Code: KHR-ACG-CH.08.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the featured media, the rights go to their respected owners.

A Childs Grace.


Reborn couldn't keep his usual grace and sophistication as he flopped almost bonelessly to the sofa below him - the one that he had been forced to walk slowly to. Luche was already sat comfortably in the seat opposite to him, between them an empty coffee table and silence.

Luche wasn't too pleased with him - or the situation; dinner had gone done quietly with Tsuna nippling at his food despite his all too apparent hunger, he seemed to struggle with his utensils and weren't holding them right; fisting the knife and fork, holding the knife in the right and the fork in the left - and if they didn't know it, they would have thought he was left-handed, but he put his right-foot first and it was obvious his right side was stronger.

It seemed that he had never been taught.

Then it was the boy's timid demeanor that had Reborn's Sky uneasy, the nervous way about him when he cut into his food; glanced around the table; answered questions without really answering anything - without really speaking.

Tsuna's unkept appearance and obviously false name also didn't do much for Luche's conscious and though she smiled kindly, her voice was warm and didn't so much as glance at either him or Fong for the entirety of the meal it didn't mean that she was at all "okay" with this.

The conversation was...stiff and un-flowing, though Luche did talk and ask questions, engaging the boy as much as possible - with enough skill not to put attention to the fact she was doing it didn't make the boy anymore talkative. Tsuna's voice was...soft, nearly too soft to hear which encouraged the three adults not to talk until Tsuna had finished.

It was near the end; when Luche had served them desert that Tsuna had spoken without prompting; he asked a single tender question that was so tentative and kind-hearted that on Reborn thinking back had him grit his teeth.

'Is the baby healthy?' Luche had looked as taken aback then the two males had ever seen her; not much surprised her after all but she did at that moment before a brilliant smile lit her face and her eyes became motherly.

'Yes, she is very healthy' the Sky wielder replied, watching as chocolate eyes flickered to the swell of the woman's stomach. Luche's orbs once again became unfocused, this being noticed by the two assassins 'She will be welcoming the world soon, maybe you will be around to meet her' there was no uncertainty in her tone which meant she had seen something.

Tsuna had obvious caught something, his gaze becoming curious but simply nodded and went back to his food. It was disappointing that he had not voiced his wonder; it was something children were meant to do after all, not understand and ask questions until they did. It was natural.

Once everything had been eaten and Tsuna's obvious exhaustion had been noticed, Fong had been the one to send him up to the guest room. The three had glanced at each other and had come to a silent decision on who it was to tuck the boy in; Reborn was anything but maternal and Luche had gently refused, wanting to talk to the Sun wielder of their group - Fong was the only one left.

'Are you tried, Little One?' Fong asked gently, placing a hand that seemed so big on the boy's shoulder, the brunet had flinched slightly but had settled, looking up at the man without word before nodding.

'Yes, Signore'

Fong smiled but it didn't reach his eyes as he returned the gesture and pushed his chair back across the wooden floor before helping the boy to his feet and started leading him out of the room 'I'll take you to bed and you can sleep there' he suggested.

'Good night, Bambino' Luche had called, the brunet glancing back just in time for the door to close behind him and see the inclination of Reborn's head

'Alright, Reborn' Luche had started after they had moved into the living room, her steps shot and loud against the floorboards - though that was probably just because she was relaxed and not because of diminishing skill 'I would like an explanation'

It happened a few times now and then; someone in their group doing something to completely stupid and having to own up to their mistake was not easy. It was difficult especially when doing so to Luche. Luche wouldn't let it go until the situation was dealt with and they had "poured their heart out".

It had never been like this before; Reborn had never made a mistake that had cost so much before, so he had never been before her like this until now. It unsettled him slightly but wasn't enough for his composure to crack in front of her.

Reborn swallowed and started to explain, the words weren't as easy coming as he'd like but at this point he was just glad it was coming out at all so continued. His mouth was dry as he glossed over the death of Tsuna's parents and who the child really was; it would do Luche no good in knowing and would probably cause more trouble if she did.

He went onto say how Tsuna had gotten hungry - how he had had nothing in as he had just taken the job and taken the boy out to eat. How that had led to more problems and how meeting Fong was just about the best thing that had happened to him.

Reborn continued to speak about their get away, how they had gotten a few blocks before being cornered in an alleyway and how it was all going wrong - too wrong. How a Mafioso had pointed a gun at his back while he had been fighting to keep his front protected and how he didn't have time enough to stop the man from pulling the trigger.

He remembered just briefly Fong's voice ('REBORN!') - panicked as it had ever been and calling his name because had been careless and distracted and how they both knew he wasn't going to make it in time; they had known that as soon as the Vongola had gone to press the trigger.

The moment Reborn had turned his attention to the gunman was the moment he had tried to move; understanding that how the man was centered - how the gun was positioned would hit him without a question.

The bullet would go straight through his chest, to the right but still hit an artery, he could sense it. But Vongola were trained - this man was trained and Reborn just couldn't move fast enough.

It would kill him within the first three minutes but all he could think about was how he was going to leave Fong in a huge mess - going to leave Tsunayoshi with with him and how Fong would have to face the repercussions to aiding him as he had.

That would never come.

Because just as the gun fired, Tsunayoshi was there.

Of course Reborn felt the child before he saw the boy as he came out of no where; lunging from where he had been pushed aside and knocking Reborn over by the legs. The bullet had flown by them - overhead and had embodied itself into the wall behind.

Reborn didn't mention to Luche how for what felt like an entity, they had stared at each other; ebony and chocolate eyes baring into themselves before the hit-man had uttered 'You just saved my life'

And for Kitten to exclaim at the same time; 'Your still alive!'

'And then you came to me?' Luche concluded, face softer then before and less stern. She could only imagine what it most be like...

Reborn nodded silently 'Should of just handed the kid over but...'

Luche shook her head 'No' he uttered gently 'You were right in not handing... Kitten over when he was so terrified; it wouldn't have done any good but if this famiglia is as antagonist and desperate to get it's hands on him so badly... you will have to hand him over, you do realise that, don't you?'

Reborn snorted 'Of course' the Sky wielder raised an eyebrow 'For the - Luche I've already been in a gun fight over this. Yes I understand!' that perhaps showed more frustration then the hit-man would have liked but he was tired and felt... irritation by the events of the the day - more so then ever before.

Luche signed then and watched with a strained face as Reborn got up to leave 'That boy' she said just when Reborn's hand had clasped the handle to her door 'That boy is something special'

Reborn closed his eyes for a moment - not turning around as he nodded 'I noticed.'

She smiled then, small and not as bright 'In the up coming times you will need each other - you will look to each other...' she paused and Reborn looked over his shoulder, back tense and muscles taut 'That boy will be the one you will go in time of need. Hold on with both hands, Reborn

Reborn knew better then to ask questions about information that Luche did not give freely and simply gave one stiff nod before leaving, head swimming. And to whatever higher power there was, did that mean that the kid would be...around?

Reborn felt aggravated and not for the first time to day, Leon had to calm him down by flickering his forked tongue lightly on his check. He stalked upstairs though he made sure that not a sound came from it.

Upstairs was filled with bedrooms, one that each of them - each from their group had claimed one and no one would enter the others domaine without permission from the other and had just past Skull's, Viper's and Lal's when something caught his attention.

Fong's door was open slightly and in the corner of his eye, he could see Tsunayoshi talking tenderly - quietly and stopped ' -You do?' he heard the end of the sentence and instantly drew him closer 'If... if' he yawned 'it's just money... then why...'

'Some assassins will do it just for the money' Fong's voice replied hesitantly, obviously wondering how to explain this to someone so young or how to clean it up a little 'Those kind of people are usually the most dangerous'

The brunet that had been placed into bed blinked the sleep from his eyes - trying to clear his vision 'W-why?'

'Because, they either have a very - very good reason' Fong stopped, before continuing 'Or they are very greedy and Kitten... greed leads to nothing good'

'G-greed?' Tsunayoshi repeated and Reborn had to force himself not to sigh.

Fong nodded 'Someone whose incredibly selfish'

'An - and that's bad because...' Tsuna trailed so that Fong could fill the blank for him, which he did.

'Because someone whose selfish and greedy can't think about anyone else - and not being able to think about anyone else or caring about anyone is means that they're not healthy to be around. Not safe either'

Tsuna blinked 'O-oh'

Fong ruffled hair and Tsuna tensed 'Let's leave it there for now. You are looking to be very tired, Kitten'

The brunet bit his lip but nodded and after a second or not reached out and grasped hold of Fong's sleeve when Fong had gone to get up 'Will... will you be - will you talk to be tomorrow?'

Reborn felt his eyes narrow at the first unasked question. But he couldn't...could he?... . And watched in silence as Fong nodded, whispering a sweet "Goodnight" before walking away, giving Reborn enough time to step away from the door and out of sight to the boy within the room.

'Reborn.' Fong acknowledged to which said hit-man inclined his head 'Keep up fort, I've still got a mark to scrub clean'

Of course Reborn knew he was talking about the person who had had money placed for their head and simply nodded because there was nothing really to say to that; it was an accident he had gotten in the way of Fong's job but it was also Fong's choice to help in. No apologise needed.

'Come back' Reborn ordered silently, both understanding why as Fong started to walk to the stairwell, long braid swaying behind him and waiter attire long since replaced with his usual clothing.

Kitten would be waiting after all.

And it could be very possible that the cat was already out the bag.

A/N (29/08/13) -

Another long break between chapters, another horrible update so I will repeat what I have said many times before; what is wrong with me? The writing for ACG got a lot easier after the first few times but now it's getting more and more difficult to write for, which means - until I can sting a chapter together for this story - it'll probably be a bit of a disappoint. Sorry about this, I expect myself to do better.

Maybe the next chapter will be better, maybe it won't be. No promises.

Tumblr: ozorawings

-Regrets collect like old friends, here to relive your darkest moments -

I Apologise if there are any mistakes in my spelling/ grammar, or if you find anything I have written offensive.

Thank you to everyone who added 'A Child's Grace' to their favorites/ alerts or who took the time to review, you also have my gratitude for reading.