kind of a filler chapter... but i don't care.

Impulse: me neither :)

Robin: Kiss up...